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Extra Eight Mysterious Yellow Wood

 "Raise your head, raise your head!"

"Open your eyes and lift your heads!"

"The stars didn't set last night, and the night will be red today!"

"Cut through the sky!"

"Today the night will turn red..."

"...the red sun rises, its path is bright...even though it lasts for eternity, there are eight deserts...the seas and mountains are green, the road of the world is boundless...the universe looks down as a sign of auspiciousness!"

Two long and clear spells resounded over the battlefield of Black Prison. Along with the sound of the spells, the two suns, in no particular order, tore through the thick curtain of night and slowly rose in this dead world.

A golden round.

A round of scarlet.

The golden and red sunlight pours out from the end of the horizon, flowing like a tide through every hill, every dead tree, and every grain of gravel, painting the entire world with its colors.

In front of the Black Prison Castle.

Nine huge figures, facing the two suns, facing in all directions, were sitting upright in the open space outside the castle, silently facing the swarming demon coalition.

The sunlight was blocked by their tall figures, casting long, thick shadows backwards.

The nine shadows did not interfere with each other, but in the end they all extended all the way and fell deep in the inner castle. They were superimposed under the black and yellow wood. Combined with the dense shade of the black and yellow wood, they covered this ancient spiritual tree with a light black gauze.


The old tree swayed its branches, greeting a tall figure under the tree, and there was a fine rustling sound when the leaves collided.

"Don't worry, you are absolutely safe here!"

"The magic circle that protects you is in the center of the inner fort. There is also a main fort outside the inner fort, and an outer fort outside the main fort. The inner fort is guarded by two legendary wizards, the main fort is guarded by the four deans of the school, and the outer fort is also guarded by two legendary wizards.

Nine great wizards...you are absolutely safe here!"

"I can guarantee that not even an ant will be able to climb the roots of your tree without your permission!"

The witch under the tree couldn't remember how many times this was the first time she had comforted the old tree. She couldn't help but murmur that "the older you get, the less courageous you are." This is a wise saying.

In the entire Black Prison Castle, none of the young wizards who faced the battle were not enthusiastic and full of fighting spirit. However, this ancient black and yellow tree, which was guarded by wizards and covered with many layers of defensive formations, was timid, as if it were a tree that had just been fighting.

The little white rabbit came out of its nest and kept making noises, asking the wizards to keep an eye on it and not let a monster get close to it.

Of course, from Xuanhuangmu's point of view, this is not timid.

Trees don't have guts in the first place.

At best, it just thinks it's acting more prudently.

It had 'eaten' too many demons in the Black Prison in its life, and with the rotten air root that just fell off yesterday, it could imagine what terrible things the demons would do when they came under the tree.

Picking flowers and fruits, or cutting two sections of branches to make statues are all trivial. The old tree has no doubt that if a demon really rushes under the tree, he will definitely throw a few fires and burn himself half to death.

It is still young, only a few thousand years old, and there is no need to put itself in danger for a few fruits.

So from the beginning, Xuanhuangmu suggested to the wizards several times that the wizards and demons should hold a meeting for peace and development hand in hand, and everyone would sit together and share the fruit. It would be good for you, me, and the old tree.

It's a pity that the wizards decisively rejected Xuanhuangmu's proposal - the radical wizards hoped to use a war to warn against the increasingly rampant demon activities in recent years; the young wizards also hoped to accumulate enough resources in this war to stand among the wizards.

The road goes further.

This stubborn attitude made the old tree angry.

It seems to have seen the same kind of people called "elm lumps" a long time ago. Because they didn't know how to be flexible, those guys turned into rotten wood long ago, and only it has survived safely until now.

'My father loves human beings, but he hates individual people①' - this sentence is perfect to describe the old tree's current mentality - it likes wizards very much, because they can always find delicious things for it.'

food', to clean up the silverfish on the tree for it; but it must admit that it also hates those wizards who stand under the tree and make 'notifications' in the name of 'discussions', and take it without its permission.

Use it as bait and place it in the center of the battlefield.

The problem is that wizard is not an abstract concept - like a council, an alliance, a race - wizard means every wizard, every witch, every magician, and even every murloc.

As a tree, its thinking is linear, and there is no way to hate individuals and like groups at the same time.

This contradictory emotion makes it have the urge to split every branch, mash every leaf into a ball, and mash every fruit.

"rest assured!"

"I've already said hello to the guards."

"If the war is unfavorable - this possibility is almost non-existent - take ten thousand steps back and assume that the demons really broke the inner fort defense circle, then when the inner fort wall collapses, we allow you to throw those fruits

, you can just throw it anywhere, as long as you feel safe."

At this point, the witch spread her hands and said, "How about it? Don't worry now! You are a veteran of the black prison and a veteran of the school. No matter what, we will take care of your feelings."

If you take care of my feelings, I shouldn't be allowed to participate in such a dangerous war. The blackwood tree swayed its branches, thinking angrily, letting the leaves collide with each other and make a rustling sound.

But it also knows that the witch's proposal is already the biggest concession that the wizards can make. It has always been flexible when it comes to bottom-line choices, otherwise it would not have grown to this age.

In the end, Xuanhuangmu chose to accept the proposal.

So it dropped a branch and stretched it out in front of the witch.

A leaf on the branch spread out, like a human palm, with vertical and horizontal veins, and the lines in the palm were clearly visible. The witch breathed a sigh of relief, stretched out her hand, held the leaf, and shook it.

Agreement reached.

The branch pulled back with a swish, and the two slightly thinner branches next to it came over, waving their thick branches and leaves, like two dusters, rubbing hard against the leaf that the witch had touched, until the skin of the leaf was rubbed off.

Then it stopped.

The witch's eyes twitched, she lowered her eyelids, trying to tell herself in her heart - it's just a tree, it's just a tree, it's just a tree.

There is no need to get angry with a tree.


A ball of green flames ignited from the soles of the feet and engulfed the figure of the witch in an instant. The fire light dissipated and the witch had disappeared, leaving only a small wisp of burnt breath and all the branches leaning back to avoid it.

Viper's yellow wood.

Sure enough, sir is right, only women and villains are difficult to raise in the world!

It wasn't until the burnt smell completely dissipated that Xuanhuangmu slowly retracted its branches, thinking indignantly and considering whether to complain to the school about her recklessness.


Outside the castle, the fury of thunder and the roar of giant beasts could be heard in the distance. The ancient tree shuddered, and several fruits hidden among the thick leaves popped out instantly, almost throwing them away.

After coming back to its senses, it realized that the war zone was still outside the castle.

Endless, endless, there is no way to live this day. Gu Mu thought with a sigh, and put the fruits back into the canopy. For a moment, the thought of complaining to the school disappeared.

This chapter has been completed!
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