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Chapter 2229 Arrogant news

 After coming out of Qingqiu Mansion, Zheng Qing has been feeling a little groggy.

So much so that he almost forgot that there was a practical class in the afternoon.

Throughout the afternoon, his every move had a clumsy sense of being out of control, like a person who walks with a limp. When reciting a mantra in practice class, he could pronounce the simplest "Ge Zhi Tan Xi" as "Ge Zhi Tan Ye".

The summoned vines were as soft as cooked noodles, making most of the students in the class laugh.

Of course, his desperation also attracted a lot of scrutiny and suspicion.

It wasn't until night, when he was lying in bed with a nightmare doll stuffed under his pillow, that the young public-funded student felt that he had found some 'anchors' in his life and re-fixed his cognition.

The short trip to 'buy clothes' gave the wizard a huge stimulus.

Before that, he was quite confident in his not-so-rich but still substantial wallet. He felt that even if it was not as rich as some wizarding families, it should be enough to be a decent person in the wizarding world.

Then, reality tugged at his ears fiercely, roaring and telling him what true 'decency' looked like.

"Okay, there are no outsiders."

As soon as he returned to the dormitory in the evening, Fatty Xin couldn't wait to grab the collar of the young public-funded student, winked and asked, "What were you doing with Councilor Su at noon?"

Zheng Qing was stunned by this question.

If I remember correctly, he has answered this question more than once today, and almost everyone in the class, including Xin, has heard his answer.

"Buying clothes?" The boy struggled a little confused.

"I want the truth!"

The fat wizard let go of his hand with some annoyance, looked at Zheng Qing, and did not hide his suspicion: "I just bought some clothes and you will be so distracted all afternoon?"

Not a piece of clothing.

Zheng Qing thought of the long dragon formed by the two clothes, and suddenly became depressed again. He said sadly: "I'm really going to buy clothes...a dress for the Yuexia Dance Party next week... If you don't believe me, let the doctor do a divination."

Xin immediately turned back and looked at the fortune teller at the desk.

Xiao Xiao has been holding the crystal ball and rubbing it there for a while. After noticing his companion's gaze, he nodded slightly and replied in a calm voice: "Magic told me that he didn't lie... But you also know that he

This person has never followed ordinary magical rules."

Zheng Qing sighed heavily.

The fat wizard waved his hand half-heartedly, took out a box of preserved fruits from his arms, and moved lazily towards his bed. At the same time, he reminded the two of them: "By the way, I received a notice from the editorial department this afternoon. Our anniversary celebration the day after tomorrow is probably not going to be possible.

It's a big deal... We can only invite a few guests on a small scale at most... So tonight, you have to work harder. After confirming the final invitation list, you have to send letters of apology to other guests who have sent invitations."

Zheng Qing took the hot towel handed by the elves and wiped his face, finally cheering up a bit.

"Ah, that's really troublesome...wait a minute...why was this kind of thing notified by the editorial department?" He immediately realized something strange in the fat wizard's words.

A painful groan came from the fat wizard's bed.

Then he sighed comfortably.

"It's not quite accurate to say 'notice'," the fat man said with his mouth full of preserved fruit, his voice a little unclear: "To be precise, it's the 'news' received by the editorial department...the plan just drafted by the Beta Town Management Committee in the afternoon

, haven’t had time to issue it yet, but will inform several newspapers in advance so that they can publish reports... I guess our store will receive the notice tomorrow morning... Well, it seems that Beta Town finally realized that something happened in the woods during the winter hunting.

It’s a terrible thing, so we temporarily tightened control measures and banned large-scale crowd gatherings just in case... It’s really hard to keep up with the heat even if you eat shit.”

Having said this, he sneered twice, changed the subject, and habitually complained about the Beta Town Post:

"Speaking of eating shit... Maybe tomorrow morning, you will see some new reports from the Post - 'First University is panicking'. They hastily set up the school's protective circle and abandoned a large number of wizards who entered the Silent Forest.

''There was chaos on campus.'' A school spokesman claimed that no one was injured. ''This statement was not enough to quell rumors that several parents of students had received death notices.'' A senior First University employee who spoke on condition of anonymity to assess the situation said the situation

There is no optimism that the Wizarding Journalism Ethics Committee will protest against First University's move to block news..."

He pinched his throat and imitated Ms. Pulitzer's voice, and the imitation was vivid, especially the choice of words and tone of voice, which was full of the smell of "Post". Zheng Qing, who was originally in a depressed mood, couldn't help but smile.


"You don't need to worry about your job after graduation."

While joking, he had already wandered over to the desk, pulled out a pile of letter paper, and began to draft the format of an apology letter. At the same time, he asked casually: "Is the Press Ethics Committee a subsidiary agency of the Alliance?"

"The alliance doesn't have that much energy to open this kind of organization." The person who answered this question was Xiao Xiao. He sat on the other side of the desk and began to filter the list: "... something like this without prepositions, the name sounds like

It’s a very big organization, and most of it is a pheasant platform, the kind of organization that you can join by paying money... As far as I know, this Journalism Ethics Committee is not even an internal unit of the Post..."

"Do you know about the interest group in the class?"

The fat wizard made an appropriate analogy: "Several wizards who are interested in something form a small group... It cannot meet the standards of a formal society, but it can still be regarded as an organization..."

"How many people can be invited?"

The doctor interrupted the fat wizard, holding the quill in one hand and the parchment in the other, looking at the names on it with some distress: "I feel that everyone above must invite..."

"Based on the size of our shop and the 'notification spirit', I think it's best not to have more than ten people." The fat wizard gave his advice cautiously.

"Including members of our hunting party?"

"Of course it doesn't include..."

"Well... Then Li Meng, Lin Guo, and Shi Yuan don't need to take up the quota." Xiao Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, hesitated for a second, tilted his head and looked at Zheng Qing: "Well, Councilman Su doesn't count.

Are you considered a member of our hunting team?"

"She's not on the roster anyway."

Zheng Qing touched his sleeve unconsciously, as if he had already worn two beautiful obsidian cufflinks on it, and then looked at the fat man uncertainly: "Are there any details about the news received by the editorial department? For example, the identity of the guest..."

"It's just a small town management committee."

The fat wizard commented in a sophisticated tone: "As long as you look so-so and passable...the rules are made for ordinary wizards, the great wizard! Or Councilor Su! Give them a hundred courages, will they dare to control it?"

Dr. Xiao Da adjusted his glasses and glanced at the fat man: "They really don't dare to control Congressman Su, but they dare to issue a ticket to D&K."

This chapter has been completed!
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