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Chapter 304 The Big Witch in the Little Witch

 Atal, the great elder of Usa Temple, once said to Zheng Qing, ‘The closer you are to the sky, the closer you are to reality, so you can return to reality by climbing to the highest mountain’.

Zheng Qing has now climbed to the highest point of Kela Mountain.

But he also realized another fact - distance is not completely proportional to reality. Sometimes, the closer you are to the sky, the farther you seem to be from the truth; the more carefully you observe, the harder it is to see the truth.

Just like Jusi.

The new talisman bullets were 'charged' in the gun case. Zheng Qing breathed a sigh of relief and opened his eyes. He still didn't pay attention to how much damage the previous shot had caused to Kelashan. He just glanced at it casually to confirm.

The hounds of Tindalos had been expelled from this world, and they withdrew their gaze.

Then his attention fell on Zhu Si riding the edamame.

Perhaps because of drinking too much mushroom soup, the edamame had grown much larger, and it didn't look out of place for a seven or eight-year-old girl to ride on it.

At this moment, it was wagging its tail, sticking out its tongue happily, and making a low meowing sound in its throat, asking for credit from its owner.

Zheng Qing gave it a perfunctory thumbs-up gesture.

"Who are you?" The wizard spoke directly without any detours or temptations, asking the little witch riding on the dog. He was holding a talisman gun with the muzzle drooping slightly, but it seemed to be shrouding Zhu Si and Nicky.

around the tower.

Maodou uneasily pawed at the soil under his paws, his eyes full of uneasiness and confusion. He seemed to not understand why his master pointed that dangerous thing at him, nor did he understand why his previously friendly and harmonious friends suddenly turned against each other.

Of course, during this process, it very wisely remained silent and pretended to be a stone.

The little witch tilted her head, her cute face full of affirmation: "I am Zhu Si!"

"No, you're not." Zheng Qing knew his feelings very well, and at the same time he felt a surge of anger starting to burn. He shook his head and stubbornly asked: "Who are you? Where is Zhu Si? What did you do to her?"

Sensing the dangerous light flashing in the wizard's eyes, the little witch didn't pretend to be cute this time.

She looked at him quietly and suddenly smiled.

"I am indeed Zhu Si." The little witch jumped off Maodou's back and landed steadily on the slope, her slightly longer robe dragging in the environment full of gravel and snow, looking a little funny.

What doesn't match this funnyness is the tone and demeanor of the little witch when she speaks - it's difficult for Zheng Qing to use accurate words to describe this inconsistent feeling - as if he suddenly changed a person, and as if he was being manipulated by someone.

There is competition for a high position, but her voice is calm, her tone is mature, and her eyes have seen through all the vicissitudes of life.

Then she patted Maodou on the back.

The dog stuck out his tongue, slipped back into the void, and hid in the crack in his corner of time.

"I am indeed Jusi," the little witch repeated this sentence, paused, and then said: "It's just that I am not the seven-year-old little witch Jusi you remember... but a person in the mirror world.

'Ju Si' who has lived with the dreamland for a long, long time."

As she said that, her eyes fell on Nikita and she suddenly smiled.

"Just like this little succubus," she looked at Nikita with eyes full of sadness, as if looking at her own shadow: "When a soul with hope is falling endlessly towards the abyss, there is always something to hold on to.

What...can keep me from going completely crazy in pain and torture."

Zheng Qing's arm holding the rune gun shook slightly.

He swallowed and had a vague guess - but he would rather not be able to guess it, and would rather that the Zhu Si in front of him was really disguised as some existence deep in the starry sky.

"Why is this happening?" The wizard's voice was trembling, his mind was in a mess, and he couldn't think of anything for a moment. He just murmured: "You were pretending before? How long has it been... I left only more than a month ago,

No, I know time is distorted in the mirror, but...is all this real?"

'Zhu Si' looked at the confused boy and suddenly burst into laughter.

"It was fake at the time!" She pointed at Zheng Qing's nose, just like the little girl in the mirror world a long time ago: "This is a dreamland! How can there be something real and true!"

At this time, Zheng Qing was completely confused.

He even began to wonder if he was under some powerful confusion spell. Otherwise, how could he not understand what the little witch said? In other words, how could he hear two completely contradictory statements?

Noticing the confusion in Zheng Qing's eyes, 'Zhu Si' was not surprised.

Because even a veteran adventurer who has been in Dreamland for a long time can hardly clearly distinguish the subtle differences between reality and reality in this world, let alone a young wizard who has not received a registered wizard certificate and has just been in Dreamland for less than a week.

Woolen cloth?

"The time in the mirror is like the image in the mirror, because it is false, it is unstable." The little witch imparted her insights to the boys without hesitation: "Using your current theory to explain, the dimensions of this world are disordered.


"Do you know about dimensional theory?" Zheng Qing raised his eyebrows.

"It's a very interesting theory," the little witch commented calmly: "Of course I know. Because there are more than just you group of adventurers in this world, and it's not the first time I've met people outside... Besides, when I slipped into the mirror,

By that time, the Dimensionists had published many classic papers. My parents often discussed them at home, and they made a lot of noise... I was very impressed."

I don't know whether it was because she recalled the scene of her parents' quarrel, or because those two words touched her heart, the little witch's expression suddenly became a little gloomy, and her voice stopped.

Zheng Qing regretted interjecting indiscriminately.

But soon, Zhu Si spoke again: "...because this essential confusion, reflected in reality, is a cognitive contradiction. In your memory, you and I met ten months ago; but in my time

Online, you and I say goodbye thousands of years apart."

"Yes, it was a long, long time ago that we met in the mirror world. Even the constant magic cannot prevent the chlorophyll from fading and the yellowing."

She touched the dry beech leaf on her wrist and used it three times in a row, which sounded particularly distressing:

"...It's just that this illusory and long journey can't make 'her' grow. It just matures a virtual mature personality in her originally immature mind, which is me."

Although the little witch in front of him did not explain it carefully, Zheng Qing could still easily judge that the 'she' in this sentence refers to Zhu Si who first entered the mirror world, and 'I' refers to the little witch in front of him.


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