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Chapter 2293 Big Cold

The practical exam in the 20th week was lackluster.

Zheng Qing felt that he could get good results in most of the assessments, except for alchemy - candidates were required to use the collodion photography technique invented by the famous alchemist Archer to take a picture of the synthetic beast they had previously refined.

Clear photos.

This photography technique requires a layer of collodion to be evenly applied on the glass plate, and then immediately immersed in a silver nitrate solution to enhance the sensitivity of the plate. Because the drier the collodion, the lower the sensitivity, so it must be on the glass plate.

Before the collodion dries, the wet glass plate is put into the camera for exposure. The whole process only takes a few minutes. If the film cannot be successfully photographed before drying, it will not be developed and fixed.

While Zheng Qing was filming, the synthetic beast he was refining suddenly became manic, causing him to scramble. As a result, the silver nitrate solution on the glass film during the final exposure only had a faint trace of wetness.

As expected, the final photo he took was not successful enough, and only the blurry outline of the synthetic beast could be seen.

This incident made the young public-sponsored student very upset.

Until January 18th, which is the day of the Great Cold, all the exams for this semester were over. Most of the students had packed up and went home. When all the members of the Forgiveness Hunting Team went to the Wandering Bar for a party, Zheng Qing was still worried about this exam.

Never forget.

"I'm so stupid, really."

The captain of the Exoneration Hunting Team raised a glass of warmed Green Bee, touched it with Zhang Jixin, and sighed listlessly: "I only knew that the synthetic beasts would go crazy when exposed to light, but I forgot to add an extra soft layer.

The leg spell, but it broke free from the restraining spell... When I tied it up again, the magic potion on the glass plate was almost dry... The entire examination room was free of my synthetic beast... I was almost mature

It’s a joke among public-funded students…”

The young wizards who apologized had heard these words not a hundred times but also eighty times.

"Be more open!"

The red-faced wizard drank several bottles of Kraken Rum. His lips and tongue had turned dark blue, and his face turned purple. After hearing Zheng Qing's complaint, he waved his broad palm, bang bang bang, as if to

He slapped the young public servant abruptly into the bar: "You should change your perspective... For example, the synthetic beasts prepared by others are not as powerful as yours! Thinking about it this way, don't you feel happy?... In order to break free from the restraining spell.

The synthetic beast... cheers!"


Before Zheng Qing could get up from the bar, Elder Zhang raised his neck and drank half of the bottle of Siren Rum in his hand. Then his face turned increasingly purple, and his whole person seemed to be enveloped in a layer of blue fluorescence.

Looking from a distance, he looks like a distant relative of Fatty Xin.

Just when this thought flashed through Zheng Qing's mind.

Fatty Xin's plump figure squeezed hard between him and Zhang Jixin, and Zheng Qing noticed that he had a coquettish purple rose pinned to his chest.

"Did Linda really say she was coming?" The fat wizard tugged on his collar anxiously, his tone a little uneasy: "Is it possible that you remembered the time wrongly..."

"My lord, Merlin, who would wear such a robe in a bar... Others will think you are going to a dance... Do you know? You look like a vampire from Romania now!" Zhang Jixin flicked the fat wizard's chest.

A purple rose flower burst into laughter.

The smooth fabric of the ceremonial robe shone with mysterious colors under the dim light of the bar. Judging from the style and fabric alone, this robe must have cost the fat wizard a lot of gold.

Zheng Qing stared at the roses on his robe for a few seconds, and finally murmured with dull eyes: "I'm so stupid, really..."

"Yes, yes, you have become a joke among public-funded students!"

The fat wizard interrupted the chattering young public-funded student irritably, and turned to look at Zhang Jixin: "Has Brother Scumbag been cursed by some evil curse during this period, or has he taken the wrong medicine? I don't think he cared so much about his public-funded students before.

Give birth to 'honor'..."

The purple-faced wizard shrugged his shoulders without any comment.

Zheng Qing also silently drank a sip of wine for himself.

Indeed, if it were in the past - even a few months ago - if such a low-level mistake occurred in the final exam, he would at most treat it as a joke and tell it to his peers with a laugh, and would never be as nagging as Mrs. Xianglin.

for a long time.

But before the relationship between Su Shijun and him was exposed, and later when Lao Yao put forward the suggestion of 'graduating early', Zheng Qing suddenly felt a sense of urgency and an inexplicable 'sense of mission' in his heart.

This feeling may be similar to the sense of honor of the Yuexia clan, which makes Zheng Qing privately feel that he must work hard enough and be good enough, otherwise he will disappoint many people.

Especially the meeting with Professor Yao not long ago.

Although it has never been directly confirmed, Zheng Qing has gradually realized his true identity over a long period of time - from his familiarity with the school to his huge influence on the school; from the opinions of professors such as Lao Yao on him.

special treatment, to the relationship between him and the forbidden curse mentioned by his husband; from "Into the First University" to "Encyclopedia of the Wizarding World"; and so on, these inconspicuous clues have already become

A certain but undetermined answer was woven in the mind of the young public-funded student.

Perhaps due to his quiet influence, or some intuition as a disciple, Zheng Qing subconsciously felt that this relationship should not be talked about, otherwise it would affect his state of being separated from the world and bring more trouble to him.


Therefore, even if the husband didn’t mention it, he would pretend not to know.

As a tacit secret between the two.

But in the last conversation, Professor Yao showed amazing frankness, almost to the point of naming names. This frankness made the young wizard deeply uneasy. He urgently needed to perform better in order to take on the responsibility that seemed to be coming at any time.

The responsibility that may come will crush him into a piece of meat.

This invisible urgency collided with the ensuing accident in the alchemy examination room, making Zheng Qing feel hugely frustrated.

Thinking of this, he shook his head vigorously and noticed that his wine glass was empty.

"Who has seen my wine bottle?" the captain of the Exoneration Hunting Team yelled.

"Maybe you should look under the table," the fat wizard burped, his face glowing blue: "As far as I know, you often drop things under the table... just like when you were packing things this morning.

, I found an unopened Christmas gift package under your bed."

"Why did you go under my bed?" Zheng Qing asked with hazy eyes and a vague voice - people's thinking is always particularly sharp when they are half drunk.

"Because your elves hid my shoes under your bed... They probably don't want me to leave." At this point, the fat wizard showed a thoughtful expression on his face: "Well, speaking of which, do you have any?

Do you think these elves in the dormitory are becoming more and more 'lively' now? Maybe they already understand the meaning of loneliness?"

This chapter has been completed!
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