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Chapter 2290 Similar Problems

When that familiar feeling of dizziness hit, Zheng Qing had a strong sense of déjà vu.

After standing firm, he shook his head vigorously, trying to concentrate quickly. A slightly pungent smoke choked him and sneezed twice, which helped him speed up the process of waking up.

When he came back to his senses, he found that he was standing in front of a huge mahogany bookcase. Behind the tall glass case, there were thick magic books neatly arranged. A row of shriveled demon skulls the size of a baby's fist were lined up like a guard of honor waiting for inspection.

In front of those magic books.

The ferocious appearance of their bared teeth deeply attracted the young wizard - the happy smiles were all similar, but the ferocious faces were all different - these words suddenly appeared in his heart.

"Those are the trophies of the Black Prison. If you are interested, you can take away one or two." The slightly deep voice of the dean of Jiuyou Academy came from behind.

Zheng Qing turned around quickly.

"Good evening, Professor, why did you come to see me...?" He asked politely, but he was cursing in his heart, guessing that this bad old man's methods were too simple and crude. Why can't you wait until after the exam is over?

Ask again.

"Can't I talk to you if I have nothing to do?"

The professor behind the desk who was grading the test papers chuckled and reminded half-jokingly: "By the way, next time you curse someone in your heart, remember to add a few more foggy heart locks... Not every legend has my good temper.

Just like Ms. Shi Hui, I remember one time, someone called her a little girl in front of her, and she was chopped into human piglets... Well, maybe it was because that guy was a fallen wizard."

The young public-funded student swallowed quietly.

"Can you hear my voice?" He smiled weakly.

"This is so fresh."

The dean of Jiuyou Academy raised his eyelids and glanced at him. The pipe he was biting trembled twice: "For Legend, many things can only be thought of or not, not possible. You can't always put your confidence in

Others abide by the rules... Of course, under normal circumstances, I still abide by the rules, but you are too close to me, and the thoughts beating in your mind are as clear as the fish swimming in Linzhong Lake."

Zheng Qing didn't say a word, but silently threw a lot of soul defense magic into his heart.

The professor nodded appreciatively and put down the quill in his hand.

"By the way... why did you think of crows just now?" He sat back on the high-backed chair, crossed his fingers on his chest, and took time to look at the young public-funded student, with just the right amount of curiosity in his eyes.

Zheng Qing touched his nose and answered honestly: "Because our dormitory just happened to be discussing crows, and then you caught me... During the Potions exam in the afternoon, wasn't there a lot of noise outside the school? I heard that

There was an accident in an illegal laboratory...It is said that that laboratory has something to do with crows."

"I heard, it was said, hey, rumors are always the fastest in the school." The professor clicked his tongue, seeming to express his dissatisfaction with the bad rumor environment in the school.

He also had reasons to express dissatisfaction.

"Are you here to catch crows too, professor!" Zheng Qing felt a little excited. From the school hunting competition to the winter hunting, those guys wearing crow masks were like a thorn stuck in his throat, making him restless.


Lao Yao raised his eyebrows, clicked some pipes, and immediately revealed a hint of realization, realizing that his attitude had caused some misunderstandings among the boys: "No, well, Vice Principal Ruoyu is responsible for that matter, and it is not convenient for me to intervene at will...


Zheng Qing nodded in disappointment—it is true that the work of clamping down on illegal laboratories involves outside the school, and it does fall within the scope of the school working committee.

"Then you..." He was a little unsure as to why Lao Yao captured him.

"Oh, I just got your papers, and something suddenly occurred to me." Lao Yao patted the stack of papers at his hand, pretending not to see the boy's eager eyes, and changed the topic: "...have you considered graduating early?"

Graduating early?

Zheng Qing looked away from the paper and subconsciously touched the back of his head.

This semester, he seemed to have heard this word a little more often - from Linda Barnes who was planning to graduate early, to a casual suggestion from a certain witch at the dance under the moon. It seemed that he was being influenced by it after entering the second grade.

The whole world is rushing towards the concept of maturity.

Of course, Su Shijun's idea when he mentioned "early graduation" was very "simple". He just wanted him to leave school early, and then the two of them get married and give Bo Saidong a proper status.

And when the old monster in front of me asked this question, he definitely didn't want to marry him.

"My credits... seem to be a bit off." He wasn't sure what the professor wanted to ask specifically, and answered vaguely: "I think Xiao Xiao has a greater chance of earning enough credits by taking a few more exams...


"Examinations are not a problem."

The professor behind the desk casually interrupted the young public-sponsored student's murmurings, and glanced at the pile of test papers on the table: "In total, you have been in school for a year and a half, and everyone is aware of your potential.

Here...Furthermore, after the second grade, all school-wide and basic courses are over. For the remaining two years, the school's curriculum is mainly focused on professional courses and practical courses. As for professional courses, just because you master all the basic talismans, I think

It is not difficult to get enough credits for graduation; as for the practical scores, based on my understanding of all the students in First University, no one has more practical experience than you."

This compliment is straightforward and extremely reasonable.

Moreover, as the dean of Jiuyou Academy and a legendary wizard, this statement is full of persuasiveness.

Zheng Qing felt a trace of blush for the first time in a long time.

"But, but..." He stuttered, trying to find a more reasonable excuse.

"Member Su should also hope that you graduate early." Old Yao picked up a bunch of tobacco and stuffed it into his pipe. He glanced at the boy with a troubled face and said with a hint of playfulness in his smile: "Or, you don't want to graduate, right?

Because of who else at school?”

Zheng Qing wouldn't be surprised at all if this bad old man said a certain name.

Quite suddenly, his mind became particularly clear at this moment.

Zheng Qing took a deep breath, and instead of trying to justify why he didn't want to leave school, he asked directly: "Why do you want me to graduate early?"

He never thought that just because he was 'able' to graduate early, the professor wanted him to graduate early. Just like the example he gave before, it stands to reason that Xiao Xiao would be eligible to graduate early in his first year at school because of his magical knowledge reserve.

Even more than many teaching assistants and lecturers in the school.

Therefore, Lao Yao must have some other reasons for wanting to graduate early.

This chapter has been completed!
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