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Chapter 190 The Fifth Monday

 What is fairness?

For the Alpha people, fairness means equality of opportunity, and the existence of unfairness is the greatest fairness in the world; for the Nine people, fairness means justice comes first, equality comes last, and all living beings are equal under the will of God; for the Star Sky People

, Fairness is the intertwining of iron and blood in the arena, the battle of life and death; for the Atlas people, fairness is an extra-dimensional concept that only exists in the deepest heart of each person.

"With a thousand wizards, there are a thousand views on fairness. Especially here is Phuket Island, which is the largest university and the place with the most complex ideological and demographic structure in the entire wizarding world."

Xiao Xiao grabbed a piece of red velvet and sat cross-legged on the ground. While carefully wiping the crystal ball in his arms, he nonchalantly analyzed matters related to the preliminary selection of the school hunting competition.

It's eight-thirty in the evening, Monday, the twenty-eighth day of September in the Gregorian calendar, and the tenth day of August in the lunar calendar.

It is also Monday of the fifth week of school.

The Forgiveness Hunting Team is conducting a new round of night training to prepare for the upcoming hunting moon.

Not far from Xiao Xiao, Zheng Qing was seizing the time to lie down on the ground to make up for the homework in the morning spell class. He was always running out of time, so he had to seize every possible opportunity to prioritize completing the most important task of a student.

Jiang Yu was sitting next to the wizard, holding a Dharma book in her arms and holding a quill in one hand. She was sketching on it, as if she was thinking about magic that might be used later.

——She looked so pretty when she frowned. When the young public-funded student raised his head and stretched his waist, he saw the witch's frown. He couldn't help but feel in a trance, and a silly smile appeared on his face.

Fatty Xin's dry cough came to his ears, interrupting the hunting team leader's reverie. He turned around and faced the fat wizard's narrow and anxious smile.

The anxiety was due to the wizard's petty thoughts, and the anxiety was due to the unfinished manuscript in his arms.

"Have you seen my quills!" The fat wizard said with gritted teeth: "I bet there must be a pen-stealing elf hiding around here... I have already lost three quills!"

Zheng Qing watched him looking around with great interest - the young public-sponsored student was determined not to tell the fat wizard that he happened to have three quills of different colors tucked behind his ears.

On the other side, Zhang Jixin had something that looked like a chessboard in front of him. It was a war game to deduce the tactics of the hunting team. The five chess pieces representing forgiveness were placed in a standard Bofu formation to fight against a fire dragon with three heads.

The red-faced wizard had a solemn expression on his face, holding a chess piece in the reserve seat in his hand, as if he was hesitating whether to replace a certain hunter on the plate.

And Dylan, hanging upside down under a tall oak tree, his loose robe like bat wings, ignoring the attraction of the earth, covering his head from bottom to top, creating a small space for him, suitable for taking a nap.

environment of.

"Then what do you think the school will do for the preliminary round of the school hunting party?" An old-fashioned voice interrupted Zheng Qing's thoughts and asked the fortune teller of the Exoneration Hunting Team.

The owner of the voice is Zhu Si - at this moment she has transformed into the little witch again. The red philosopher's stone on her forehead shines slightly in the moonlight, contrasting with her piercing eyes and impatient expression.

Seems extremely impressive.

To the left of Zhu Si, classmate Li Meng sat, looking at his companion with a convinced look on his face and nodding his head, as if every word Zhu Si said was the truth.

To her right, Lin Guo was restless, looking back from time to time.

Originally, You Zui only informed Jiang Yu about tonight's training, but because Li Meng had a high level of "inspiration" recently, for the sake of safety, Jiang Yu brought Li Meng over when he came. Zhu Si, on the other hand, came to play with Li Meng.

He mentioned that the Yu Zui hunting team was training, so he pestered him to follow. As for Lin Guo, because he was still serving as the manager of Yu Zui, there was no reason to leave people aside every training, so he simply notified him and asked him to come.

Observe hunting team training.

Xiao Xiao glanced at the three young audience members who were sitting in front of him and listened to his analysis of the school hunting competition information. He felt a little disappointed for some reason. Hearing this, he waved his hands and said casually: "How do I know the school's plan?"

"Aren't you a fortune teller?" Zhu Sixui asked: "I don't ask you to say it must be correct... Just take a guess, it won't be a piece of meat."

"A small piece of meat is nothing. Just rub it with white fresh meat mixed with snake oil, and it will grow back overnight." Fatty Xin interjected after hearing this: "But privately calculating 'big things' such as hunting plans is far from a small piece of meat."

A piece of meat can be taken care of."

"A bunch of cowards!"

Zhu Si crossed his arms and looked at the watermelon head in front of him with disdain. He raised his chin and said with a bit of pride: "Let me tell you... Do you know the 'Goblet of Fire'? It's a burning mouthful."

It is a high-level magical treasure with the "Fair Fire". It is said that it will be used as a referee in the preliminary round of the school hunting competition. Just throw a piece of paper with the name of the hunting team into the Goblet of Fire, and it will spit out the qualified hunter.

Team roster!”

Hearing the familiar term, Zheng Qing, who was doing his homework, couldn't help but raise his head and look at the proud little witch, feeling a little confused for a moment.

Before he could speak, Xiao Xiao was surprised and said: "Where did you hear about this method?"

"Don't underestimate me! I'm also a lecturer at First University now!" Zhu Si patted his flat chest vigorously, looking confident: "... As for where, of course it's in the professors' offices! If it weren't for the relationship,

Okay, I won’t tell you!”

Between the words, it sounds like you have made a lot of money and must treat me.

Zheng Qing finally couldn't help it and laughed: "I guess you haven't read the biography written by Ms. Luo Lin? That book is very interesting..."

He had already guessed that the professors in the office were joking with the 'new lecturer', otherwise they would not have brought up such a hilarious concept as the 'Goblet of Fire'.

Zhu Si looked at the young public-sponsored student suspiciously, seeming to sense the evil in his smile.

Xiao Xiao cleared his throat and interrupted: "This possibility cannot be ruled out... Of course, I am not talking about using the 'Goblet of Fire', that is just Ms. Rowling's rumor... I am referring to something similar to the 'just' effect."

Magic props, such as the 'Scale of Judgment' collected in the Jiuyou Academy Museum, or the 'Bronze Haechi' hosted by the Star Arena, are both very good choices."

"We don't mind at all that hunting teams from other colleges come to the starry sky arena to fight." Dylan, who was hanging on the tree, poked his head out of his robe and added with a yawn.

Zheng Qing also realized that his smile just now was inappropriate, and quickly added: "Magic is good at creating miracles, but it is not suitable for creating fairness... In contrast, fairness that incorporates mathematical concepts is more likely to be adopted by schools."

This chapter has been completed!
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