Turn off the lights
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Chapter 267 Everything has cracks

 Andrew stood at the door of Wandering Bar, looking at the big frog squatting at the door.

At noon - especially at noon from Monday to Friday - the flow of passengers on the pedestrian street is extremely sparse, and accordingly, there are even fewer people coming to Wandering Bar.

Mr. Commissioner remembers very clearly that when he was a student, the frog at the door of the Wandering Bar looked like this. He was short, fat, lazy, and looked like he hadn't woken up all day long. Although he was an alchemical creature, he had an extremely bad temper.

Being cunning, if someone stuffs it with a jar of fruit flies, this frog will not hesitate to stuff it in secret to give the briber a higher ranking hand.

"Business visit, thank you."

The specialist of the Three-pronged Sword greeted politely and waved his badge in front of the frog. The frog squinted and looked at it carefully for a long time. After confirming that the wizard opposite who looked very similar to himself did not make any further comments, he opened his mouth impatiently.

, spat out a hand full of fruit fly residue.

Andrew took it without hesitation, put it on his wrist, and pushed the door open.

The corridor behind the door is exactly the same as in the memory, deep and winding, and the hall at the end of the corridor is extremely quiet. There is no music, no colored lights, and no waitresses. A few sparse guests huddled in their own corners, waiting for their own 'business'. Behind the bar,

The multi-armed waiter was wiping the endless wine glasses and paying careful attention to everyone in the hall.

Noticing the eye-catching figure of the new guest, several black figures huddled in the corner quickly stood up and left quickly from the side door. The originally quiet hall became completely empty - they left in such a hurry that a chair was occupied by someone.

The hem of a guest's robe was turned over and fell to the ground.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Commissioner!"

The multi-armed waiter behind the bar spoke gruffly and complained: "...If you didn't scare away all my guests, I would definitely buy you a drink!"

"Good afternoon...just call me Andrew."

The wizard with the three-pronged sword greeted them kindly, lifted up the fallen chair, patted it, and said in a slightly emotional tone: "These chairs are exactly the same as when I was in school... It's like time has stopped here."

"For the guests of Wandering Bar, stability is a particularly reassuring state." A slightly abrupt voice sounded from behind Andrew: "The weather is so nice, what can I do for you?"

The commissioner of the three-pronged sword turned around.

As expected, I saw the owner of Wandering Bar.

The figure of the wandering wizard fit perfectly with the candlelight scattered on the ceiling, as if he had always been standing there, but the guests ignored his presence.

"Oh, it's nothing." The pudgy wizard nodded slightly while holding his hat, and replied in a relaxed tone: "I was just passing by and saw the big frog at the door, and thought of my old nickname... I used to be called 'Frog'


“It’s heartwarming.”

The wandering wizard looked at the commissioner of the three-pronged sword with a smile: "...Would you like something? Absinthe, juniper berries, butterbeer or green hornet? If you feel that it is not satisfying enough, there is also a new batch of Kraken rum in the bar.


"no thank you."

Andrew raised his finger and pointed out the window: "You're still working... You can't drink. But it sounds like you have all kinds of alcohol here... Just like what the boys said when I was in school, there are only

You can’t believe there’s no goods you can’t find.”

The wandering wizard looked in the direction of Mr. Commissioner's finger.

The afternoon sun shines through the cracks in the window of the bar, casting a slender, crooked ray of light, like a glowing earthworm rolling in the dark soil.

The bar owner was silent for a moment.

"Everything has cracks, that's where the light comes in." He chuckled, meaning: "There is light in the night, there is light in the dark prison, and in this small bar of mine, there is also light leaking in...

…and vice versa.”

"It sounds complicated enough... It reminds me of when I was in philosophy class." Andrew raised his hand to wipe the almost non-existent sweat stains on his forehead, muttered, turned and walked out of the bar: "Anyway... I just

Come and take a look around... I won't disturb you... I wish you a prosperous business."


"You're welcome."

The Three-pronged Sword Commissioner said as he stepped over the crooked light on the ground and stepped into the corridor, but suddenly stopped and turned to look at the owner of the bar.

"If," he gestured, looking across the empty hall, he said vaguely, "if I want to hear someone talk about the campus cup or the wonderful performance of a certain hunting team... there should be a lot of people on the weekends."

The wandering wizard frowned slightly: "Hunting competition?"

"For example, the Sin Hunting Team, which has been very popular in the Campus Cup recently." Andrew explained patiently: "It is said that they have been able to skillfully deploy second-level battle formations... This is still rare near the school... If

I want to find a way out..."

As he spoke, he winked at the wandering wizard: "...Is there another hunting team, not necessarily students, that also masters the second-level battle formation...such news."

"No." The wandering wizard replied very simply: "I haven't heard any similar news."

"Is this so?" The commissioner of the Trident Sword looked extremely frustrated: "A few days ago, I heard someone say that they saw a huge female earth bat flashing past the edge of the town at the edge of the Silent Forest... It looked like a hunting team was practicing.

Second-order constellation array.”

"What a surprising news." The owner of Wandering Bar looked at the guests.

"Yeah," the pudgy wizard wiped his forehead and sighed: "It's really surprising... I mean... if you heard something..."

"I will definitely fly you a paper crane immediately," the wandering wizard replied smoothly: "After all, practicing such high-level magic circles near the school requires corresponding approval procedures."

"That's great...I mean, thank you." Andrew said, making a gesture of contact, and then without hesitation, turned and left the gloomy bar.

The wandering wizard stood at the door, watching the short and fat figure outside the door hurriedly leaving on the street through the slight crack in the door frame, with a thoughtful look on his face.

Back in the office, Andrew didn't bother to take off his hat, grabbed the iced black tea on the table, and drank half of the cup.

Then he noticed a dozing paper crane on the table.

The specialist of the Three-Chased Sword roughly grabbed the paper crane by the neck and tore it into a piece of letter paper. The letter paper was not big and there was not much content inside. Apart from the pleasantries at the beginning and the nonsense at the end, he only extracted one valuable sentence from the letter.


"...It has been confirmed that there is no hunting team that masters the second-order battle formation in the North District (within the management scope of Gini Lodge)..."

The letter had Colma's seal - which meant that a great wizard had endorsed the content of the letter - Andrew sighed heavily, crumpled the piece of paper into a ball, and threw it into the wastebasket next to him.

This chapter has been completed!
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