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Chapter 155 Avoid

 On weekdays, professors push open the classroom door, take long strides, and walk in the wind, with the sleeves of their black robes flying up, sometimes with a pipe in their mouths, and a continuous wisp of flowers behind them.

Green smoke.

But today, the 'Professor Yao' who walked in the door was light and almost silent, as if a ghost had floated in, and the corners of his robe were more like a model made of pig iron, without any fluctuation.

The sunlight outside the window fell on his waxy face, which was exactly the same as Professor Yao's, revealing a somewhat amber-like translucent quality. Only his beautiful long back hair was still smooth and discernible.

So Zheng Qing confirmed immediately that the 'Professor Yao' in front of him was not the real Professor Yao.

He turned to look at Xiao Xiao.

The apologetic fortune teller adjusted his glasses and nodded slightly. Although the two did not communicate in any language, they silently exchanged and unified their opinions.

The person on the podium is indeed not the real Professor Yao.

In the classroom, more and more young wizards began to raise their heads—at first, they were the students who lowered their heads but tried to roll their eyes upward, then the students who were flipping through the textbooks in a panic, and finally, even those who were holding amulets and closing their eyes.

The students with tight eyes also quietly opened their eyes a little, seeming to be aware of the slightly weird atmosphere in the classroom.

Gradually, more and more students began to realize the strangeness of the 'Professor Yao' on the podium.

There were no familiar greetings of 'everyone, sit down', or 'everyone be quiet'; nor was there the common copper-embedded carved pipe in his mouth, and 'Professor Yao' on the podium had a slightly stiff face.

With a smile on his face, he looked around quietly, seemingly acquiescing to the classmates whispering to each other.

"Is this a clone?" someone asked in a low voice.

"It's not like that." A classmate immediately retorted: "How could the clone of a legendary existence be so stiff... I think it's more like a projection, or a thought."

"It is indeed more like a shadow." A voice echoed from the side: "Look, His face is translucent in the sunlight, and I can clearly see the chalk dust on the blackboard behind His head!"

The rustling whispers were like mice stealing food in the kitchen late at night. They seemed alert but gentle, as if the slightest movement could scare them into running away.

A few minutes later, the professor knocked on the desk with his finger.

Boom, boom, boom!

The classroom suddenly became quiet.

"Good morning." He greeted his classmates politely - the voice belonging to Professor Yao echoed clearly throughout the classroom, and everyone seemed to see the legendary mage standing in front of them.

The whole classroom seemed to be in a state of excitement.

"Good morning, professor!" A neat and loud response came from the audience immediately.

The professor on the podium looked at everyone with satisfaction, paused, and then spoke again, briefly explaining: "...You should already know that I have recently served as the deputy dean of the school's Institute of Applied Magic and am presiding over a very special project.

An important magic experiment. Without boasting, I am the only wizard in the First University who has the ability and time to conduct this experiment..."

A few complimentary chuckles came from the back left corner of the classroom, which made the atmosphere in the classroom much more relaxed - many people subconsciously turned around to see who was so bold.

Zheng Qing gave them an awkward yet polite smile.


'Professor Yao' on the podium seemed not to notice this small interaction in the audience, and continued to sum up: "My time has become a bit scarce. As the saying goes, 'I can do whatever I want with a fish, and I can do whatever I want with a bear's paw'

——In order to be able to take care of your studies while hosting magic experiments, with the approval of the school professors' joint meeting, during this period, I will use this prepared shadow to teach you."

As he spoke, he pointed at himself.

This is really a good idea.

Zheng Qing was sitting upright behind his desk, but the above thought quickly turned around in his mind. With a shadow, Lao Yao left enough 'safe distance' between himself and his classmates, so that even if a classmate with cerebral palsy asked him face to face

If something bad goes wrong, both parties will have ample buffer space.

Moreover, time is the best elixir to dilute all problems.

Just like last year, when Zheng Qing learned about Lao Yao's identity, he was initially frightened. However, with the passage of time, the relationship between him and Lao Yao slowly seemed to return to its original state.

It doesn’t take long, you just need to get through the last two weeks of September. By October, with the help of the Silence Contract, no one will continue to care about the rumors related to Dean Jiuyou. By then, the tense atmosphere of the school hunt will be

Will become the only concern among many students in the four colleges of First University.

"There are advantages and disadvantages to using stylized shadows in class. The advantage is that you don't need to worry about choking on smoke during class, because shadows don't need to smoke."

At this point, the professor on the podium paused, as if giving everyone a moment to "understand and smile".

It's a pity that except for Zheng Qing, Xiao Xiao and a few other people, no one found this joke funny.

"...The disadvantage is that this shadow lacks sufficient independence. Because we cannot be distracted when conducting magic experiments, I will prepare the teaching content of this shadow in advance - which means that the interaction between us in the recent few classes may

Slightly less smooth - In order not to affect the positive cycle of 'questioning and feedback', which is very beneficial to teaching, I will ask the two monitors to record the names and questions of students who did not receive satisfactory answers in class, and submit them to the dean's office

, arrange time after class for one-on-one answers..."

Downton and Jiang Yu stood up one after another and bowed slightly to the surroundings.

"One-on-one answer!" Fatty Xin, who was sitting in front of Zheng Qing, hissed softly as if he had a toothache: "It was easy to say before... who has the guts to go to your office now!"

If Professor Yao really stood on the podium, the fat wizard would definitely not dare to be so presumptuous.

But right now, what is standing on the podium is just a stylized shadow—even the content it is talking about was prepared by the professor—which gives the students in the audience a certain degree of courage and freedom.

Sure enough, after 'hearing' the fat wizard's muttering, the professor's projection on the podium did not react at all, and was still making his opening remarks slowly: "...or students who have other opinions about the course can also express their opinions.

Summarize it into a document and give it to the two monitors, and I will give a formal reply in the form of a paper crane during class."

"Now, please put away the Dharma books."

'Professor Yao' on the podium gave instructions with a smile. At the same time, he spread the lecture notes under his arm on the table and coughed twice: "The last few classes will focus on theoretical study...

In this lesson, we will continue the content of the previous lesson and analyze the meaning and application of the word 'avoid' in commonly used mantras. In ancient times, there was often a saying of 'avoid', and there is a very close relationship between the word 'avoid' and the word 'taboo'.

The connection..."

This chapter has been completed!
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