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Chapter 2238 About Insurance



Breathe again, spit again.

"Only by balancing these three concepts of will, logic, and patience can we find true inner peace."

The apologetic diviner murmured and repeated this sentence several times - this is the new trick that Fatty Xin has just summed up in recent times to find inner peace - until the violent magic power in his body calmed down a little, Xiao Xiao finally

He raised his head and glanced at his captain calmly:

"Do you think you are being shunned because you don't know table manners?"

He first repeated his previous rhetorical question before turning to his own analysis:

"Friedman, the blood representative of the First University Moon Parliament, is from the Cullen family. His cousin, Duke Milton Cullen, is well known for his pursuit of Senator Su Shijun."

"Jiangjun, the representative of the zombie clan in the Yuexia Council of the First University, was born in the Beimang Mountain General clan. His Clover hunting team has not passed the formal registration review for two consecutive years, and it is still a reserve hunting team until now. And the other team is even worse than Clover.

The young hunting team easily obtained the registration qualification... By the way, Arthur Ness and Sima Yi are in this hunting team."

"Andrew Taylor, the werewolf, has had more than one conflict with us. Maybe we can say hello when we meet in private, but if he wants to continue to stay at Alpha Academy peacefully, you can't expect him to smile at you at the dance.


"Then there's Seprano, or rather, the current Mr. Augustus... Think about yourself, the accident before entering the school, and the probation you are carrying now, who has anything to do with it. Like this

You, do you still expect those wizards in white robes not to exclude you?"

"Not to mention that you went with Councilor Su!"

While talking, the three of them had already entered the library and arrived at the seats they had occupied in the morning - as usual, Xiao Xiao chose a corner surrounded by bookshelves, which could give them more freedom.

Taking advantage of the moment when the doctor put down his book, Fatty Xin glanced at Zheng Qing and curled his lips: "'First Sir', 'Jiuyou Young Master', 'Young Master Qingqiu'... hum... the entire Jiuyou Academy, no, the whole school."

You are the number one university in the world. You have caused more troubles than anyone else, you have caused more trouble than anyone else, and you have made more enemies than anyone else. With your conditions, is it wrong for those white robes to exclude you? Don't talk about them.

I almost feel like ostracizing you!"

As he spoke, he twisted his huge ass and made an ostracizing gesture towards Zheng Qing.

The young public-funded student laughed dryly.

"Ha, ha, ha, thank you for being so honest...but I was just joking."

He clasped his hands together and tried his best to sound sincere: "Herb True said, 'Self-deprecation is the highest form of humor'...Are you so sensitive that you can't even tell the difference between seriousness and joking?"

"I think when you said those words just now, your eyes were shining, and it didn't look like you were joking." Xiao Xiao had already opened the exercise book of "Standard Spells". Hearing this, he raised his head and glanced at Zheng Qing, with a tone that sounded like

Very sure: "There is a similar description in "Awakening Spiritual Power"... This is a characteristic that can only appear when expressing from the heart."

Zheng Qing didn't know who wrote the book the doctor quoted.

But he thought it was well written.

Just when he was about to comment, Xiao Xiao made a shut-up gesture at him.

"Okay, the small talk is over." The fortune teller of the Exoneration Hunting Team pushed up his glasses with a serious expression: "Since the topic has come to this point, we should seriously discuss your participation in the Moon Dance... except

In addition to the skills that Qingqiu Mansion requires you to master, the Joint Staff Meeting of the Exoneration Hunting Team also has some opinions of its own that need to be added..."

"Wait, the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Exoneration Hunting Team?"

Zheng Qing repeated the name with a confused look on his face: "Our hunting team still has this kind of meeting? When was it held? Why didn't I know? Isn't there only seven people in our hunting team? Why do we need to join together?"

"A meeting that is voluntarily initiated and freely participated in is called a joint meeting." The doctor first introduced the relevant concepts to Zheng Qing, and then briefly explained: "Your mouth was swollen last night, so I didn't call you during the discussion."

The young public-funded student licked his mouth, which was still somewhat numb, and was speechless.

The fat wizard corrected him in a low voice: "Including the two hunting team managers, there are nine people in total, and there are eight people participating in the joint meeting... Keep your voice low, be careful that the octopus comes and throws you out!"

Zheng Qing lowered his voice, with a look of understanding on his face: "I understand, that is to say, I am the only one who doesn't know about this meeting, right? Do you know? Put it on the ship in the Age of Sail.

, your behavior is called rebellion!"

The two hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team turned a deaf ear to their captain's protest.


Xiao Xiao emphasized slightly: "After entering the Yuexia Dance venue, we strongly recommend that you follow Councilman Su closely, do not communicate with any students you do not know for more than three minutes, do not eat snacks handed to you, and do not drink drinks given to you by others.

Your drink... In fact, if possible, we recommend that you abstain from water, food and excretion that night. It would be better if you can maintain internal breathing."

Zheng Qing no longer knew what expression he should make: "It sounds like what I am attending is not a dance, but a Hongmen Banquet."

"The situation is not much better than the Hongmen Banquet." As he spoke, Xiao Xiao took out a piece of parchment, stuffed it under the nose of the young public-funded student, and gestured: "By the way, you can sign this today too."

"What's this?"

"Personal accident insurance is two-way. It can not only ensure that your medical expenses will be covered after a serious injury, but also ensure that if you go crazy, you will not go bankrupt due to claims from the party organizer and the victim... Don't worry, the relevant expenses can be paid.

It was unanimously agreed upon by everyone at the joint meeting to forgive the public account."

"Should I look like I'm crying with gratitude?" Zheng Qing complained and signed while pretending to shudder: "It's terrible, it sounds like someone is planning to have peanuts with the Kraken at the dance.

Rum chewed me up bit by bit and swallowed it."

Fatty Xin has an amazing understanding of food: "It would be great if they are willing to add some side dishes, but I suspect they prefer you without any side dishes and the original taste."

"Oh, that's disgusting." Zheng Qing made a vomiting motion and stuffed the signed insurance policy back to Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Xiao checked his signature and sneered: "I hope that when you are lying on the hospital bed or in the tomb, you can think of your current carelessness. After all, one day, you will have to take responsibility for your actions... Everyone

behavior in this sense.”

This chapter has been completed!
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