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Chapter 210: Assembling in a Dream

The biggest difference between dreams and reality is that they are unreasonable.

Even after coming into contact with the magical world, Zheng Qing has seen many unreasonable scenes, but in the dream world, this feeling is particularly prominent. Maybe his front feet are still stepping on a white beach, and his back feet are stepping onto the soft grass all over the mountains and fields;

When you look up, you can see four or five moons of different colors competing in the sky. When you look down, you can see ants waving their tentacles and politely asking you for directions.

Out of caution, Zheng Qing and Fatty ignored the ant asking for directions.

But the dog was very interested in it. He specially formed a clone and stuck out his tongue to lead the way for the ant. He also kindly allowed the ant to stand on the tip of its ear and point the direction in the wind.

After leaving the beach, not far away, two people and a dog appeared on a deep tree-lined road.

There are tall French Paulownia trees on the left and right, their broad leaves rustling in the breeze, and many voyeuristic eyes can be seen between the branches and behind the leaves.

At the end of the boulevard, there is a bench.

Sitting on the chair was a little wizard with a watermelon head and black-rimmed glasses.

It is Dr. Xiao Da, the fortune teller of the Forgiveness Hunting Team.

When Maodou brought Zheng Qing and Fatty to the bench, Xiao Xiao was holding a heavy "Encyclopedia of the Wizarding World" and flipping through it quickly.

"What are you looking for?" Zheng Qing asked curiously while skillfully throwing various detection talisman papers at Xiao Xiao: "Don't you know how to memorize this book? Do you still need to read it?"

The fat man wandered around boredly, pushing aside the bushes on the roadside from time to time and poking his head into the dark shadows, trying to find some interesting scenes in Xiao Xiao's dream.

The dog squatted in front of the bench, ears pricked up, and looked around warily.

"Dreams can reflect a person's deepest memory. For me, endorsement is the most profound memory." Xiao Xiao closed the encyclopedia in his hand, raised his arm, and glanced at the book hanging on his forearm.

The evil-proofing talisman nodded: "You're a little late... This is the third time you've thrown the evil-proofing talisman at me."

Zheng Qing reacted for a few seconds before realizing the meaning behind the doctor's words.

"Fake me? Nightmare? Weird? Or some kind of evil shapeshifter?" The young public-funded student stared at the slowly rising smoke on the talisman paper with a slightly serious expression: "How do you know they are fake?"

Xiao Xiao glanced at the thick tail hanging down from the corner of Zheng Qing's robe.

"There is a cat tail missing behind them." He made a rare joke, then took out a piece of tortoise shell from somewhere and threw it in the air: "...and the divination results are also relatively bad."

As he spoke, light blue flames rose out of thin air and burned on the tortoise shell, making a beeping and popping sound.

In the blink of an eye, the flame disappeared again, and the tortoise shell was already covered with dense cracks. Xiao Xiao reached out to take off the tortoise shell, briefly studied the meaning of the cracks, and nodded.

"It's you, that's right." After saying that, he stood up, patted the non-existent dust on his body, and then looked down at Gouzi: "Are you leading the way?"


Maodou answered softly, flicked his tail, turned around, jumped over the bushes behind the bench, and jumped into the darkness.

Several hunters from the Forgiveness Hunting Team grabbed the Dharma books and followed cautiously.

The third hunter Gouzi found was Zhang Jixin.

Different from the peaceful and friendly communication method of the first two, as soon as he saw Zheng Qing and his party, Zhang Jixin roared and rushed over with his fists waving. Without saying a word, he started a fight with a few people.

Fatty Cuofei could transform into a giant blue man. If he blocked him for a moment, Zheng Qing would probably be beaten half to death by the elder's fist as big as a sand bowl if he met him.

But even if he escaped a half-death outcome, he still couldn't escape the consequences of being hit with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Fortunately, Zheng Qing had three people on his side and a dog.

There is only one person opposite.

Fatty Xin withstood the elder's stormy attack, and the doctor and Zheng Qing teamed up to release several combinations of magic. In addition, Maodou jumped out of the void from time to time and bit his heel. This sudden battle ended in a short time.

it's over.

Zhang Jixin was tied up by several thick vines and hung upside down in mid-air.

Zheng Qing grinned under the tree and sucked in the cool air, asking Fatty Xin to apply medicine to his face.

"As for it? As for it?" The young public-funded student hissed and glared at Zhang Jixin: "Even if you can't think of a way to detect it, there is no need to hit him so hard."

Because he was hanging upside down, Zhang Jixin's originally dark red face turned purple from the blood. And Maodou bit his ankle, making his expression a little ferocious.

But none of this affected his voice when he spoke.

"There's nothing we can do about it." The purple-faced wizard sniffed nonchalantly: "As you know, my divination skills have always been barely passable, and my observation skills are not as detailed as the fat man's... The only thing I can do well is...

Just two fists."

"What if you beat me to death?"

"Anyway, in the dream, if you beat me to death, I will beat you to death," Zhang Jixin's answer made Zheng Qing a little confused, but his subsequent analysis was very interesting: "...and, I think, if you are beaten to death by me, then most of you will

It's just fake. The real you are not so weak."

Zheng Qingxu looked at the 'Hanged Man' with an apologetic smile on his face. He always felt that the logic of his compliment was a bit strange. But the reason why a compliment is a compliment is because the person who hears it will feel better.

"This sounds reasonable. Of course we won't be so weak." The young public-funded student's expression softened a lot. He took out various talismans from his pocket, hung them on Zhang Jixin, and asked:

"...What if you are accidentally beaten to death by us?"

Light blue smoke rose from the talisman paper, covering Zhang Jixin's face a little blurry:

"I'm rough-skinned and thick-skinned, so I can't be beaten to death so easily... If I'm defeated and hung up with a charm like this, then you must be real. Those weird monsters in the dream won't be so friendly to losers.


After listening for a long time, Fatty Xin finally understood Zhang Jixin's logic and couldn't help but sigh: "Not to mention, although this method is stupid, it makes sense... It turns out that in addition to muscles, your brain also has some gray matter.


"...Since you think it makes sense, could you please remove this dog from my ankle?"

Zheng Qing silently glanced at the dog hanging on the feet of the red-faced wizard.

Maodou opened his mouth and meowed.

Then it fell from the air with a clatter and fell on the grass.

Because it was not high and the fall was not heavy, the dog quickly got up from the ground, shook its head, swung its tail, and came to Zheng Qing's side and stuck out its tongue happily.

This chapter has been completed!
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