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Chapter 144 The second week's class meeting

 The signed article that Lao Yao wants to post is called "Truth, Philosophy and My World View". At the end of the article, the author's title is "Member of the Grand Wizard Conference of the Wizards Alliance, Dean of Jiuyou College of First University and Vice President of the Institute of Applied Magic"


There is one more deputy director of the Institute of Applied Magic than previously announced titles.

This is already very illustrative of the problem.

Zheng Qing was silent for a moment and sighed slightly.

"Didn't we guess this possibility before?" The public-funded student curled his lips and glanced outside the classroom door: "There is nothing new under the stars... not to mention that there is indeed something wrong with Lao Yao."

He said the last sentence in a very low voice, almost a whisper.

"There's something wrong with you just like him." Xiao Xiao muttered in a low voice.

Zheng Qing didn't hear clearly - of course, even if he heard clearly, he would not argue with the doctor on this issue - he was looking at the sneaky figures outside the door who pretended to pass by Classroom 601 casually.

An ordinary silence contract can only make everyone shut up and not discuss or reveal certain bad topics, but it cannot prevent everyone from communicating with each other with eyes.

Just like those young wizards who suddenly increased in number outside the door, they always looked at every student in Astronomy Class 08-1 with a "casual" look, as if they wanted to find another person wearing wizard skin in full view of the public.


Those gazes made the atmosphere in classroom 601 become even more depressing.

For a moment, Zheng Qing very much hoped that the school asked the students to sign a more advanced silence contract, which could modify everyone's memory and eliminate the aftermath of this incident from the soul level. But he also knew that this possibility was very small.

.Because the use of high-level silence contract is similar to the use of high-level magic, an application needs to be submitted to the relevant departments of the alliance, especially in the field of wizard souls, and a consent form signed by the Supreme Court of Denhag is required.

Even with the influence of First University and the dignity of a legendary being, it would be difficult for Dan Hager to succumb easily in a short period of time. This is not only because there are people in the school who are restricting him, but also because Old Yao is really a monster.

, and the Danhage Court is notoriously conservative and stubborn, and will not change its course just because of the reputation of a legend, let alone compromise under the slightest external pressure.

Being able to withstand the pressure of the First University and the legendary wizards will instead demonstrate Danhag's independence and strengthen their right to speak in the "Wizard Code".

From another perspective, if this incident can be used to make First University make some compromises and let Dan Hager extend his hands into the forbidden areas of law enforcement in the past, it may be more in the interests of those old diehards.

Therefore, from the very beginning, the school did not intend to take this 'little riot' to a higher level, but only planned to confine the turmoil within a small area and wait for it to gradually subside.

In addition, Zheng Qing had reason to suspect that Professor Yao's advancement into a legendary wizard had to some extent contributed to the school's somewhat perfunctory attitude.

Accusing a great wizard and accusing a legendary being are two completely different concepts. If a legendary lich in the Withered Lands plans to defect to Alphaburg, I am afraid that the Beta Town Post will brag about this incident in different ways every day for a month.

'Victory without a fight' and the sobriety and wisdom of the legendary lich.

Change your butt and your views will be completely different.

It was a normal thing, no need to make a fuss.

The random conspiracy theories in my mind were intertwined with the eerie silence in the classroom, making me feel slightly suffocated.

This depressing feeling lasted until Downton entered the classroom with an order from the dean's office, and was slightly relieved.

"This regular meeting will be hosted by classmate Jiang Yu and I."

Downton stood on the podium, his square face and smooth voice gave people a sense of conviction for no reason: "...Professor Yao is presiding over a large-scale magic project involving the recovery of the world. Time is tight...and school has started.

In less than half a month, we have already held three, um, this is the fourth class meeting, and he said that he has nothing more to tell us, so we will arrange the next few class meetings by ourselves."

"Coward!" the stick figure behind the door yelled at the top of his lungs.

Immediately, its mouth was covered with a piece of glue flying from the front row of the classroom - Jiang Yu calmly put away the Dharma book, stood up, walked onto the podium, and quietly discussed the arrangements for today's class meeting with Downton.

Professor Yao didn't come.

The monitors are discussing the agenda.

The atmosphere in the classroom suddenly became much more relaxed.

It was as if the curtains of a dark room were pulled open, and bright sunlight fell in through the window, making the whole room suddenly feel more alive and fresh.

Zheng Qing seemed to hear everyone sighing in relief.

He understands everyone's mentality very well.

"A large-scale magic project involving the recovery of the world?" Fatty Xin slumped in his chair without any posture - which was in sharp contrast to his appearance a minute ago - and scratched his chin rudely: "I always feel a bit

It sounds familiar."

"Eighty percent is the recovery plan for the prison world." Zhang Jixin sat upright, looking like a good student, and frowned at the fat man at the same time: "When the professor is away, we should be more strict with ourselves... Well,

Speaking of which, did you feel that the atmosphere in the classroom was a little weird before? Does everyone know that Lao Yao will not be the vice principal? "

The other hunters in the Forgiveness Hunting Team exchanged subtle glances with each other. To ask such a question, it seemed that the red-faced wizard didn't know what happened the night before.

"Why have you become so serious?" Fatty Xin laughed, easily diverting Zhang Jixin's attention: "Did your brother ask you to behave better so as not to discredit him? That's right, you are also Lei Zhe after all.

My younger brother...are you interested in helping me interview your brother?"

"No interest! I have nothing to do with my brother!" Zhang Jixin's face darkened a little, and he said with a slightly more serious tone: "I've always been like this... Am I not serious?"

This rhetorical question made the other three wizards couldn't help but laugh. Zhang Jixin immediately realized the interestingness of his words and started laughing together.

The atmosphere in the corner is a microcosm of the atmosphere in the entire classroom.

"Wait a minute, Downton just said, 'We will arrange the next few class meetings by ourselves.' Does that mean that Lao Yao won't choose someone to come on stage to analyze his line chart?" Zheng Qing suddenly realized a good thing and reluctantly

Keep sharing with your friends.

"Old Yao can't, but the two squad leaders can." Xiao Xiao said unceremoniously: "In name, they are presiding over the class meeting, but in fact the agenda and content have been arranged long ago... Do you think Jiang Yu is sitting in the audience?

Is it better to listen to you analyze the 4-line chart, or stand next to you and listen to you analyze the 4-line chart?"

The joy that had just risen in Zheng Qing was instantly wiped away.

This chapter has been completed!
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