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Chapter 151 Nightmare

 After returning from Qingqiu Mansion, Zheng Qing had a series of nightmares.

At first, he was walking in the school under the night, and there seemed to be many people around him, but he couldn't see clearly. From time to time, a cold wind blew into his neck, causing goosebumps all over his body. When he turned around to look, there was no one there again.

, very much like the gangsters in ghost movies who get lunch.

There were shadows twisting and circling under my feet, like invisible long snakes. When I looked up, I saw the shadow cast by a strange big tree in the moonlight. The branches and leaves of the big tree stretched out in all directions, almost spanning the entire sky.

The entire tree-lined road is covered with large and small white fruits. When the breeze blows, the fruits rotate slowly, revealing pale faces, with their eyes closed tightly, and two tears of blood flowing from their eyes.

This scene was so frightening that the wizard's legs trembled, his heart was frightened, and he could hardly even walk steadily.

It was not until Linzhong Lake, when the night and tree shadows dispersed and the moonlight fell, that the wizard saw clearly that it was Jiang Yu walking beside him. This made him breathe a sigh of relief and his mood suddenly became peaceful.

The witch's crimson dress, the hem of which was like a bloody waterfall, was dragged back for a long time, and finally disappeared into the dark night. She had bare arms, tilted her head, and smiled as if she was saying something to the boy.

However, Zheng Qing couldn't hear clearly for a while. The two of them walked side by side, enjoying the moonlight and enjoying the beauty of the wind.

But immediately, a tall figure appeared in the full moon in the mid-air, dressed in gorgeous clothes, slim and graceful, with long hair like a waterfall, slender jade legs, and four huge fox tails spinning behind him.

Every time the fox tail turned around, a golden thunderbolt descended from the moon and hit the wizard. Even if he hid under the tree, under the stone, or even under the witch's skirt, he could not stop the golden thunderbolt like tarsal bones.

Maggots followed him, slashing at him until his mouth and nose were filled with smoke, and his whole body was charred black.

There was a little fox chirping around the moon, which looked like a ghost laughing.

After a long time, the thunder and lightning gradually subsided, and the figure in the rich clothes in the moonlight and Jiang Yu beside him had long since disappeared.

The blackened 'charcoal' rolled twice on the spot and rolled into Linzhong Lake. When it slowly sank to the bottom of the water, the hazy water vapor around it suddenly dispersed, and the surrounding scenery whirled around. When I calmed down again, the 'charcoal' was already gone.

In the small open space outside the Sakura Tavern in the North District of Beta Town.

Senior Sister Kolma walked out of the tavern with sonorous and powerful steps, kicked the 'charcoal' twice, and the black charred skin rustled down, revealing the wizard's blank expression.

"Didn't you say you were going to help me explain for Professor Yao?" The great sage from the North District had a dark face and waved the whip in his hand, making the air around him crackle.

Along with her scolding, one after another strange and vague figures gathered from all directions. They folded their hands in front of their chests and made a prayer gesture. Every time they took a step, the screams of frogs dying tragically could be heard in the air.

"I'm going! I'm going! I'll explain!"

The wizard waved his arms in panic, trying to prove his innocence: "Although Professor Yao is a big monster... a legendary monster, he is still very reasonable! I have known him for so long, but he has not eaten me!"

Kolma held her chest with one hand and held her chin with the other, looking at the boy suspiciously: "So, you already knew that the 'rumor' was true?"

The wizard was at a loss for words. He hesitated when a heavy weight suddenly hit his waist. However, the Great Wizard of the North District kicked him out of the Cherry Blossom Tavern and into the dark night outside: "Stop making excuses...get out of here."

Ask Lao Yao to explain!"

Zheng Qing bounced around on the ground like a ball.

When he stood up dizzy, the surroundings had turned into a wilderness, and a familiar and heavy pressure surged from all directions, suffocating him.

The boy raised his head, and instead of seeing the familiar moon, he saw two rounds of blood red.

No, not two wheels.

When this thought flashed through his mind, in addition to the two rounds of blood red, four more rounds of blood red suddenly appeared. At the same time, the six rounds of blood red also reflected a hazy, huge figure in the night.

It's a giant ape with three heads and eight arms!


Zheng Qing waved his arms happily, jumping up and down on the spot, trying to attract the attention of the giant ape: "Professor! I'm here! ... Senior sister asked me to bring you a message! The rumors outside are all fabricated.

It was made randomly! It has nothing to do with senior sister!"

Sound can easily be swallowed up by the endless night, night wind and dead silence in the wilderness.

But this does not affect the giant ape's spiritual thoughts.

He easily noticed the small but active figure in the wilderness. Six rounds of blood-red drew dazzling tracks in the night sky, and finally landed on the boy's head.

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The heavy pressure in his eyes made the excited wizard slowly stop. Feeling the disturbing sounds approaching behind the night, he finally chose to take out the book of magic and threw a lighting spell into the night sky:

"The moon rises and shines!"

A golden full moon rises slowly from the Dharma book. It is very small at first, like a fly's head. As it rises rapidly, it becomes bigger and bigger, like golden beans, like the mouth of a bowl, like a jade plate, like a wheel.

, and finally turned into a real moon, hanging in the sky.

Zheng Qing did not see what the moon turned into after the lighting spell he threw.

Because he was running for his life in the wilderness.

After the lighting spell was halfway up, Zheng Qing could clearly see what the uneasy sound was that was approaching behind the night - it was a huge palm with its five fingers spread out, like a hill, covering the wizard's head and slowly falling down.


There was a loud noise behind me.

While the wizard was running for his life, he looked back and saw the huge palm falling on the place where he had just stood. With his fingers closed, five deep furrows were plowed out of the entire land.

Zheng Qing dared to bet with Li Meng's stuffed bear that if he still stood where he was, he would definitely be crushed into pulp by that huge palm.

Boom! Boom!

There was a sound like thunder among the six rounds of blood. It was vaguely what the three eight-armed giant apes said, but the sound was too loud and could not be heard clearly.

The only thing Zheng Qing could be sure of was that it had not given up its plan to catch him. Its eight arms danced like windmills, and eight huge palms fell from the sky one after another - boom, boom, boom!

The boy screamed and ran away desperately.

The giant ape behind him roared, its breath was like wind, and its voice was like thunder. The huge fists falling from the sky were like mountains falling down, hitting the place very close behind the wizard in turn, as if they would smash him into a pulp in the next moment.

While running, a bottomless trench suddenly appeared in front of him.

The wizard had no time to stop. He closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, screamed, and accelerated suddenly, trying to jump over the ditch. But he overestimated his jumping ability after all.


The trench was dark, and the growing shadow became the last image in the wizard's dream.


With a scream, Zheng Qing rolled down from the bed.

This chapter has been completed!
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