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Chapter 306 I advise you to be cautious

 Zheng Qing didn’t know that the ‘duck-egg-faced’ wizard had changed into a crow mask after the separation, nor did he know how much Kansui’s rich nightlife had to do with him.

After all, in the world in which everyone lives, the protagonist is himself, and there is no third-party perspective that describes what others do in a cadenced voice-over.

The next day is Sunday.

Throughout the day, the young public-sponsored students hid in a corner of the library, frantically making up for the homework they had not completed during this time due to the hunting competition.

He believes that he is not the only one to be under such pressure.

Because the library was extremely quiet today, apart from the rustle of quills falling on paper, the usual rustling chatter could hardly be heard. Inexplicably, Zheng Qing thought of the time before the final exam.


In the evening, it was not until fifteen minutes before the class meeting that the wizard closed the "Magical Biology" handout in front of him, and the sketch of "Cong Cong" on the parchment paper at hand had just been completed.

Congcong is a kind of dog with six legs. It has a timid temperament and runs like the wind. Its bark is similar to its name, which is also "Congcong". When sketching this sketch, he couldn't help but think of Yousui in the hunting game the day before yesterday.

The 'Guru' shot by Silent Forest looked like a wild boar, and its cry was also named after him.

This made him wonder, if there was really an unknown high-ranking race outside the world that was silently observing humans, would they name humans 'Wow' - after all, the first word many people learn when they are born is 'Wow'


With this interesting idea, the young public-funded student hurried to the teaching building.

It is said that Lao Yao will come to the class meeting tonight in person, but I don’t know if it is true or not. Since the identity crisis that was quietly calmed down a few weeks ago, the professor has not come to the classroom in person for a long time.

Maybe many people in the class heard the news. When Zheng Qing came to the classroom, almost everyone came.

He hesitated for a few seconds, and finally took off his invisibility charm at the door, and walked into the classroom with a gloomy expression. In any case, it was not very honorable to be placed second to last in the finals.

Downton is collecting homework in front of the podium.

Seeing the young public-funded student entering the door, he shook his head and walked forward, patting him on the shoulder: "That's not your fault... You have done a great job. Everyone in the class is proud of you!"

Zheng Qing blinked and expressed his gratitude with a smile.

Although he didn't quite understand what squad leader Tang meant.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Jiang Yu holding a textbook and sternly urging classmate Li Meng to do her homework. The young public-funded student immediately became as quiet as a chicken and slipped quietly to the back of the classroom.

In the familiar corner, the other three people were already seated.

Xiao Xiao and Zhang Jixin were finishing their homework, but Fatty Xin held up a newspaper and was reading it with gusto. Zheng Qing glanced at it and saw that he was reading the "Beta Town Post".

"Ahem," the captain of the Exoneration Hunting Team coughed slightly to indicate that he was here, and at the same time asked in a low voice: "Squad Leader Tang just said..."

"'Proud of you'?"

The fat wizard turned over a page of the newspaper and shook his head: "He also said this when we came in. I guess he knew from some source that we had 'passed by' the second place... for the sake of the overall interests of the school.

Stable, that news has been quietly suppressed."

"Is it that serious?" Zheng Qing curled his lips.

He has mixed feelings about passing by the second place. On the one hand, he hopes that many people will know, to prove that the Exoneration Hunting Team is actually very powerful; on the other hand, he does not want too many people to know, because there are many people in the world who like to add insult to injury.

A person who takes pleasure in misfortune.

"If Alpha isn't in second place," Zhang Jixin finally raised his head from the homework in front of him, biting his quill, his eyes flushed: "The Alpha hunting team is in an even more embarrassing situation than us, and the other teams are on par with them.

There are rumors among the hunting teams that they stole the ranking from You Zui... Do you still remember the conflict that broke out after the school hunting competition last year? In order to prevent similar things from happening this year, any attempt to provoke conflicts between several colleges will be discussed.

Everything needs to be reviewed before being published.”

"Actually, publishing is not allowed."

Fatty Xin turned over another page of the newspaper and said angrily: "I wrote several articles about the unfairness in this hunting competition, but they were all suppressed by the hunting committee... It's really ridiculous.


In this kind of thing, it is difficult to say which aspect is completely correct. From each standpoint, both are correct. For bystanders, the only correct choice is not to participate or discuss. Silence is golden.

He sighed.

He glanced at Dr. Xiao who was still busy writing.

"Doctor, do you still have some homework to finish?" He glanced at it curiously. It seemed to be a very complicated essay question, and the parchment was densely packed with neat little words.

"The Point Guard Is Here"

He was so frightened that he immediately looked away.

Xiao Xiao glanced at him strangely and adjusted his glasses: "Am I making money? There are twenty golden beans... Falling in love is very expensive."


As soon as the word "earn" rolled on Zheng Qing's tongue, he swallowed it back in his stomach immediately because he had already remembered where this "twenty golden beans" money-making project came from.

Xiao Xiao, on the other hand, seemed tired from writing. He rubbed his wrist and looked up and down the young public-funded student. He was sitting on pins and needles and felt uncomfortable all over.

"What are you doing?" The young public-funded student frowned - if the doctor asked for more money, he could only give him ten golden beans at most.

However, the doctor's words completely exceeded his imagination.

"You're not really being a 'scumbag', are you?" Xiao Xiao looked at Zheng Qing coldly, with a hint of advice in his tone: "Some things can be done, and some things cannot be done...sometimes,

There is only a fine line between life and death...I advise you to be cautious."

Zheng Qing noticed that the ears of Fatty Xin and the red-faced man stood up at the same time.

But he couldn't care less about this detail.

"You advise me to be careful..." The young public-funded student was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses, and suddenly became quite angry: "You must speak responsibly! What do you mean!"

Because the sound was slightly louder, several students at the nearby table looked over curiously. The fat wizard waved his hand very actively, indicating that nothing was wrong.


Fatty Xin rolled up the newspaper in his hand, glanced at the front row, and spoke quickly, reminding in a low voice: "Doctor, I feel that during the recent period, um, the last four or five weeks, every Saturday night, you

They will all disappear on time for a period of time... We quietly inquired about it, and during that time, monitor Jiang was giving tutoring lessons to classmate Li Meng."

When Zheng Qing heard this, he immediately rolled his eyes.

After all, the Seven Deadly Sins were just a student organization. Although a very clever chaos spell was cast on him, after this period of adaptation, Black Cat was able to completely remember what happened.

But he hasn't made up his mind yet whether he should tell his companions about it or not.

After all, people tend to get confused when they talk too much, and the fat wizard is famous for being a loudspeaker. If someone from the Seven Deadly Sins follows the clues and catches his true identity, then he will want to do something through this small gray organization in the future.

It's difficult.

This chapter has been completed!
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