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Chapter 93 The night before

 The muzzle of Remington's gun was only a few feet away from Professor Yao's chest.

At the moment when he pulled the trigger, Zheng Qing thought about countless possible consequences - for example, the talisman bullet was stopped by the professor with a finger before it hit his chest; for example, the talisman bullet hit the professor's chest and was like a particle of dust.

It fell on the water without any disturbance; another example is that the professor suddenly showed his true form with three heads and eight arms and ate the talisman bullet in one bite.

Of course, the last possibility is extremely low.

The only thing he didn't expect was that the talisman bullet never hit the professor. After leaving the muzzle of the gun, the light blue projectile went straight forward, like a meteor, but no matter how fast it went, it was still more than a foot away from Professor Yao's chest.


It was as if there was a vast universe in front of the professor's chest.

And that talisman bullet is a small insect that fell into amber.

The speeding bullets and the relatively still state appeared in Zheng Qing's eyes at the same time. The feeling of dislocation caused an uncontrollable urge to vomit in his heart. He felt that the world in all directions was quickly moving away from him. At the same time, he

I clearly realized that I was still standing on the same spot. The surrounding walls, the floor tiles under my feet, and the professor in front of me had not changed at all.


After the breath of the forbidden curse was exhausted, the light cyan talisman shattered like bubbles and turned into a thin mist of light, finally disappearing within a few feet between Zheng Qing and the professor.

Professor Yao smacked his lips in reminiscence.

"How do you feel?" Before the boy could recover, the professor asked directly: "Compared with before, is there any special feeling in shooting this time?"

Zheng Qing was stunned for a moment, then looked down at the rune gun in his hand. After a long while, he murmured: "It feels very clean."

In the past, when a gun was fired, a trace of the forbidden curse would more or less escape from the gun body, but after firing this time, the escaped breath was absorbed by the skull on the gun body, giving people a sense of elegance.

Feeling refreshing outside.

Hearing the judgment of the young public-funded student, the professor nodded: "Indeed, it is much cleaner than before. If there are no other concerns, then I suggest you accept this rune gun again. After all, guns are just tools, and there is no good or evil..."

"Just to give you the rune gun back?"

Xiao Xiao suddenly spoke, interrupting Zheng Qing's recollection of last night's conversation and the shot. His slightly narrowed eyes were full of confusion: "If you just returned the shot, why did you change into a cat? Cat's claws

I can’t hold a gun either.”

While they were talking, the two of them had arrived at Feiyuan where they were doing morning classes. The lively atmosphere was swirling happily around the wizards, creating a wave of vitality.

Zheng Qing was caught off guard by the doctor's question. He stood there stunned for a few seconds and then said vaguely: "He turned into a cat... He turned into a cat because there were some big cats fighting over there at the cat fruit tree. As an arbiter on the cat fruit tree,

However, I will always uphold justice... As the saying goes, with greater ability comes greater responsibility..."

He did not explain clearly how he knew that big cats were fighting in the cat fruit tree, nor did he say what the consequences of the fight would be, or how he "did justice."

Because there was no big cat fight at all last night.

After saying goodbye to Professor Yao, the young public-funded student rushed downstairs to an empty spell training room, took off the cap of the ampoule, and without even having time to 'neutralize' the effect with other drinks, he directly transformed the ampoule in the bottle.

The medicine was poured into the mouth.

Before the class meeting started, he quietly handed a 'little mouse' to the witch sitting in the front row of the classroom, and asked her to meet at the cat fruit tree in the evening. Although there was no clear time and place on the note, there was only a scrawled simple drawing with unclear meaning.

, but the wizard was inexplicably sure that the witch must know what he meant.

But after being stopped by Lao Yao after the class meeting, the wizard's time suddenly became extremely tight, and he might even be late, and then the wizard would think he had missed the appointment.

This is not a good thing.

A moment later, a black cat flew out of the window of the magic training room, followed the narrow corridor in the small garden in front of the teaching building, and quickly ran towards the small woods by the lake.

Linzhong Lake was still very quiet before the start of school. Due to the return of the wizards, the murlocs in the lake began to reduce their presence again, and the night patrol team by the lake did not start work, which made the black cat run smoothly all the way.

Standing under the tree, the black cat looked up at the large and small furry fruits on the tree, and looked at the little white cat lying on the 'throne', bored and napping. The tip of its originally nervous tail suddenly relaxed and hung down.

Then it coughed lightly, and climbed up the tree slowly with dignified and serious steps.

The fur balls on the cat fruit tree were hanging on the treetops as lazily and comfortably as ever, licking their fur while watching the moonlight, and snoring one after another - the only difference from usual times was that tonight it was time to pay tribute again.

As an informal 'group', Zheng Qing's management of the hairy fruits on the cat fruit tree was extremely loose. As long as they behaved and did not cause trouble, the wizard would not cause trouble for them, let alone the three-year-old and two-year-old birthdays.

Habits like carbon respect.

But last night was a little special.

Because school is about to start, a few cats have left the Maoguoshu tree, and a few more cats have arrived. It is not easy for the new cats to come with empty paws when visiting the pier. They always have to bring some tributes to honor the tree boss, and the new cats’

This behavior will also drive the old cats in the tree to recall the days when they were dominated by black cats, and they will make offerings together.

This has also formed the habit of the cats making a 'tribute' at the beginning of each semester.

Noticing the arrival of the black cat, the 'fruits' on the tree stood up one after another. According to their status, they came to the throne in twos and threes with their respective gifts in their mouths, and knelt down to offer them.

After more than a year of training, no cat dares to stroke the black cat’s whiskers and challenge its status on the cat fruit tree. And the few new kittens can’t even provoke the forest cat on the tree, let alone challenge it.

The status of black cats.

Similar to last time, this time the tributes from the cats are still diverse.

The largest number of them are all kinds of strange little animals, such as six-legged fish, centipedes with wings, emperors with their feathers plucked, and colorful cantharides.

The black cat carefully pushed aside these little living creatures that were trembling under the cat's paws, and selected another part of the tribute that was useful to him - such as the rusty copperware dug out of the soil, which may have been the product of a certain alchemist.

The masterpieces of teachers; for example, a notebook dampened by moisture, which may contain the learning experience of a certain senior; and various gemstones, this kind of gift is the most cost-effective.

The black cat's paws were picking through the small pile of gems.

There is a porcupine date, which is the stone of a porcupine. It has detoxification effect, but it is too ugly. There is a sunflower stone, which is golden and golden. It is quite beautiful, but it is too small. It is only about the size of a few grains of rice and is as big as a palm.

It was given by the kitten, and it matched his physique very well. There was also an emerald, which was suitable in color, luster and size, but it was different from the last gift.

After much selection, Black Cat finally chose a light blue opal.

It weighed it on the tip of its claws, nodded with satisfaction, and then pushed it in front of the little white cat pretending to be careless. The little white cat tilted its head and glanced at the black cat, curled its lips, hugged the small pile of gems with its paws,

Row them all in front of you.

The black cat's expression froze, and he turned around sadly, lying on his throne with staggering steps, sighing at the moon, silent.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: ._

This chapter has been completed!
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