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Chapter 58: Yu Yu Qiao Qiao

 The process of crossing the crows is lackluster.

Of course, it's not that easy. After all, there are black ominous birds with flapping wings in all directions. They croak with hoarse voices and open their red eyes to watch the passers-by of different shapes.

Zheng Qing felt as if he was facing an evil god from the depths of the starry sky.

Everyone is under tremendous psychological pressure. Like Li Meng, he has become a real quail in such an environment. He folds his wings and huddles in the deepest part of the team, well-behaved and quiet.

Fortunately, the little witch did not faint today.

This made the musk leaves that Zheng Qing had prepared in advance useless. But it didn't matter. With Li Meng's mental endurance, she would always faint, and Zheng Qing would definitely have the opportunity to perform actively in front of everyone.

With this mentality that could not be called aboveboard or dark, Zheng Qing and the other five teammates passed through the crowd of crows safely and slowly landed at a height of several hundred meters above the ground.

At the foot is a desolate area similar to a savanna. Surrounded by the shadows of undulating mountains in the distance, a small but fast-flowing river meanders through this desolation. The river water is turbid and the color is almost different from the soil on both sides.

The points were divided up and down, almost making Zheng Qing think that he had returned to his hometown.

He couldn't help but raise his head and look at the sky.

The blue-gray cumulonimbus clouds are still rolling overhead, thick and dense, making it impossible to see any celestial phenomena behind the clouds. But the faint blue that covers the surface of the entire world clearly tells the wizard that this place has already

It's not the world he's familiar with anymore.

The boy sighed softly and lowered his head again.

Perhaps because of the terrain, the yellow river made a huge bend below the crows, forming an open and flat land.

At this moment, there are many ravines crisscrossing the land, like mini canals, connecting the two sides of the huge curve, forming a huge five-pointed star magic circle.

Muddy river water flows in the gully, and the water surface is covered with a thin layer of mist, like flying white in thick ink characters. The criss-crossing ravines are the nodes of the five-pointed star array. On each node, there are

A simple campsite.

As the altitude continued to drop, the appearance of those camps became increasingly clear.

They seem to be located on a small river in the water, surrounded by yellow river water. The camp is surrounded by fences erected by tall trees, and low gray tents are spread out in the center of the camp.

You can vaguely see a figure holding on to the fence and looking toward the sky.

The young wizards of the Forgiveness Hunting Team felt the hesitation of their teammates almost at the same time. Similarly, several other teams that had just passed through the crows also slowed down their landing speed.

"Which camp should we enter?" Li Meng fluttered her quail wings, like a chubby quail, jumping up and down, shouting: "Choose the camp with people or the camp without people?"

There is a bit of life in the camp where there are people, but lifeless in the camp where there is no one. At first thought, it seems that these young people should choose the camp where there is no one and occupy a node of the magic circle; but after thinking about it again, they came to this place of life.

If you participate in a trial in an unfamiliar world, what's the use of occupying an empty camp?

Zheng Qing looked at Xiao Xiao and saw that the short boy had taken out his crystal ball again at some point. He was mumbling and flipping the beautiful ball over and over. It seemed that he couldn't figure out any results for a while.

Looking at Zhang Jixin again, the red-faced boy had his arms folded, his face turning purple from suffocation, and he was obviously making a difficult decision.

The young public-funded student sighed slightly and waved his hand:

"What a thief!"

"What?" The fat man had sharp ears, but it was difficult to understand Zheng Qing's incomprehensible words.

"He said 'choose the nearest one'," Jiang Yu explained: "We should have chosen the nearest camp to stay in... Since the school did not explain it in advance, any choice is reasonable."

There was a hint of surprise on the fat man's face.

Zhang Jixin also punched the palm of his hand, and the purple color on his face retreated at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a healthy red again: "Yes, at this time we only have one choice, be quick!"

"Hurry is two words." The doctor put away the crystal ball and adjusted his glasses.

Zhang Jixin didn't pay attention to his fortune teller's complaints. The pair of translucent mayfly wings behind him shook slightly, and he fell down again.

Several other hunters from the Forgiveness Hunting Team also followed suit.

Almost at the same time, several other teams that hesitated for a moment in mid-air also made up their minds and headed towards their chosen campsites.

Three hundred meters, two hundred meters, one hundred meters.

In a blink of an eye, the team dropped to a height of less than 100 meters, and the details in the simple camp became more and more real. The debris piled up in the corner of the camp, the scarecrows standing outside the camp, and the copycat standing in front of the tent

The gray-robed wizards are all clearly visible.

Zheng Qing vaguely felt that the gray-robed wizard looked familiar.

Before he could find the exact target in his mind, he felt the feathers of mayflies behind him stagnate slightly, and then, his whole figure seemed to pass through a curtain of water.

"We just passed through the guardian circle, don't worry!" Xiao Xiao's comforting voice rang in his ears, stopping his teammates from raising their books in excitement.

Although he said this, Zheng Qing still felt a faint sense of uneasiness.

He raised his head and looked around. All he could see was the light gray sky and the desolate savanna. He couldn't see other camps or other teams that landed together.

"I can't see the other teams!" he reminded his teammates loudly.

"Maybe it's just the blocking effect of the magic circle?" Fatty guessed, with a hint of hesitation in his tone.

"Everyone, prepare your spells, just in case!" Xiao Xiao also immediately changed his position.

"Change the formation." Zhang Jixin spoke quickly, playing his role as the main hunter: "The fat man is at the front, ready to release his true form at any time; the squad leader and Xiaomeng are at the back; Brother Zha is on the left, and I am on the right

, Doctor in the center... cheer up and be vigilant!"

While talking, the group of people had already dropped to a height of less than twenty meters.

The weird magic symbols painted on the fence, the patches on the gray tent, the smelly ditch at the edge of the camp, and even the crooked nose of a scarecrow are all clearly visible.

At this height, Fatty Xin didn't even need wings to land safely after turning into a blue giant.

The face of the gray-robed wizard standing in the center of the camp with his hands folded became increasingly clear.

Zheng Qing gradually opened his eyes and shouted in surprise: "It's Old Man Verne from the school working committee! Lin Guo also knows him... He used to be responsible for the night patrol of Linzhong Lake!"

This shout relieved the tense spirits of the young wizards.

Then Zheng Qing saw the familiar serious face of the old man.

The last ten meters.

The old man Verne's copying hand stretched out from the sleeve of his robe, holding a worn Dharma book in his hand. He glanced at the public-funded students who greeted him cheerfully and the other young wizards who were falling quickly, and moistened it with saliva.

Moisten the index finger of your right hand and slowly turn the pages of the book:

"My feathers are flying, my tail is flying!"

This chapter has been completed!
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