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Chapter 364 Everything is a miracle

 Everything is a miracle, even darkness and silence①.

After the explosion, everything is silent; it burns out and is ashes.

The end of the world is not violent destruction, but a whimper; the end of hell is not boundless fire, but endless coldness and silence.

In the midst of the hustle and bustle, Zheng Qing passed through the black moon and came to a quiet place. The above thoughts suddenly appeared in his mind.

This is not the first time he has crossed the border between different worlds.

This is not the first time it has fallen from the sky.

But this was the first time for him to experience extreme ups and downs in a short period of time - it was like riding on a roller coaster without seats - a second ago, he was still struggling in mid-air, being hit by people everywhere.

The attraction was tearing, and he flew towards the black moon, like a screw flying towards a magnet; the next second, when he passed through the black moon, his vision went dark, and suddenly the sky was empty beneath him, and his whole body rolled downwards.


His consciousness was still stuck in the moment when he yelled, 'Grab Nikita! Don't let her escape!'

The final sound of the word "Le" crossed the boundary between the two worlds, leaving a long trill above Linzhong Lake, and then was completely frozen by the cold and dead breath of the black prison, and stopped abruptly.

Zheng Qing felt as if he had entered a darkroom surrounded by sound-absorbing cotton and equipped with a powerful refrigerator.

The icy cold wind blew past his ears. The wind contained the smell of burnt odor and sulfur, and seemed to have a sour taste, which made him almost breathless.

It was as if a pebble fell into the calm and deep lake. The lake made a satisfying low gurgling sound and created a layer of weak ripples. Then the pebble was swallowed up by the silent lake.


There was no sound except the howling wind.

Except for the endless darkness, the eyes can't see any scenery.

It only took a second for Zheng Qing to confirm that he had arrived at the Black Prison, not only because the rumors circulating on campus gave him certain expectations, but also because he could not imagine any other place besides the Black Prison.

There will be such a despairing color.

Almost deprived of the five senses.

So, naturally, that sentence came to his mind——

‘Everything is a miracle, even darkness and silence’.

Human beings pursue a vigorous death and praise grand memorials, just because people know that there is loneliness and darkness after death, so they use the excitement of life to dress up the loneliness of death.

He just fell down in silence thinking about life and death for a long time - it might only be four or five seconds, or it might be seven or eight minutes. Zheng Qing was a little unsure, because he felt that this period of time was particularly twisted and long -

In short, after such a period of adjustment, the young wizard finally realized the second thing.

He is falling from the sky.

It sounds like a word full of courage, but in fact it is extremely cruel.

Because Zheng Qing is not a bird or an elf, he does not have a pair of wings that can support his flight. And in this dark night, he has no way to expect that there will happen to be a tall old wizard standing below, raising his hands.

He used his staff and shouted a mantra like "The sun rises and the valley wind blows" at him, and then he was guided by a silvery-white light belt and landed safely.

The young wizard waved his arms in panic, like a drowning swimmer, but apart from the cold air, he couldn't catch anything comforting.

On the body of the rune gun in his hand, the pinwheel-shaped symbols flashed with light yellow light.


Zheng Qing subconsciously pulled the trigger, and the light cyan bullet shot out from the muzzle. It flashed away and disappeared into the boundless darkness in the blink of an eye. There was a faint and terrifying roar in the distance. Zheng Qing couldn't hear it clearly.

Because he was pushed by the weak recoil after the shot and rolled in mid-air.

It was this rolling that made him see the pale white mark on the top of his head.

Because of the close distance, the white mark in his eyes was not like a white rainbow seen by observers in the Black Prison Castle or the Far East Abyss. In Zheng Qing's eyes, the white mark on the top of his head was more like thick ink.

The last part was white, with traces of breath leaking out.

But that doesn't matter.

The important thing is that Zheng Qing finally saw an anchor point in the dark world, an anchor point that allowed him to confirm his existence.

In the white sky above the head, a familiar thought came vaguely

——'If you are unable to do something, seek others from yourself'!

This sentence asked him to reflect on himself. Zheng Qing rolled his eyes in the cold wind. He couldn't remember who said this sentence, but he remembered that it was followed by a very famous saying, 'Eternal words match.

Destiny, wish for more blessings'.

"Ask for yourself and be blessed! Seek for yourself and be blessed!"

The young public-sponsored student muttered, and put his free hand into the gray cloth bag hanging on his waist, rummaging around: a hard wooden box that was hard for the hand, and the box was full of textbooks; then there were crucibles, jade cauldrons, and test tubes

Waiting for tools for brewing potions.

Magic potion, thinking of this, Zheng Qing's fingertips paused on several ampoules for half a second. He remembered that he still had a few bottles of transformation potion, and immediately gave up the idea.

Turning into a cat in mid-air is a very stupid choice. The height of tens of thousands of meters is not the distance of a few meters, and a cat will fall into pieces if it falls from the sky.

When he thought of a few black cat hairs mixed in with his blurred flesh and blood, Zheng Qing couldn't help but shudder in mid-air and accelerated his search.

Finally, he touched the box containing the talisman.

The light body talisman and the cloud-climbing talisman were all used up in the adventure in the fantasy world; he also knew a kind of dancing talisman, but he had no preparation before, and he had no chance to draw the talisman now; he seemed to be aware of the wizard's aura,

The little snake on the inkstone stuck out its tongue and licked the palm of his hand.

Zheng Qing pulled out his hand from the box containing the talismans with some despair. His mind flashed back to the wooden flying sword he saw when he went to the calligraphy collection with his husband when he was a child, and the flying broomstick and magic carpet he saw with Thomas in Damingfang.

Merlin, how he wished he had a folded magic carpet in his gray bag at this moment!

Then, his fingertips touched a soft and bulging cover.

It was the Dharma book he borrowed from the school library for temporary use.

Zheng Qing subconsciously took out the Dharma book, and then remembered that the spells recorded in the book were all used during hunting, and there was no magic to help people fly.

The pages of the book were rattling in the rapidly falling cold wind, as if they would be torn apart by the strong wind in the next second; from the corner of Zheng Qing's eyes, he had already caught a glimpse of some thick black blocks, which seemed to be the shadows of mountains.

He doesn't have any more time.

Zheng Qing held the talisman gun in his arms, opened the Dharma book with one hand, and pressed the spell he was most familiar with with the other hand:

"Ge Zhi Tan Xi!"

Several tentative vines protruded from the void, surrounding the young wizard, darting back and forth like swimming fish.

"Ge Zhi Tan Xi!"

Zheng Qing closed his eyes and roared. At the same time, he desperately visualized the appearance of the parachute in his mind, trying to block the increasingly clear sound of wind in his ears.

The vines soared into the sky, dozens or hundreds of vines, intertwined with each other, and in a moment a fine vine cloth was woven and spread out in the air.

Zheng Qing's body sank suddenly, and the crazy feeling of falling to the ground finally disappeared.

This chapter has been completed!
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