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Chapter 434 A momentary pause

 When Zheng Qing pulled the trigger on the wall of the inner fort to repel that huge palm.

He did not notice that the entire battlefield of the Black Hell Castle—to be precise, the battlefield of high-level wizards—had a brief pause because of that shot.

The pause time is extremely short, only a moment, or even shorter, a thought, or even an instant.

Of course, this pause was not because some great being used time magic, nor was it because Zheng Qing’s shot interfered with the time dimension on the Black Prison battlefield, but at that moment, all the people on the battlefield who had reached the level of the great wizard

existence, there was a 'distraction', and some thoughts fell on the wall of the inner castle.

As the saying goes, "You can stay in a house of orchids for a long time without smelling its fragrance, and you can go into a house with abalone for a long time without smelling its smell." Zheng Qing was accustomed to using blood talisman bullets to solve all major troubles he encountered. Naturally, he ignored this power.

Source, thinking others would be as used to it as he was.

The reason why the blood rune bomb is powerful is that it is tainted with a hint of forbidden spell.

On the battlefield of the Black Hell Castle, where the sky was dark and the ground was filled with blood, powerful wizards used powerful spells one after another. Violent magic fluctuations occurred one after another over the battlefield, shocking the souls of every participant. Even so, that trace of

The breath of the forbidden curse is still like a light in the dark night, attracting everyone's attention.

"Hey, this thread has some foul power,"

Elirose raised her forelimbs and trembled slightly. Due to uneven strength, several of the spider threads she was holding in her claws suddenly broke. At the same time, she looked around uneasily: "Is this a warning... I feel like the First University is a little bit...

I am so angry."

"If you can't defeat it, just lift the table. Hypocrites are still so shameless." Fukatsu Ryoko grabbed a piece of meat cut off from Leviathan's tentacles with a head of hatred, chewing it with big mouthfuls, and sneered again and again.

"Is it a forbidden curse?" The great lich Sujiade silently looked at the city wall that was barely visible in the distance, and thought silently: "I wonder if Mist and the others have a plan to deal with it... This is no joke."

A little closer, on the battlefield in front of the castle.

Sir Ulrich stood on the high platform where skulls were piled up, spreading his arms, laughing wildly, and the breath of madness filled most of the battlefield: "Yes! Yes! Yes! That's it! How can there be no battlefield where legends participate?

The power of the forbidden curse!!"

The prisoners and demons in the Black Prison have every reason to believe that the school will do whatever it takes to win.

Even if you use forbidden spells to destroy a world.

But as their opponents, the great wizards who were also on the battlefield and affiliated with the First University were also shocked by the breath coming from the sky above the inner castle.

"Has the divination team mentioned the plan of using forbidden spells?" The small green sword hung in the air, shaking continuously, and asked its teammates.

Several howling demons rushed towards them. They had no time to dodge and were torn to pieces by the air waves generated by the small blue sword.

Scorpio brandished a pair of huge pincers, and while resisting the attack of the man-eater Dororo from the sky, he flicked out the scorpion tail to stab the red beast not far away. At the same time, he still had enough energy to complain: "No...

The Monk Master never cares about the life and death of his chess pieces... There are so many things to do, just get used to them, don't be afraid!"

The sleeves of the gorgeous robe were fluttering, and a gentle female voice came out, correcting: "It's Mr. Zhuge."

"Capture the ancestor!" Scorpio repeated his cry angrily.

Not far from some great wizards.

On the battlefield controlled by the Parliament under the moon.

Su Shijun touched the reality behind the breath of the forbidden spell more clearly than others, and because of this, she stayed in a daze longer than others.

"Zheng... Qing?" She frowned slightly, one guess after another flashed through her mind, but she still couldn't get to the point: "How did you enter the inner castle?"

Then, a trace of irritation appeared on the witch's face: "He appeared on the battlefield carelessly and didn't know how to restrain himself at all... Do you want Poseidon to be an orphan?!"

Milton Cullen and William Talbot, two senators, had quietly come down from the tower and were patrolling nearby in the name of protecting the beautiful Su. Although they were not great wizards yet, they were well-informed.

Milton, in particular, had also had an idea of ​​Zheng Qing, so when the breath of the forbidden curse came, Mr. Vampire quietly slipped next to Mr. Werewolf.

"The biggest obstacle between you and Miss Su is right there." Milton held up a huge demon head and brought it to Mr. Werewolf's ear, whispering seductively: "Catch him and tear him apart. Not only will you be able to

It will be closer to Miss Su, and you will also have a chance to get rewards from the parliament."

The parliament he mentioned was naturally the Under-Moon Parliament.

The reward he was talking about was the reward for seizing the opportunity for the forbidden curse for the council.

William Tarbot raised his arm and wiped the sweat from his head, accidentally leaving a few clear blood marks on his cheeks. Hearing the vampire's nagging words, the werewolf glanced at him, twitched the corners of his mouth, and revealed

A few sharp teeth.

"I just have a bad temper, and I'm not a fool like you." William withdrew his gaze, trying hard to contain the urge to tear Milton into pieces from his heart, and replied in a muffled voice: "... you are not even a great wizard.

Where do you get the courage to touch the taboos of First University?"

Milton took a deep breath, released his strength in his hand, and shattered the huge monster's head into pieces.


The fist collided with the tentacles, making a huge sound. With the passing magic wave, Professor Yao took advantage of the situation and took a step back to get out of the way of the next wave of attacks from the giant eye in mid-air. At the same time, the indifferent face in the center

Frowning slightly, he looked towards the head of the inner castle which was just around the corner.

Then he immediately saw a familiar figure.

"Zheng Qing?" The dean of Jiuyou College suddenly felt that all three of his heads were hurting at the same time: "This brat... why is he everywhere!"

"Is that the 'prick-headed' public-funded student from your college?" The dean of Starry Sky College landed next to the three-headed and eight-armed giant ape, and patted one of the giant ape's arms as if no one was watching: "He is indeed a troublemaker.

The man...if you find it difficult, you can throw him to our academy."


The white mist wandering in the air entwined with each other, condensing half of Captain Mist's body, silently looking at the inner castle wall, but his eyes fell on the black cat: "...Why, that cat feels more dangerous to me.



Captain Misty's eyes wandered around the black cat, and finally rested on the young wizard: "Is he the student mentioned by Nikita? So that's it... Sure enough... That's a heart full of temptation.


"It feels like I have discovered some incredible secret."

This chapter has been completed!
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