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Chapter 286: Under the Mount Kra

 There was a whistling wind in his ears, and Zheng Qing could hear the sound of the corners of his robe rustling. He vaguely guessed what the old man was doing.

After a while, the wind gradually subsided.

"This is a parting gift..."

The voice of Great Elder Atal gradually faded away. Zheng Qing slowly opened his eyes. What he saw was a lush green area. They had left the magnificent hall and appeared in a strange area.

It was getting late, and the forest was dark.

Maodou rushed out of the darkness and waggled his tail at the young public-funded student with great interest. The brief meeting had already made Gouzi familiar with the new aura of the wizard.

Zheng Qing scratched its head and kept pointing the rune gun steadily at Nikita.

"You don't need to be so careful at all," the banshee shrugged helplessly, pointing to the jade talisman hanging on her body: "All my magic power and evil spirit have been sealed by this talisman... just in case you

If I accidentally shake my finger, wouldn't I die unjustly?"

"It's not unjust for you to die." Zheng Qing first refuted the banshee's words, and then waved the muzzle of his gun: "Be honest, my fingers are very steady... Just because you were sealed, I need to be extra careful.


Only then did Merlin know if this cunning banshee had any back-up plans.

As he spoke, Zheng Qing kept looking at the surrounding environment from the corner of his eyes - at this moment, the five hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team, two banshees, and a dog were standing on the edge of a lush forest. Under their feet was a

There is a wooden sign at the intersection of the forked path.

There are three wooden arrows hanging under the sign. One arrow points to an empty white field with the label 'Enchanted Forest·Zugo' on it. The other arrow points behind the wizards with the label 'Utha City' and the words drawn with white chalk.

Cat head.

The last arrow points to the depths of the forest, with the words 'Old House of Krashan Engla' written on the arrow.

Zheng Qing looked along the last arrow, with a bit of nervousness and uneasiness on his face. Kela Mountain should be the mountain that Great Elder Atal mentioned that they need to climb. As for the old house of Engla, it is located at the pass of Kela Mountain.

, if you want to go up the mountain, you must pass that old house.

Zheng Qing remembered that Old Man Atal said that there was a dark wizard in the house.

"Oh, what the hell." Fatty Xin groaned in a low voice and scratched his hair very hard: "Can't he send us here again tomorrow morning? Stay in a strange forest at night, just in case we encounter a giant

What to do with the old ghost!"

"Beat him to death, or capture him and put him in a bottle. The price of wild old ghosts is not cheap on the island, and they are very profitable." Zhang Jixin replied, and at the same time gave the fat man a sideways glance: "It's just an old ghost, is it more powerful than a demon?

Is it scary?"

Zheng Qing couldn't help laughing and tightened the talisman gun in his hand.

On the surface, the red-faced wizard's words were just an answer to Fatty Xin's complaint, but they effectively dispelled the uneasiness in the hearts of others. Zheng Qing looked at his companions and suddenly realized that he was a wizard and theoretically should not be afraid of ghosts.

, or a ghost, or some other dangerous beast.

After all, his gun was pointed at a real banshee at the moment, and the two guys with tendon flesh were drooling and looking around, hoping that a big white-fronted tiger with an eye-catching look would jump out from behind the bushes and kill him.

Let's have a sumptuous dinner.

"Demons are also afraid of ghosts." Zhu Zhu tugged on the corner of Nikita's clothes and whispered.

Zheng Qing's eyes were fixed on the little banshee, and he suddenly realized something.

He looked at Nikita: "Where are your subordinates? Those Gug giants, the Shattuck flock, and the ghouls...can you contact them?"

"How do I know?" The banshee twitched her lips: "But I guess the old man from the temple doesn't have that much magic power to move an entire army here."

"I hope they won't destroy the city of Usa." Zheng Qing prayed for that small town for a second without confidence. As a black cat, he liked the city of cats very much and didn't want it to suffer because of himself.

A small town brings disaster.

"Since Elder Atal sent us here, he must have a way to deal with those monsters and monsters." Xiao Xiaokuan explained to Zheng Qing, then adjusted his glasses: "Now, we need to consider the issue of mountain climbing... and,

Do you want to go into the mountain now?"

Breaking into a dark wizard's mansion late at night doesn't sound like a smart choice.

But since Old Man Atal chose to send them here at this time, he must have other deep intentions. Zheng Qing looked up at the dim sky, felt the gazes of his companions, and finally made up his mind.

"Come in." He shook the rune gun in his hand and said with confidence, "I feel like I can shoot it again at any time."

"I like this way of reasoning." Zhang Jixin geared up and laughed.

As soon as Zheng Qing spoke, Jiang Yu opened the Dharma book in her hand and recited a mantra in a low voice: "That moon was not dim, and this day is not dim."

A group of slender plants lined up neatly and ran out of the witch's book of laws, jumping and running deep into the forest.

Blossoms of golden sunshine emerged from their mushroom heads, like bubbles, swaying and floating into the air, and then shattered, scattering sunlight all over the ground, dispersing the dark night.

The woods, paths and wooden signs were coated with a layer of light, allowing this small area to escape the shroud of night and return to dusk.

"It feels so good to have light... I wonder if I will have the opportunity to visit the Black Prison after returning to school this time." Fatty Xin walked behind Nikita and deliberately said loudly: "It is said that it is a prison that is always in darkness.

Prison, the guards will eat up every ray of light there, and the prisoners in the dark prison can only judge whether they are sitting at the dining table or the toilet by the touch of their hands..."

"I think normal people can make correct judgments using their noses." The banshee glanced at the fat man indifferently: "Of course, it is not ruled out that some people have excess fat that blocks the nasal cavity."

The fat man's blue face looked a little gray in the dim light.

In order to prevent him from being taught a worse lesson by the sharp-tongued banshee, Zheng Qing quickly changed the subject: "...Fat man, did you and the elder go down the mountain this way before?"

Fatty Xin opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something harsh to the banshee, but finally chose to give up, and muttered in a depressed manner and replied: "That's right."

"Tell us about that old house."

"There's nothing to say... It's just a gloomy house. When we came out of the yard, we didn't see any dark wizard mentioned by the old man Attar... If there really is a dark wizard living there, we won't

Maybe he could leave so easily."

"...Perhaps this is why Old Man Atal sent us here at night." Xiao Xiao's voice came from behind Zheng Qing. The voice was not high but clear enough: "Many areas closed by magic can only be seen in the moonlight.

Only in the dark or at night can their true colors be revealed.”

This chapter has been completed!
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