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Chapter 415 Chaos is a ladder

During the Battle of Hell, Violet Jessop was once corrupted by the great demon Ryoko Fukatsu.

Although Fukatsu Ryoko left Violet's body under the agreement between the school and the witch after the war, it was obvious that the purple-haired witch's personality and behavior had been distorted to some extent - for example, compared with her previous indifference,

Now she is more enthusiastic, or 'enchanting' is more appropriate to describe it; for another example, in the past she worked hard to make progress and was cautious in doing things, but now she seems to be getting along rather lazily.

This matter was only quietly circulated among the teaching assistants at first, but at some point, Linda Barnes found out about it, which aroused her great interest. For wizards, any news related to monsters is of great significance.

Report value, not to mention being related to a big demon.

Therefore, at the beginning of her junior year, classmate Linda, who had just been promoted to deputy editor of the school newspaper, sent an enthusiastic invitation letter to teaching assistant Violet in an attempt to conduct an exclusive interview with her.

Then he was decisively rejected.

Violet was extremely reluctant to recall the incident that happened on the Black Prison battlefield. However, the newly appointed deputy editor-in-chief of the school newspaper acted like a dog-skin plaster, refusing to fight back or scolding her back, and instead kissed and warmed up her sister.

', from time to time he would take the time to circle around her a few times, much to the distress of the purple-haired witch.

Until a few days ago, after the school hunting competition ended and Su Shijun revealed the true identity of the child's father, the entire wizarding world was attracted to a certain unknown little wizard, and most of the staff in the school newspaper's editorial department were extremely busy.

This gave Violet some time to breathe.

As a result, now, at the winter hunting ground, she encountered this dog skin plaster again.


‘Dog Skin Plaster’ raised her hand, snapped her fingers, and summoned a transparent bubble to wrap around her and the purple-haired witch. She spoke concisely and concisely: “I recently obtained an exclusive piece of secret information about Congressman Su. In exchange for your exclusive interview!”

"Member Su Shijun?" The purple-haired witch's eyes brightened slightly, and the peach blossom that had just been lit at her feet suddenly went out, and she expressed her heartbeat cautiously.

"Is there a second Councilor Su in First University?" The blonde witch showed a winning smile on her face: "I want to remind you that only a few people know this news..."

"Don't tell me it's the Christmas dance under the moon. I also have the tickets for that dance." Violet looked at the reporter in front of her warily.

"The Yuexia Dance is held every year. Even if Senator Su attends this year, it is not a secret." The deputy editor of the school newspaper glanced around alertly, and his voice became lower and lower: "That information came from a very reliable person of mine.

The informant has evidence that the father of Congressman Su’s child is most likely cheating on him..."

The father of Senator Su's child.


Violet turned these two words around in her mind four or five times before she came back to her senses and suddenly opened her eyes: "That Zheng Qing from Jiuyou Academy? He hacked..."

With quick eyesight and quick hands, Linda Barnes took out a puff from nowhere and stuffed it into the mouth of the purple-haired witch, blocking out the last few words she wanted to say.

The purple-haired witch chewed the puff fiercely.

It was as if he was chewing the flesh and blood of some wizard.

"make a deal!"

She grabbed the parchment contract prepared by the deputy editor of the school newspaper and signed it casually, gritting her teeth: "It's really... just burning a few straw men is too cheap for him!"

Linda nodded happily and cursed together: "Man, there is no good thing!"


Victor coughed loudly from outside the bubble, and the two witches turned their heads to look, only to see the strong wizard spreading his hands helplessly: "I said, you two, we are still performing our mission...


"...The general task arrangement is like this. Do you have any questions?"

Deep in the silent forest.

Farther away from the outskirts of the First University's winter hunting ground, behind a sheltered hill, more than a dozen tall and strong two-headed ogres formed a circle, holding maces, iron maces, steel whips, etc.

Various heavy weapons.

These ogres did not wear heavy cloaks or warm charms like the young wizards who participated in the winter hunting. Most of them only wore a simple leather armor on their bodies, and their thick arms were naked in the howling wind and snow.

, showing a blue-grey color as hard as rock.

The speaker was a short, thick-headed ogre holding a pitch-black staff. The new tumor under his jaw was blurry, and the discarded skulls behind his head were stacked up. The number reached seven, even with the double-headed ogre.

Among ogres, they are also very powerful beings.

"Do you have any other questions?"

The hoop-headed ogre repeated his question, looking past each of his 'companions', his eyes shining with a light of wisdom that was completely different from that of the ogre race.

No one said anything.

All the ogres carefully kept quiet.

"Since there is no problem, let's go to the positions you are responsible for as planned..." The hoop-headed ogre lowered his eyelids, paused, and added:

"Finally, I would like to remind you that I know that you all have a lot of backgrounds. The Dark Parliament, the Yellow Land, the Abyss, the Castle under the Moon, and some of you may even come from the university campus in front of us..."

There was an unsettling commotion among the ogres, and many ogres began to look at their "companions" with hidden eyes, guessing which one of them had the thoughts coming from the First University.

The hoop-headed ogre remained calm and his tone did not change at all: "...Many people adhere to the concept of 'chaos is a ladder' and feel that a chaotic situation will make everything possible, such as rebellion, vendetta, and gangsters eating gangsters.

Wait. On ordinary days, I would never care about these details. After all, few people who work as 'wandering hunters' will regard the "Wizard Code" as their code of conduct."

"But this time it's different."

"Even if the ogre prosthetics we use have been purified by great fortune-tellers and transformed by magic, this is Phuket Island after all. Standing here, without raising our heads, we can all feel the huge magic power hovering over the school...

I think no one wants to feel the school’s anger... So, put your little thoughts away, don’t touch things you shouldn’t touch, don’t take things you shouldn’t take, and don’t mess with things you shouldn’t mess with.”

"As long as you follow the plan, drive those wild dragons to the right place at the right time, and lead the patrol team away, your respective tasks will be completed. Don't ruin everything in the future just for the sake of temporary greed.


After saying that, it paused heavily with the staff in its hand.

White snowflakes swirled up and turned into a thick tornado in an instant, drowning the figure of the Hooded Ogre. After a while, the tornado dispersed, the snowflakes fell, and no one could be seen behind the sheltered hill.

This chapter has been completed!
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