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Chapter 19 Several Questions

 Doing an impossible thing with the belief that you will die can be seen in the Black Prison battlefield. Zheng Qing easily remembered many of them.

For example, the multi-armed giant Kotos sacrificed himself as soon as he crashed into the battlefield, summoning a huge willow tree to prevent the wizards from repairing the broken castle wall, and at the same time weaving countless spreading willow branches

Out of the green sea covered with wedge-shaped enclaves, a new land was suddenly opened up for the demon alliance on the home ground of the wizards.

Another example is the Mouse Immortal couple. Faced with Juice who only had a trace of residual thoughts, they tried their best to save her. As a result, one of them was reduced to ashes and the other lost his body.

There is also the Siren King Xiang Liu, who chose to surrender in order to completely devour Cthulhu. Fighting sounds like a very noble word, but it is actually suicide, and it must choose to commit suicide without leaving any bones in order to survive in death.

Although the above three are top wizards and even top legends, they can still do an almost impossible thing with the belief that they will die, and finally succeeded. This is probably what Mr. said.

That's why.

"I know I was wrong."

The young wizard lowered his head honestly and admitted his mistake.

The husband raised his eyebrows: "What's wrong? What do you know?"

"If your attitude of self-sacrifice is not firm enough, then you must not sacrifice yourself." Zheng Qing raised his head, looked into his calm eyes, and replied seriously: "I want to gain the huge power of the magic of sacrifice, but also have the convenience of not completely sacrificing myself.

There is no such good thing in the world."

The gentleman rarely said a bad word:

"Destiny is a bitch, but a fair enough bitch."

While he was talking, he picked up an orange from the fruit plate, peeled it off, took a piece of orange flesh and handed it to the boy. He nodded: "Any behavior that tries to exploit the loopholes of fate will be counterattacked by fate...such as your suicide."

And that pillar of heaven that fell out of control. The mysterious side of magic is full of subtle concepts of subjectivity and idealism."

Zheng Qing crushed the orange in his mouth.

He felt that his husband's harsh words about fate were very familiar.

The sweet and sour juice bounces between the teeth, and the aroma is overflowing, giving people a particularly satisfying feeling. Standing in the golden sunshine, watching the orange peel peeled into four pieces like windmills in my husband's hands, I thought deep in my soul

With the seeds of the forbidden curse, Zheng Qing suddenly recalled his dreaming experience in the dreamland.

Then he remembered when he had heard that vulgar remark.

In the dreamland, after Zheng Qing found Zhu Si, he once fell asleep in a forest and had a dream. In the dream, he saw Hastur, the outer god wearing a yellow robe.

At that time, Hastur wanted to give the young wizard a gift. Zheng Qing asked why. The foreign god replied, "This is the choice of fate." Zheng Qing muttered, "Fate is a bitch."

Thinking of this, the young wizard hesitated for a moment, and finally asked the gentleman carefully: "Sir, do you know Hastur?"

The gentleman glanced at Zheng Qing and seemed to know what he wanted to ask.

"Hastad doesn't have much malice." He made a reassuring gesture: "In Yug's words, 'They just put their hope in the future'... As for why Hastur is eyeing you,...

On the one hand, it’s because the aura of the forbidden curse on you is as dazzling as the sun in the dreamland, and you can easily fall into His sight; on the other hand, Hastur divined that you will be of great help to Him.”

"Me?" Zheng Qing raised his thumb and poked the tip of his nose with a look of disbelief.

"It turned out to be exactly what he expected."

The gentleman stood up and stretched: "Your appearance promoted the development of the Black Prison War and accelerated the process of Xiang Liu devouring Cthulhu... Maybe you don't know that there is a big conflict between Hastur and Cthulhu...

…Just like there are many differences in the wizarding world, the Starry Sky is not monolithic, and many of their conflicts are more intense than the conflicts between us and the wizards.”

Having said this, the gentleman couldn't help but smile: "The war that broke out in the Black Prison this time was far less exciting than the chess games outside the Black Prison. Around the huge chessboard, every player made commendable moves.

Wonderful hand..."

"Sir, what's the point of our existence?" Zheng Qing couldn't help interrupting his husband, and spoke a little faster: "I mean, being a legend, or a being above a legend can calculate everything, predict everything, you can

If we can just change the whole world, what's the point of the existence of ordinary wizards? We are as inconspicuous as dust."


The gentleman tilted his head and glanced at the young wizard: "Very self-aware words."

As he spoke, he strolled to the window and pushed it open. The late morning breeze suddenly flowed into the ward, rolled up a corner of the curtains, and stirred the flames of the candles hanging from the ceiling.

"Can you see the wind?" The gentleman turned back and looked at Zheng Qing.

"Can't see..."

Zheng Qing just said two words and immediately swallowed the third word 'see'. He stared at the curtains blown up by the wind and thought: "...Maybe."

"Where's the light?" The gentleman changed his target.

Zheng Qing did not answer immediately, his eyes were a little confused. He didn't know what his husband meant by these words. In a sense, everything he saw should be light, such as the golden morning sun, white walls, blue smoke, etc.

etc. But he knew that what the gentleman asked should be more than that simple.

Fortunately, the gentleman did not wait for the young wizard to really think about it.

"The meaning is all mutual."

The teacher tried to use simple language to explain: "In a dusty room, blow a breath and you can see the shape of the wind; open the curtains of the room and let the sunlight shine in, and you can see the shape of the light.

The dust dances in the sun, showing both the shape of the wind and the shape of the light. This is the meaning of dust."

"Existence and meaning are still very difficult philosophical categories for you. I don't recommend that you think about these issues before you master enough magic theory."

As he said that, the gentleman raised his head and looked at the sky: "... Just like the cat's suggestion, it does feel good to chat occasionally."

Zheng Qing immediately realized that his husband was leaving.

He still has many questions and many things he wants to say to his husband.

But for a moment, I couldn't think of any questions. The only image that came to my mind was that of my previous visitor, Professor Yao, being thrown out by the elves.

"Sir," he plucked up the courage and asked hurriedly: "Everyone says that Professor Yao may serve as the new vice president of the school. Is this true?"

The gentleman turned around and looked at him with a meaningful smile on his face:

"Do you have any doubts?"

"No, no!"

Zheng Qing immediately denied it. At the same time, he racked his little brain and asked slowly: "I mean, isn't Professor Yao a great demon? Is it appropriate to let him serve as the vice president of First University?

...Of course, I know Professor Yao is a very good professor."

"You don't know." The gentleman stood in front of the window in the morning light, and his figure became fainter and fainter in the sunlight, just like his voice gradually faded away:

"Old Yao is not the monster you imagined."

"Just like you are not the big bomb you think you are."

"Any judgment that is divorced from the biggest variable, time, will run further and further in the wrong direction."

"When I was young, I felt that there were countless possibilities in the future. But as I grew older, I gradually understood that life is like a set of dominoes. As the days go by, the dominoes fall one by one, and we end up

Will reach the future that was fixed long ago...Using dimensional theory to explain, the timeline will always converge at the end of the past and the future. The end of the past is 0, the end of the future is 1, and between 0 and 1, then

There are countless possibilities.”

"Like a giant, undulating olive."

"After knowing this, we will have the greatest tolerance for the countless possibilities in the process."

Ps, Zheng Qing’s last question actually involves ‘should First University change its president?’ I feel the description is a bit vague...

This chapter has been completed!
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