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Chapter 430: Any Door


"Use blood talisman bullets!"

"Hurry up and shoot!"

The black cat's screams echoed through the huge mouthparts, causing Zheng Qing's eardrums to buzz.

In order to avoid those crisscrossed fangs, it has shrunk its body to the size of a foal. Zheng Qing and Jiang Yu need to be close together to avoid falling off the cat's back.

If on a normal day, this slightly ambiguous sitting posture was combined with a charming atmosphere, who knows what would happen. In the end, Zheng Qing's face would turn into a monkey's butt, and his head would steam like a boiling kettle.

But now, the huge spiral-shaped mouthparts have swallowed up the food and are shrinking inward with satisfaction. The interlaced fangs are like the hobs of a grinder, rotating and rolling, emitting a deep chill above everyone's heads.

The wizard's face turned pale from the coldness. Not to mention the heat, he was able to keep his thoughts moving. The fact that his whole body was not completely stiff was a sign of his strong nerves.

While the black cat screamed, it took advantage of the force of its fall to kick its hind legs hard on a nearby fang - compared with one cat and three people, this earth dragon's fangs were like those in the first hall.

As thick as a pillar - it forcibly stopped its downward trend and turned to hit the other side of the mouthparts.

The harsh sound woke up the young wizard. Like the black cat, Zheng Qing did not want to test the strength of his magic in the stomach juice of the earth dragon, nor did he want to hit the huge wall of flesh that was crawling and rock-like not far away.


It's too late to say it, but it's soon.

Before the black cat's scream ended, the talisman gun in Zheng Qing's hand had already roared, and a green light seemed to be slow but urgent, hitting the inner wall of the earth dragon's mouth. Immediately afterwards, the black cat and the three people also hit.


Ju Si's screams reached his ears.

In front of him was the crazy turbulent flow of magic power.

Zheng Qing closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and tried to control his urge to shout. Similar to him, Jiang Yu did not make a sound, but her arms tightened around the wizard's waist, making him feel as if his ribs were about to


A fierce gust of wind blew in his face, ringing in Zheng Qing's ears. The air turned from turbid to fresh, and the black cat's body shook slightly and stopped.

Zheng Qing finally found his courage and opened his eyes again.

They landed on a protruding rock in front of a mountain. Not far behind the group, the huge earth dragon that had just recovered was opening its big mouth and roaring silently. One side of its mouthparts was either a cheek or a neck.

A huge hole was exposed at the location. Through that hole, you could clearly see the earth dragon's squirming flesh and circling fangs.

Looking into the distance along the position of the hole, further away, there was an earth dragon that was broken into two parts. It was raising its head and tail in surprise, as if it was confused about what happened.

"We have to get out of here right away!"

The black cat glanced at the giant beast that was broken into two pieces in the distance, and then looked at the giant beast in front of him that was about to go crazy. His expression was as serious as his tone:

"Although in theory, the earth dragon is a creature with a gentle temperament and an insensitive sense of pain... But in addition to its destructive power, your rune bullets can also cause soul-deep damage to creatures. This is not just relying on rough skin and flesh.

It’s thick enough to carry it through.”

Zheng Qing swallowed and tugged on the long hair between the black cat's neck.

"Then what are you waiting for? Run!" He urged, crossing his legs as if riding a horse, without any intention of going against the black cat.

The black cat rolled his eyes, then bypassed the two witches with his tail, and easily hit the wizard in the face from behind. He replied with a bad temper: "Open your eyes and see...where we are running!"

Zheng Qing's head was knocked to the side by the tip of the black cat's tail, and he looked around.

As far as the eye can see, in addition to the two guys who suffered unreasonable disasters, on the earth, at some point, more than a dozen huge mountains appeared, meandering, squirming, and rolling unhurriedly.

The earth waves rolled up by these giant beasts were higher and higher, and the air was filled with the rich fishy smell from the depths of the earth; perhaps sensing the screams of the earth dragon with a hole in its face, several giant beasts were standing high

He raised his upper body and looked here with interest.

Zheng Qing swallowed quietly.

There is no safe way in all directions. If you want to cross secretly, you have to risk being buried alive by those waves.

Just when Black Cat and Zheng Qing were scratching the blind, Jiang Yu's weak voice sounded in their ears: "I have a random door, do you want to try your luck?"

Zheng Qing and Black Cat suddenly looked back.

The witch was holding a lavender scroll in her hand, with an uncertain expression.

The so-called "any door" is a term used by traditional Eastern wizard schools. To Western wizards, it has another more famous name - a random teleportation scroll.

By tearing open this scroll, the user can move a certain number of life forms from one place to another. The moving location is not fixed, and the moving distance is not fixed depending on the quality of the scroll.

A low-level scroll can only move a wizard less than ten miles, but a high-level scroll can move a hunting team hundreds of miles away. It is said that there is also a strategic scroll that can release dozens or even hundreds of wizards at a fixed point.

The scroll in Jiang Yu's hand was lavender in color, with complex runes flowing on its surface, like living bookworms. The edge of the scroll was also inlaid with gold edges. At a glance, you could tell it was a high-end product.

Zheng Qing was still hesitating whether to waste such a valuable thing.

The black cat was already impatient and shouted: "Touch! Of course I have to touch it! As long as you move a hundred miles away and get out of the circle of these earth dragons, even if you land in a mire or swamp, I can pick you up... You...

Can the scroll be moved a hundred miles?!"

At the last sentence, it looked at the witch with some suspicion, obviously knowing the limitations of high-level scrolls.

The witch pursed her lips and tore open the scroll in her hand with a sharp sound.

"I don't know either." She explained in a low voice: "This is a gift my ancestor gave me during the Chinese New Year... It should be able to be moved quite far."

As he spoke, there was a buzzing sound in front of Black Cat, and a small door with a light golden frame appeared. On the door hung a door god who was taking a nap holding a halberd.

After being awakened by the magic power, the door god rubbed his eyes and looked at the black cat in front of him and the young wizard and wizard on the back of the black cat.

"Where to go?" it asked gruffly.

"Hey!" The black cat flicked its tail in surprise, its nose almost touching the door god's face: "It's quite advanced... I want to go to the First University, can I go?"

The door god glanced at the black cat and ignored it.

"Where to go?" The door god repeated his question, looking directly at the witch.

There is no doubt that this scroll is bound to Jiang Yu. Even if others snatch it, they cannot use it. The black cat tugged its ears angrily and took a step back.

This chapter has been completed!
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