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Chapter 209 Mid-Autumn Festival

 "That's what it means literally."

Xiao Xiao lowered his eyelids and replied lazily: "Those who were pranked learned to wear masks; and the wizard who sent out the 'female dolls' was not satisfied with just seeing wizards wearing women's clothes... According to my prediction, it will be very difficult for them to wear masks."

Soon, you will see wizards wearing miniskirts, transparent outfits and even sexy lingerie walking through the market."

Zheng Qing imagined that terrible scene and shuddered subconsciously.

Then, he realized a small detail and looked at the short wizard next to him: "Speaking of which... why are you so familiar?"

"I got perfect marks in the divination class." Dr. Xiao Da simply replied with a straight face.

Zheng Qing's score in the divination class was also perfect - although he took some tricks - but he knew very little about women's dolls, and he had never thought about predicting witch dolls, or predicting whether there would be someone wearing a miniskirt in the school.


But looking at the doctor's face, the young public-funded student very wisely shut up and stopped discussing the topic. He couldn't grab Xiao Xiao's collar and ask him if Teacher Sima had forced him to take over the female doll.

That's too cruel.

As long as the person involved makes up his mind not to talk about this kind of thing, even if Zheng Qing burns a pound of animal bones and tortoise shells, there is no possibility.

Especially when a fortune teller is determined to hide something, unless the inquirer becomes a great wizard or even a legend and breaks out of the shackles of fate, it is possible to glimpse the truth behind the fog.

In silence, the two of them had already crossed the lakeside one after another and entered the avenue paved with bluestones between the middle and backyard.

Entering October, the weather is getting colder and colder.

On the way back to the dormitory, the leaves of the sycamore tree were scattered all over the ground, rustling under the feet, which made people feel a little bit unbearable - although everyone knew that those leaves were lifeless, but the powerful common ground among the wizards

Emotional ability always makes them tangled in such subtleties.

"We should give suggestions to the school working committee and ask them to clean up these fallen leaves."

Zheng Qing walked behind the doctor, muttering, saying sorry to the leaves from the bottom of his heart, while stepping on them unceremoniously: "...the night patrol can do this kind of thing."

"You didn't have such a positive attitude when you were patrolling." Xiao Xiao walked in front of Zheng Qing without looking back. He just bluntly criticized a certain wizard who was boasting and inconsistent with his words and deeds.

Zheng Qing felt that he was still brooding over his previous 'unintentional remarks'.

He felt that he had the responsibility to improve this delicate atmosphere, so he looked around and tried to find some lighter topics: "Well... there are a lot of people outside today. I usually don't feel like this at this time. This reminds me of

One point of view is that if you raise your head on the road you are accustomed to walking on, you will discover a whole new world."

Xiao Xiao finally turned around and glanced at him silently, his eyes full of concern.

Zheng Qing looked a little uncomfortable all over.

"It doesn't matter whether you raise your head or not because there are so many people today." The tone of the apologetic fortune teller finally became a little more friendly: "It's just because it's Saturday."

"This time has passed by in a whoosh." Zheng Qing smacked the days that passed like water in his mouth, sighed deeply, and cheered up a little: "What is the training plan for the hunting team today? Or is it a second-level blogger?

Battle formation?"

Xiao Xiao stopped and looked at him in surprise.

"Are you still going to train today?" He said with obvious confusion on his face: "Don't you have any other arrangements?"

"Why should there be other arrangements?" Zheng Qing obviously did not grasp the point of the conversation, and was equally confused: "It's Saturday anyway, everyone is idle... The school hunting competition is coming soon... Our selection task instructor

The candidate hasn’t been decided yet...Oh, it’s really a headache.”

Xiao Xiao finally confirmed that the wizard beside him had no concept of time at all.

"Today is the 15th." The apologetic diviner turned back and continued walking forward, saying in a calm tone: "I made an appointment with Sima to go to Guihua Garden in the evening... I probably don't have time to participate in the training you requested at last."

He emphasized the word 'temporary' very seriously.


Zheng Qing was stunned for a moment. He had not recovered from his thoughts a second ago: "No, today is not October 3rd... 3rd... August 15th? Mid-Autumn Festival? Gan! I feel like I forgot something today.

...and I’ve been feeling a little uneasy!”

The wizard screamed, subconsciously raised his head and looked towards the sky.

In the evening, the sun has not completely set. The moon may have risen, but it is hidden in the pale white sky and has not yet revealed its bright and round figure.

"Why didn't anyone remind me? Today is August 15th!" The young public-funded student babbled and followed the doctor, repeating all the way: "...Why didn't anyone remind me...I didn't even buy mooncakes.

...The cafeteria didn’t even sell mooncakes today? I’m really a stranger in a foreign land..."

When he arrived at the door of the dormitory, Xiao Xiao finally couldn't help but interrupted the wizard behind him who was croaking like a frog after the rain, and reminded him: "It's not too late for you to know now... hasn't the moon risen yet?"

The moon has indeed not risen yet.

Zheng Qing finally shut up.

Unlike before going to college, wizards pay much more attention to the Upper, Middle and Lower Three-Year Festival than the Mid-Autumn Festival, so much so that this day does not have a separate holiday in the First University's class schedule.

Just like last year, because the Mid-Autumn Festival was on the second weekend after the start of school, Zheng Qing's mind was filled with information about the novel world around him, the terrifying night patrols and other information. By the time he came to his senses, the first semester was almost over.

But not paying attention to it doesn't mean completely ignoring it.

On the Mid-Autumn Festival, many wizards also have the habit of gathering together to worship the moon, admire the osmanthus and enjoy the moonlight. Especially for male and female wizards who are passionately in love, any day that can bring two people together is worth celebrating.

Good days.

"Where are you and Sima going to enjoy the sweet-scented osmanthus?" The young public-funded student looked at the short wizard with an eager expression.

Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses and said a very philosophical nonsense: "Every wizard has his own sweet-scented osmanthus tree. You should look for your own tree and shouldn't keep staring at other people's trees."

Since he mentioned 'his own tree', Zheng Qing immediately thought of the cat fruit tree.

His eyes lit up, and he suddenly felt that admiring the moon on the cat fruit tree seemed to be a good choice - imagine that the moon is above the willow branches, and after dusk, there are no people from last year, only cats from today.

Thinking of this, he pushed the doctor away and rushed through the dormitory door first.

He needed a quill pen to write down the few sentences that just flashed through his mind, then opened the window and let fly the paper crane that carried his thoughts.

Xiao Xiao originally intended to remind Zheng Qing that Jiang Yu was most likely still in the library, but after adjusting the crooked glasses on his face, the apologetic fortune teller finally decided to shut up.

This chapter has been completed!
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