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Chapter 246: The Emperor's Corpse is Picked Up

 Facts have proven that it is very foolish to take a sweet approach to a serious matter.

When the sixth wave of thirty-two ghouls arrived as expected, the Exoneration Hunting Team followed Zheng Qing's idea and first used binding spells and confusion spells to disrupt the rhythm of the ghouls' attack in an attempt to delay time.

But that doesn't make it any easier for them.

On the contrary, when these young hunters were restrained in dealing with the thirty-two ghouls, the seventh wave of sixty-four ghouls quietly came over from the other direction.


After receiving Dylan's warning, the captain of the Exoneration Hunting Team immediately noticed those sneaky figures and cursed in a low voice: "I knew nothing could be so cheap... Re-open the five-pointed star formation and shrink the formation... Gentleman

, don’t waste time collecting those corpses!”

Before Dylan could speak, Xiao Xiao stopped Zheng Qing's suggestion: "No, it's not a bad thing to collect more... Maybe we will need their help soon."

At the same time, Zhang Jixin also rejected Zheng Qing's tactics and shouted sternly: "Swordsman, gentleman, follow me to snipe the seventh wave of ghouls... Brother Zha and the doctor can just deal with these guys in front of you!"

Then he turned to look at Zheng Qing and patted his chest confidently: "With less than a hundred ghouls, we don't need to shrink our battle formation."

Zheng Qing shrugged and approved of his tactics, but then he pulled out the rune gun from his waist and loaded it.

in case.

Xiao Xiao glanced at the talisman gun in the hand of the public student.

"I remember that the student union forbids you from using talisman guns in hunting games." As he spoke, he was directing several sharp wooden thorns to stab the ghouls bound in the vine net, breaking out their hearts.

Poke to pieces.

"It's just that the use of 'that' kind of rune bullets is prohibited," Zheng Qing held up a book of magic in one hand to help strengthen the power of the binding spell. While shaking the rune gun in his hand, he simply explained: "...ordinary rune bullets are not prohibited.


Because during a patrol last semester, Zheng Qing shot Serprano and seriously injured him. Therefore, after the forgiveness was confirmed to participate in this school hunting competition, under the reminder of the new Augustus, the student union and the hunting committee

A letter was specially sent to prohibit Zheng Qing from using "exceeding normal specifications" talisman bullets in the hunting competition.

At present, that letter is completely redundant.

These ghouls are too weak. In addition to being ugly, smelling bad, and having scary eyes, their actual combat effectiveness is not even comparable to that of Poseidon - Zheng Qing is completely reluctant to waste the lowest quality talisman bullets on them.

Their weak magic resistance and slow movements made them trapped in the quagmire of the young hunters' spells. Nearly a hundred ghouls only persisted for less than five minutes before they were declared destroyed. Together with Dylan's other trophies,

Stacked up into a hill.

"I always feel like something is wrong."

The young public-funded student squatted next to a dead ghoul and poked the ghoul's head with a wooden stick. An ugly face turned towards the boy with the force of the stick.

For a moment, Zheng Qing felt that he had a deeper understanding of what Quasimodo or Frankenstein looked like.

He calmly applied a little more strength to the wooden stick, turned the face in another direction, and then calmed down before continuing: "Too weak...the combat effectiveness of these guys is not even as good as the Arab Ghouls, and

I didn't hear them communicating with each other from beginning to end, and the tactics they used were extremely crude... completely unlike the ghouls we saw last time."

At the end of last semester, after the Forgiveness Hunting Team entered the Dreamland, they briefly dealt with the ghouls in the Dreamland. In Zheng Qing's impression, they were a group of cunning, ferocious and combat-effective mercenaries.

Dylan nodded in agreement: "It's definitely not right."

As a creature with advanced undead blood, Mr. Vampire Werewolf has the best say in this matter. Since he also thinks something is wrong, there must be something wrong.

Xiao Xiao walked to Zheng Qing carrying two wooden thorns and handed one to him.

"This is the first ghoul." The apologetic diviner grabbed a wooden thorn and pierced the body of the ghoul, easily making a big hole.

Then his eyes wandered around and he quickly determined the second target: "This is one of the second waves."

This time, the hole made by the wooden thorn in the ghoul was a little smaller.

"This is one of the third waves."

The hole is smaller.

Zheng Qing thoughtfully followed the doctor and poked them one by one. But as he showed, each subsequent wave of ghouls was not only more numerous, but also physically stronger. As for the last wave just now, that was

Sixty-four ghouls, Zheng Qing's stab could only leave a small eye on them.

"Next there should be one hundred and twenty-eight ghouls." The captain of the Exoneration Hunting Team muttered, stood up, looked into the distance, and tightened his grip on the rune gun.

It seems that the weapons that I thought would not be used today will still have a chance to make a profit.

"It's less than an hour since the game started," Xiao Xiao calculated and analyzed quickly: "Although each subsequent wave will appear about a minute later than the previous one... But at the current frequency,

In the next hour, the number of ghouls we face may be as high as four thousand, or even more than eight thousand."


Everyone, including the most daring Zhang Jixin, took a breath. If the individual strength of the next ghouls continues to strengthen, then when facing more than two thousand ghouls, it is very likely that You Zui will be defeated.

It will be too much.

"So the word 'persistence' I heard most this year!" Zheng Qing felt a little toothache and couldn't help but rub his cheek with the hand holding the rune gun.

He highly doubted whether this hunting ground could contain thousands of ghouls.

"It's only in Fantasyland that the school dares to play with such generosity."

Mr. Vampire Werewolf's eyes lingered on those ghouls, and he sighed repeatedly: "If you are outside, a specially prepared dreamland ghoul needs at least one golden bean... A game consumes hundreds or thousands of them, even if

No matter how wealthy the school is, it will go bankrupt."

"No wonder it's so easy to get started." The red-faced wizard tugged on the gloves on his hands, took out the protective gear from his arms, and began to put it on. At the same time, he muttered: "...What's cheap is not good, that's a wise saying."

Can this be understood in this way?

Zheng Qing twitched the corner of his mouth.

"If the calculation is correct, the eighth wave of ghouls will appear within five minutes." Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses and glanced at the other people: "My opinion, let the gentleman take them and entangle them. Part of..."

He pointed at the hill-like pile of corpses, and then said to Dylan: "You need to familiarize yourself with their command methods before the real test comes... Others should deal with the remaining ghouls as quickly as possible."

Dylan nodded slightly.

Then under Zheng Qing's confused eyes, Mr. Vampire Werewolf opened the Dharma book, cleared his throat, and shouted softly: "The emperor's corpse is carried!"

A dead ghoul stood up crookedly amidst the sound of the spell, with its head hanging down, slowly spinning on the spot as if it would fall at any time. Through the large hole in his chest, Zheng Qing could clearly see Dr. Xiao Dadan on the other side of the hole. A certain expression.

This chapter has been completed!
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