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Chapter 252 The last three minutes

 It took the Sin Hunting Team nineteen minutes and thirty-six seconds to deal with the twelfth round of attacks by the ghouls.

When the yellow dust rises again and the 'black throats' under the tombstone spurt out more than 4,000 ghouls in the thirteenth round, there are only thirteen minutes left before the end of tonight's selection.

The Exoneration Hunting Team seemed to be winning.

But no one is excited.

Everyone was exhausted. The dizziness caused by the overdraft of magic power made Zheng Qing feel that everything around him was shaking. The new magic power surged by the magic potion poured into his stomach during the short break seemed not to be his own, and there was almost no moisture.

His dry spirit cheered and jumped out under the pull of the curse, and he rushed out again.

Just as quickly as they came in.

The magicians patted their butts and took away no dust, leaving only a more tired body and a more numb mouth.

The small position built by the Forgiveness Hunting Team is like a rock in the turbulent black tide, and like a wind lantern in the storm. It is weak but stubborn and nailed to the edge of the hunting ground. It seems that it will be destroyed by those who come one after another in the next second.

Devoured by ghouls.

But this next second, second after second lasted for a long time.

Twelve minutes.

Eleven minutes.

ten minutes.

Nine minutes.

The black tide suddenly receded without warning.

The young hunters of the Exoneration Hunting Team didn't care whether the ghouls had any new plots. They just seized the moment and counted the seconds while helping Xiao Xiao prepare new magic potions with trembling hands.

Because he was too mentally exhausted, even Xiao Xiao made several very low-level mistakes during the preparation process and wasted several portions of ground haoma grass.

Eight minutes.

Seven minutes.

"What are they doing?" After drinking the magic potion, the irritating liquid slid down his throat, making the young public student shiver. He finally cheered up and carefully looked at the ghouls gathering in the distance.

"Pray, sacrifice, or sacrifice."

Xiao Xiao glanced at the crystal ball on the ground, and his voice was a little hoarse: "...When a group of conscious creatures gather together and perform some weird ritual in a language that no one can understand, there are no more than these possibilities.


As soon as he finished speaking, an astonishing chill spread out in all directions, centered on the group of ghouls and the tombstones, and enveloped the entire hunting ground in an instant.

For a moment, Zheng Qing felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave and his whole body was frozen into a piece; he also felt as if he had been petrified by the sight of a Gorgon.

Deep in his soul, the green snake clinging to the tree of forbidden curses raised his head in surprise, spat out a message, and his red and blue eyes flashed over the heart lake.

The boy instantly took back control of his body.

He resisted the fear signal sent by his body and forced himself to raise his eyelids and look at the existence that seemed to be able to freeze everything. Then he saw a thick black shadow.

Thousands of ghouls were crawling in the shadow, as if they had been melted. The broken tombstones scattered here and there were like pieces of hard bones, supported in the shadow.

From one end to the other, the shadow filled the entire hunting ground, and supported by the corpses of the ghouls and the tombstones, it spread toward the sky - the young wizard could not even tell whether it was a physical or illusory existence -

Like a huge octopus or a fat giant dragon, its body is curled up, and rich black color continuously pours out from the 'black throat' under the tombstone, rolling and spinning, turning into full energy vortices.

Fill out its body bit by bit.

In an instant, the boy seemed to see his true form.

It was some kind of demonic giant with no limbs, no head and eyes. It stretched its body and sucked away all the warmth from all directions, immersing the entire hunting ground in a bone-chilling cold like death and void.


The black shadow let out an inexplicable roar. The sound was very unpleasant, but it unexpectedly contained a hint of warmth, allowing several young wizards to barely regain consciousness.

"Merlin on top!"

Regardless of the conflict of beliefs, Mr. Vampire Werewolf crossed himself blankly on his chest. Looking at the huge figure filling the entire hunting ground in front of him, he murmured: "...What did I see?"

"Xie Te!" Zhang Jixin cursed indiscriminately.

"I'm sure that's not Shet."

Dr. Xiao Da adjusted his glasses and corrected him seriously: "It seems that this should be the final boss prepared by the school for all hunting teams... It belongs to an 'additional question'... Judging from his aura, he should belong to someone

A shadow that exists in the starry sky.”

"But it's not the finals yet!"

The tone of the red-faced wizard seemed a little unbelievable: "We are just a small five-person hunting team! Why did we encounter such a being in such a low-end game!"

"Theoretically, our best choice now is to surrender, admit defeat, and go out."

Xiao Xiao continued to analyze with his hoarse and calm voice: "They are not prey prepared for us... Absolutely not... Maybe the person who asked the question also didn't expect that an ordinary hunting team could last until the last few minutes. Forty-seven

Most of the hunting team should have been eliminated in the eleventh or even tenth round of the ghoul wave."

"Of course they didn't expect it!"

Zheng Qing's face turned a little gray, which was a side effect of excessive consumption of magic power: "Who would prepare for this in a normal trial... This is the first trial! It's really a mess."

He wanted to say 'this thing' just now, but considering the greatness and unpredictability of the starry sky, the boy finally chose to compromise and use more euphemistic words.

"I bet you will have nightmares tonight." Mr. Vampire Werewolf continued to mutter.

"You should be lucky that we encountered this kind of monster in a dreamland." The red-faced wizard tightened the gloves on his hands and spat viciously on the ground.


A talisman bomb hit the black shadow with a pitiful sound, as if a pebble fell into Linzhong Lake without causing a single ripple.

"Tell me, captain, are your rune bombs only so powerful?" Mr. Vampire Werewolf's voice seemed a little distorted because of its sharpness.

"I'm afraid so, Mr. Tarbot!" Zheng Qing turned the magazine and replied in a weak voice: "...if we don't want to be disqualified due to violations."

“Cannot cancel!”

The red-faced wizard turned back and glared at Dylan, then looked at Zheng Qing, with a serious face: "We have been working hard all night! There is no reason to lose grades at the last minute because of violations!"

"very good!"

Mr. Vampire Werewolf angrily said: "Anyway, I can run faster than both of you! I can escape further while it eats you... I hope you forget this when you have nightmares."

This chapter has been completed!
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