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Chapter 15 Recovering the Black Prison Event

"Because this is the plan of the radicals and the new generation, the Black Prison War does not receive the full support of the Alliance."

"Because the wizards are targeting the top big monsters, you can see that the dark beasts and dark councilors who obtained the black and yellow fruits on the battlefield were not attacked by the school... On the contrary, during the entire war, not a single

The big demon obtained the Xuanhuang Fruit."

Hearing this, Zheng Qing subconsciously thought of the stream of light flying into the mouths of the three eight-armed giant apes, opened his mouth, and finally tried to close it.

Sir seems to know what he is thinking.

"Professor Yao is a professor in the school and is not a monster." He looked at Zheng Qing and repeated emphatically: "He is no longer a monster."

The young wizard nodded immediately.

The gentleman's face softened a bit.

"Of course, I have told you many times before that the world is a complex, contradictory and interconnected huge system. When it comes to reality, there are few things where the cause and effect are simple and clear."

"As I just said, not a single black and yellow fruit fell into the hands of the demon. In addition to the all-out sniping by the wizards, the internal constraints of the demon are also an important factor... Here, we must mention the Sea Demon King Xiang Liu."

Zheng Qing did not have a very clear understanding of this famous legendary monster. When the Siren King appeared on the battlefield and fought against Vice Principal Shi Hui, Zheng Qing still took Jiang Yu and the black cat to escape in the desolate world.

Jump; when the Siren King broke out of that dead little world and returned to the battlefield again, the young public-funded student had already lost consciousness because his pocket watch drained the magic power.

Not being able to see the legendary demon with his own eyes was a minor regret during his trip to the Black Hell. So when he heard his husband mention the words Siren King, he immediately pricked up his ears and became energetic.

A little more concentrated.

"Before talking about Xiang Liu, you need to understand the concept of high-level wizard."

The teacher did not immediately describe to Zheng Qing how powerful the Siren King Xiangliu was or what it looked like. Instead, he patiently explained to him starting from the most basic concepts:

"If ordinary wizards are low-level wizards and registered wizards are mid-level wizards, then wizards above the registered level are all high-level wizards."

"Above the registration level is a great wizard. The clearest sign of becoming a great wizard is to cast the true body. Because the true body is so huge, it is called 'big'."

"Beyond the great wizards are legends. Their existence is a legend, and their behavior is a miracle. After becoming a legend, the wizard's self-existence has transcended dimensions and has the ability to create a real world."

"Beyond the legend is the ancient wizard, also called the 'Ancient One' by many people. If the legendary wizard transcends dimensions and can touch the mist that permeates the river of time, then the ancient ones are completely separated from the river of time...

...But this separation is not without cost, they need to 'give back' to the world that gave birth to them."

"There are two ways to give back. One is to do subtraction, constantly throwing away everything they robbed from this world, and this throwing away must be 'clean' and cannot involve new cause and effect. Otherwise, the entanglement of cause and effect will cause trouble.

The more you throw away, the more it will increase instead of decreasing. This is why, after becoming an ancient person, the wizards will gradually disappear... As the saying goes, 'The perfect person has no self, the god has no merit, and the saint has no name'."

"Another way of giving back is to make additions. The wizards who have become ancients begin to explore wider and more distant dimensions, obtain new inspirations from 'nothing', and spread them back to the world to make up for their growth.

The inspiration stolen from the world..."

Hearing this, Zheng Qing's heart felt as if it had been clawed by a cat, and a series of question marks popped up in his mind.

For example, how is the real body of the great wizard created? Do you do it organ by organ? Or do you outline the phantom first and then fill in the reality? Another example is that legendary wizards can evolve the real world. Does this mean that every new world has at least one indigenous legend?

existence? Also, how did the ancients obtain "being" from "nothing"?

However, Zheng Qing also knows that each of the above-mentioned issues is worthy of being discussed in detail for seven days and seven nights, but he will never try to exaggerate the situation. He will now clearly point out every step of Zheng Qing's future.

In that case, Zheng Qing's future will lose its biggest opportunity of 'possibility'.

Therefore, he could only be patient and continue to listen to his husband's unhurried voice speaking plainly and clearly in this small ward:

"...The Siren King Xiang Liu is not very old, but he is extremely talented. It only took a few hundred years to go from an ordinary demon to a top-level legend. This amount of time is not even enough for Leviathan to take a nap... If Xiang Liu follows the steps

, if you continue to behave like a demon, you will inevitably become the new ration for the ancestor of the demon... This is not what it wants."

Zheng Qing licked his lips, reached out and took an orange segment from the fruit plate, stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed it carefully to restrain his urge to complain.

Listen, you're not that old! Hundreds of years old! Take a nap!

And what kind of demon ancestor uses legendary demons as food!

"...So, it must seek change. It just so happens that Xiang Liu is very good at seizing fleeting opportunities. Just like this time, I advanced and brought a huge tide of magic sweeping across the world, becoming the ancestor of it to get rid of the demons.

A perfect opportunity to break through the shackles of legend.”

"So he made a sneak attack and ate Cthulhu."

The husband said a very weird name, so weird that Zheng Qing felt that his tongue was twisted when he spoke. The young wizard couldn't help but follow the husband and read the name again - Cthulhu.

The gentleman looked at Zheng Qing with a smile, and saw that his face was wrinkled into a ball, as if he had eaten a whole devil fruit. He let him bleat for a long time, and then stuffed his mouth full of fruit.

"How does it taste?" the gentleman asked with a smile.

"I'm eating shit." Zheng Qing chewed the orange in his mouth hard, trying to forget the taste: "It's worse than smelly mandarin fish, no, it's worse than canned herring!"

The gentleman nodded with satisfaction.

"Longer your memory, remember this feeling, stay away from the starry sky." He bent his fingers and tapped Zheng Qing's head, and a sudden coolness wiped away the irritability that had just arisen in the young wizard's heart.

"...Cthulhu is an existence deep in the starry sky, and also belongs to the legendary level."

The teacher smiled and continued calmly: "Xiangliu chose him because they have similar 'attributes' but opposite 'paths'... To put it simply, Cthulhu and Xiangliu both belong to 'water'

, Xiang Liu took the road of converging traditional demons, and Cthulhu took the road of swallowing up everything for his own use... The more specific content involves too advanced magical knowledge, and knowing too much is not good for you, you just need to know

, after Xiang Liu swallows Cthulhu, he can break out of the barriers set by the demon ancestor, break through the legend, and become an ancient one."

This chapter has been completed!
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