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Chapter 331: At first, no one cared

 Zheng Qing once heard a saying that if you don't know the customs of a certain festival, then you are right to eat dumplings. Dumplings are to festivals like snake oil is to potions - so-called 'panacea'

, is actually a 'Taiwan Balm'.

But I don’t know if applying snake oil all over my body can cure my troubles.

Thinking of this, the young public-funded student couldn't help but sigh deeply, picked up a dumpling, stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it, and then narrowed his eyes: "What's the filling of today's dumpling?"

"Is it delicious?" The fat man glanced at him.

Zheng Qing nodded hesitantly and slightly: "It's delicious..."

"As long as it's delicious, there's so much nonsense!" The fat wizard waved his hand impatiently, lowered his head and continued to work on his manuscript, while muttering: "If you don't buy it yourself, there will be a lot of nonsense!"

These words stood on the moral high ground. Zheng Qing was unable to refute, so he could only silently bite open a dumpling wrapper and carefully examine the fillings inside.

After observing for a long time, he could only confirm that the main filling was some kind of meat, which was tender and smooth, completely different from what he usually eats. Several detection magics were thrown on it, but nothing unusual was found. Fortunately, the young wizard closed his eyes and enjoyed the meal happily.


It wasn't until he put down the kuaizi, pushed the plate away, and sighed with satisfaction that Fatty Xin put down the quill in his hand and looked at the young public-funded student with a sneer.

"Hold your words!"

Zheng Qing waved his hand to stop the fat wizard from speaking: "Even if you say it, you have to wait for me to digest it... otherwise it will be a waste of this delicious plate."

"Not that serious."

Mr. Vampire Werewolf, who was lying on the edge of the coffin, continued to answer in his lazy tone: "It's just a plate of dumplings stuffed with frog meat... The fish people like it the most... But in my impression, you shouldn't have such prejudice.


Because fish people like it, frog meat is not considered elegant and is despised by old-school wizards. Of course, many young wizards do not have this taboo and occasionally eat a few frogs for a taste.

Hearing this, Zheng Qing breathed a sigh of relief: "It... scared me... and I have been mentally prepared for a long time... I was ready to hear an answer worse than 'slug'. Frog meat, frog meat is not

It’s just water chicken, good stuff, good stuff.”

As he spoke, he opened his mouth wide and tried to instruct the elves to pick his teeth. The leading elf made a face at him, dropped a toothpick, turned around and flew away happily.

"It's really getting less and less cute."

The wizard muttered, grabbed the toothpick, and stirred it in his mouth. Suddenly he remembered something and turned to look at the fat wizard who picked up the quill again: "Wait, don't wizards dislike frog meat? Why are frogs being sold today?

Meat-filled dumplings?”

"I know this too."

It was still classmate Dylan who was rushing to answer: "It's Nicholas' petition. Isn't it getting more and more attention in the past few days? Then someone specially made a batch of frog meat dumplings and distributed them for free at the entrance of the cafeteria. I wonder if this was intentional.

Targeting the wizards of the North District."

When it comes to the 'petition' activity of the wizards in the North District, it was originally only held outside the school. But I don't know when it started, there were gradually many young wizards in the school who supported the petition, and they printed on the back of their robes 'Please give me a

With the slogan "Just a Frog", he enthusiastically preached the concept of "Great Unity of the Wizards Alliance" everywhere, and told every passerby who was willing to listen about the tragic experience of the wizards in the North District.

Because he wore the invisibility charm all day long, Zheng Qing had never been stopped by these 'preachers', but as far as he knew, almost everyone in the Exoneration Hunting Team had been stopped more than once.

Fatty Xin suddenly coughed twice, raised the parchment in his hand, and began to read seriously:

"...The development of this movement may have exceeded the original expectations of the advocates, and people can't help but think of the history before the birth of the "Emancipation of the Goblin Proclamation" in 1862."

"At first, no one paid attention to those short, weird sub-species of magical creatures. Their efforts were just a few table boards and a few petitions; then a few banners and slogans; then, there were parades, abuses, and...

Pushing; the wizard's shop was smashed, the goblin's secret realm was destroyed; the wizard pulled out the book of magic, the goblin raised his finger. Later, more and more wizards and goblins began to bleed."

"Someone once said that history will not repeat itself foolishly, but it will cleverly add a few rhymes. What is interesting is that even if it is repeated thousands of times, wizards will never be able to understand the lessons of history from the rhymes, and will not put the interests of other groups at risk.

Connect it with your own future to predict.”

"Perhaps this is why in the long history of wizards, rivals are born one after another - knowing that their society is declining and being swallowed up by the increasingly powerful wizarding world, why are they unwilling to die honestly? Also

Or, at some point in the future, some wizards will realize that it is precisely because of the conservativeness and stubbornness of wizard society that it has created more and more enemies for itself."

"Reaching out a helping hand, the wizard will save himself, not those weaker beings."

"In the endless history of the world, there is no such thing as weak or powerful, let alone the endless debates at certain meetings. The only thing that blocks the vision of wizards is their own hands... How do you feel about this report?"

After reading these paragraphs, Fatty Xin bit his quill with a sad look on his face: "Although I feel pretty good about myself, I always feel like something is a little weird..."

“Because this article of yours is both necessary and necessary, both necessary and upright.” Dylan sat beside the coffin and sarcastically said: “Either you firmly stand for the wizards of the North District, or you firmly stand for the frog meat dumplings... There is no reason to want to eat both.

Frog meat dumplings, and I want to drink cherry blossom wine.”

"Did you accept the money from both sides?" Zheng Qing raised his eyebrows and looked at the fat wizard suspiciously.

The fat man was furious. He threw down the quill in his hand and said, "You can't insult my character." What he said made people laugh: "Retouching the pen...can retouching the pen be considered as charging money? Whoever writes is doing it for free."

As the saying goes, 'A gentleman is poor, but a villain is poor'!"

Zheng Qing and Dylan looked at each other and tacitly skipped this topic.

"Why did you crawl out of the coffin in broad daylight?" The young public-funded student asked kindly and curiously: "I remember correctly, you probably didn't take any medicine at the end of the month these past few days."

Mr. Vampire Werewolf sighed melancholy: "But today is the beginning of winter, and it is also a weekend... I have to attend two dinner parties at noon, so I wake up early to cultivate my temperament... because the vampire party is early... If the werewolf banquet is ahead,

You don’t need to worry about such details when you go... Most people only need to participate in one."

"The fact that you can be accepted by two races at the same time is beyond my expectation." Zheng Qing admired sincerely.

Dylan curled his lips: "What they accepted was not the surname of my other half of blood, but the surname of my half of my blood."

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