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Chapter 215 The City of Cats

 Like Zheng Qing, Xiao Xiao also became separated from his companions shortly after entering the magic mirror passage.

But unlike Zheng Qing, Xiao Xiao had no chance to turn around and hug the companion behind him - because before that, the unreliable captain classmate behind him had already let go of his hand.

So he could only fall into the dreamland alone.

Fortunately, the place where Xiao Xiao fell was a large river with a gentle flow. He didn't even waste the spells copied in the Dharma book. He only waved his arms to dig through the water and swam out of the river to the shore.

When he stood on the shore, took off his robe, and wrung out the heavy water stains on his robe, all the surrounding environment came into his mind.

This is a river valley, with hills covered with shrubs and small farmland behind him, and in front of him is the large river he just swam ashore. The river is slow, clear and blue, with a golden scale spreading from the upstream to the downstream, and a flower floating on the water.

A white wave is frozen in the river.

Looking from a distance, it seems as if someone peeled off a section of the sky and threw it into this valley, forming this river.

There is a small town on the other side of the river.

The city wall is not high, and you can see the rooftops of the city and the pedestrians outside the city. It has a certain European style of the 18th and 19th centuries. It is dark and exudes a strange atmosphere of silence.

After putting on the dry robe again, Xiao Xiao thought for a moment and did not summon edamame immediately.

He didn't have the same sense of urgency that Zheng Qing had after entering this world.

On the contrary, as an individual, Xiao Xiao would rather stay in this world full of fantasy for a while to enrich the contents of his black notebook.

"For safety reasons, I can't just run around in the wilderness by myself." He stared at the small town for a long time, muttering to himself: "... When everyone comes here, there must be someone to eat.

A place to sleep...that's my job."

With this thought in mind, the young fortune teller put his hood on his head, held the black notebook in one hand and the quill in the other, and walked downstream of the river.

Because not far downstream, there is a bridge connecting both sides of the river.

It was a majestic stone bridge, with solid piers and beautiful railings. The bridge deck was light yellow and covered with rocks of different depths, and kittens of different shapes were carved on the railings.

Xiao Xiao met a farmer at the bridge who was also planning to enter the city. He was driving a carriage filled with stacks of tightly bundled firewood. Under the firewood, you could faintly smell the smell of bacon and soju.

This should be the most primitive method of smuggling, the young fortune teller thought to himself and recorded these experiences in his notebook.

Perhaps it was the clean robe, or the thick black notebook in his arms and the quill in the notebook. The farmer was very respectful to Xiao Xiao. After drawing an old seal on his chest, he answered him no.

Fewer problems.

For example, this river is called the River Skye - of course it may be the River Skye. The farmer's accent is thicker. The young wizard is not sure about this. Given the appearance of the river, he prefers to call it 'Sky'.

The farmer doesn't know where the source of the river is; he doesn't know where the river will flow. He is just an ordinary farmer living near the river and the city.

Another example is the bridge over the river, which has a history of nearly 1,400 years. It is said that when the bridge was being built, the master craftsman in charge of the project sealed a living person in the bridge pier as a sacrifice for the bridge to the river in the sky.


The city on the other side of the river is called 'Uzza' in official documents, but people living nearby and business travelers prefer to call it 'City of Cats' because the city's parliament passed a resolution.

A famous law: No one is allowed to kill a cat.

The consequence of this law is that more and more cats are living in the city, even in the Enchanted Forest not far from Usa. Those Zuko Enchanted Rats have repeatedly protested to the city council, claiming that these

The existence of cats seriously affects the safety of various tribes.

After answering the question, the farmer drew another old seal on his chest, and then drove the carriage towards the city gate.

Xiao Xiao stood at the bridge for a while.

He needs to sort out his notes on what he just heard.

Then, he drew a big circle with a red pen on the word "Kill the Cat".

The young fortune teller suspected that the legislators who enacted this law did not want to ban the killing of cats, but wanted to ban the killing of cats. So that those stupid country people would not come to the city and compete with their smart city residents for precious cats.

Job opportunities are available.

This suspicion was reduced a lot when Zheng Qing crossed the bridge.

Because the large and small cats carved on the stone guardrails on both sides of the stone bridge are enough to prove that cats do have an extraordinary status in this city.

"The captain and squad leader should be left here." The young fortune teller put away the black notebook, shook his head, and muttered in a low voice.

Compared with him, it should be easier for the captain of the Exoneration Hunting Team with a black cat tail or the squad leader with cat ears to get preferential treatment in this city.

With these scattered thoughts, he crossed the stone bridge and approached the city of Uzzah.

The suburbs outside the city are full of pleasant elements, such as light green farmhouses, neat gardens surrounded by fences, walking hens, and cobblestone paths.

Walking on those paths, both the soles of your feet and your mood are pleasant.

Not to mention the cats lying in front and behind the house, on the treetops and on the roadside. Those cats of different sizes and colors snore comfortably in the sun, conveying an atmosphere of relaxation and joy.


When a strange traveler approaches, these bold cats will only raise their eyelids and snort feebly to signal him to come forward and not block them from basking in the sun. They are not at all sensitive and suspicious of the timid cats in the outside world.

After entering the town, there are more cats.

There are pointed, ancient roofs, gargoyles hanging under the eaves, overpasses hanging over the lanes, neatly trimmed roadside trees, countless chimneys and cobbled alleys.

White cats, black cats, gray cats, tabby cats, big cats, kittens, spotted ones, tri-colored ones, glazed eyes, heterochromatic eyes, all kinds of cats are dizzying and dazzling.

"They will like this place." The young fortune teller said to himself again in his heart, which also gave birth to some strong desire in his heart - to take Zheng Qing and Jiang Yu around this town.




Xiao Xiao shouted in a less crowded alley for a long time, and then Gouzi's gray figure climbed out of the void, stuck out his tongue, looked at him with a smile and shouted: "Meow~!"

This cat meow attracted many prying eyes in the dark.

Many cats in Usa looked curiously at the guy who looked completely different from them but said the same thing as them. No cat doubted whether it was a cat, but no cat was willing to come forward and talk to the new cat.

Say hello to the 'grey cat' who came.

This chapter has been completed!
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