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Chapter 369: Fish in the sky, sheep in the fire

 The orange-red fire ball carried the blazing flame wind, blowing away the thick night.

The sky, clouds, hills, and earth are all red.

The endless red, the rich red, the red that covers the sky and the sun, with the surging hot breath, seems to ignite the atmosphere of chill and despair in the whole world, making the lives under this red tremble together,

Suffocated by it.

Zheng Qing felt that the scene in front of him was very familiar. He must have seen it somewhere.

But he had no time to remember.


Hundreds of clouds of sky fire fell on the small hill in the distance, creating a scene like a volcanic eruption for a while, with flying sand and rocks, burning stench and smoke filling the air. A hundred-ten-meter-high hill was blasted out.

A deep pit emitting gray-white smoke.

On the edge of the pit, the remaining stones were burnt into a strange and smooth glass, reflecting the white rainbow above the head and the red flames around it, shimmering with strange colors.

Before the flow of fire was over, hundreds of pairs of scarlet eyes emerged from the darkness and quickly gathered around. They stretched out their pale and slender tongues and frantically licked the remaining magic power on the hot glass.

While Zheng Qing was dumbfounded, he was also secretly glad in his heart.

Fortunately, the forbidden curse in his body broke through the seal, so that he no longer had the problem of lack of magic power, and avoided falling into the situation of those prisoners in the dark prison.

He was also glad that when he released the magic before, he did not aim at the eager prisoners around him - at the moment when he released the 'July Flowing Fire', he hesitated whether to put this spell directly on the heads of the demons in front of him and turn them into monsters.

Make gray.

However, considering the changes in the world, he was not clear enough about the rules for releasing magic in the Black Prison, so to be cautious, the magic did not target a specific target, but only aimed at the bare hill not far away.

Fortunately, this is the case.

If he insists on targeting those demons, then when the 'July Fire' falls and the target disappears, not only will he have the possibility of being backlashed by the spell, but he will also be in danger of being hit on the head by hundreds of fireballs.

"You certainly have some magic power."

The old lich raised his head, looking at the traces of flames left by the fire balls in the night, and sighed: "Such a powerful magic... Even if the great wizard uses it, it will only have this effect... Now

Are all young lichs so powerful?"

Zheng Qing coughed reservedly.

He didn't know whether it was because the magic power he poured into the spell was too strong, or because there was too much magic power accumulated in the clouds above his head, which caused the effect of the 'July Flowing Fire' to be far greater than expected.

But he knew clearly that his suspicion of "hidden food" had completely disappeared after this magic.

Even if there are still some confused people who have doubts in their hearts, just drag them to the big pit created by the "July Fire" and walk around, and they will naturally be convinced.

Zheng Qing even suspected that even if he admitted his identity as a wizard at this moment, the monsters around him would pretend not to know. For them, differences in identity, issues of principle, etc. are just trivial matters. How can they live well in the black prison?

Getting down is the most important thing.

The ultimate in madness is absolute pure truth.

"Ahem," the wizard coughed lightly and replied humbly: "Not all young lichs are so powerful..."

"what is that?!"

An unexpected voice interrupted Zheng Qing's speech. He turned around angrily and saw the tiger demon staring blankly into the air with a pair of red eyes like copper bells.

He followed the tiger demon's gaze and looked up.

Under the white rainbow, above the red light, a huge swimming fish with blue and white patterns is falling from the sky, swimming quietly in the night. The huge fins flap quietly in the air, causing a circle around the big fish.

A circular wave-like magic tide, shining with elegant light.

Zheng Qing could raise three fingers and swear that the big fish had nothing to do with him.

Looking at the expressions of these prisoners, it seems that the big fish has nothing to do with them.

After ruling out the two possibilities, taking into account the functions of this black prison world, the most likely possibility is that Big Fish belongs to the prison management agency, or it may even be the warden of the black prison.

Perhaps the prison authorities found out that he had accidentally broken in, so they sent someone to take him out!

Zheng Qing speculated excitedly, hesitating on the footer of the Dharma book with his fingertips, considering whether to set off a big firework in the sky, or simply release a contact spell to reveal his identity to the big fish.

Before he could make up his mind.

Next to him, an equally surprised voice came from the old lich: "It's not just the fish... there's something else on the mountain!"

The 'mountain' it refers to is the small hill that Zheng Qing just hit with a stream of fireballs.

Of course, at this moment, the small hill has disappeared and turned into a deep pit filled with heat.

Zheng Qing's eyes fell on the edge of the pit.

In the light of the fire, a dark shadow slowly appeared. It stepped on a half-melted rock with its two front legs, its head held high, its upper body hunched, and its scimitar-like sickle pointed straight at the big blue fish in the air.

Black flames burned all over its body, and the slender tongues of fire transformed into pitch-black tentacles, which occasionally rolled up the prisoners gathered at the edge of the pit.

Those poor people just wanted to go over and take a lick of magic power, but unexpectedly they lost their lives.

The dark figure stood in a dark red, like a black hole, swallowing up the magic scattered around and the red light that gradually dimmed.

A black goat cub.

The first moment he saw that figure, Zheng Qing recognized its identity. Because this was not the first time he had dealt with Nicholas's family, nor was it the first time he had touched the breath of an alien god.


The wizard shouted in a low voice, he was in great need of a reliable helper now.

It's a pity that he is now in a dark prison, and it is a dark prison that is heavily sealed. Zheng Qing can vaguely hear the distant depths of the void, and there seems to be a familiar cat meowing, but he never sees Gouzi's gray figure.

Black Hell Castle.

Inner castle.

Shi Hui stood at the top of the city, holding on to the wide parapet, and glanced at the wisp of red clouds on the horizon. The three colors of red clouds, night sky and white rainbow were intertwined together, occasionally mixed with a hint of light blue, making the sky of the Black Prison World

A corner dyed with extraordinary splendor.

"Is there no news yet about the search and hunting team sent by Lao Yao?"

The witch frowned and looked at a middle-aged wizard next to her: "What's going on with that red cloud? Are there any lone wizards outside? Why can't I figure out what happened there!"

Before the wizard could answer, Vice Principal Ruoyu spoke.

"It's very simple," the old wizard looked at the increasing number of prisoners outside the Black Hell Castle and replied in a low voice: "There are not many forces in this world that can interfere with the legendary divination skills...the only one is beyond your control.

, and they are the only ones.”

This chapter has been completed!
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