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Chapter 546: A Copper Bean

Zheng Qing has always known that the North District of Beta Town is gray.

This gray is not just gray in the real sense - the wizards living in the North District 'like' to wear the dusty, rough linen robes; the exterior walls of the houses in the North District are often painted in a dull tone.

The sky is gray; even the sky in the northern district looks a bit gloomier than the rest of the island.

This gray also has a philosophical meaning - compared with other districts in Beta Town or other wizarding settlements in the world, the social rules prevailing in the northern district of Beta Town seem to be less black and white. It seems to be a place disguised as a human society.

In the Silent Forest, the "Wizard's Code" and the "Law of the Jungle" go hand in hand, and the boundaries between good and bad are somewhat blurry.

Just like this cryptic and brief conversation between Crow No. 3 and the North District wizard wearing exquisite robes, it was not difficult for Zheng Qing to guess what kind of deal the two people were doing.

In the modern era, when Danhag and the "Wizard Code" are becoming more and more popular, the ancient slave trade still exists in the northern area of ​​Beta Town, which sounds like an impossible thing.

But Zheng Qing knows that this is the reality in the North District - at least, the reality before Korma advanced - because the magicians have magic reactions, and the magic is very weak, so they have always been the best for black magic experiments.

The origin of the experimental subjects.

Many magicians voluntarily sign harsh contracts of selling their bodies and souls, perhaps in order to replace a powerful healing scroll for their families, or to give their children a chance to enter a small magic organization like the 'Kini Cabin', or they may just give up on themselves and want to

End the long and cold reality with a short and gorgeous life.

At least this was what the North District looked like before last year.

Ever since Kolma became a Grand Wizard, as her prestige has grown, there have been a few more rays of sunshine in the sky in the North District, and the robes of passers-by on the street have also gained a bit more color. Take one of the smallest yet significant changes.

, Zheng Qing came to the North District this time, and almost no young wizards in tattered robes were seen on the streets selling low-quality talismans concocted by frog tongues.

Originally, he thought everything was going in a good direction.

Until he saw this scene.

"So, what you're saying is that because of your lack of strength, you can't receive enough good materials?" Crow No. 3 asked in a mechanical and cold voice.

The fat wizard rubbed the ruby ​​ring on his hand and answered carefully: "As you can see...more and more people in the North District have obtained that curse seal. Originally, we could create problems with sticks and axes.

, they can solve it with a few frogs... If there is no other way, we will not be able to continue this business."


Crow No. 3 muttered and repeated this subtle word. He looked at the shameless guy in front of him intently. After a long while, he asked softly: "What does if mean?"

The fat wizard raised his head and glanced at the Gu statue still sleeping on the gate tower.

When he lowered his head, Zheng Qing saw the obscure and greedy light flashing in his eyes.

"I heard that your experiments have been able to stabilize the receptors to a state of registered wizard level?" He lowered his voice and spoke quickly: "If I become a registered wizard, or there are a few more registered wizard level puppets, then those

There is absolutely no way the guy catching the frog can refuse my kindness..."

"Where did you hear that?" Crow No. 3 interrupted his speculation.

"A very reliable channel." The fat wizard smiled with a hint of cunning in his eyes, and replied coquettishly: "Buji Island is such a big place, and there are not many places where you can get this kind of information."


There was a bit of weirdness in Crow's tone. He looked up and down at the fat wizard in front of him. After a while, he nodded slightly: "We do have some deals with that old guy, but..."

"One hundred healthy experimental subjects with intact bodies!" The fat wizard rubbed his hands like a feeding fly and eagerly gave his conditions: "Delivery within a week!"

"A week? How can you get that much?"

"If the strength allows... In fact, we already have enough goals, but it is limited to objective conditions... If the strength allows, it can be up to a week, absolutely no problem! You know my credibility!"

This time, Crow No. 3 pondered for a long time.

Then he stretched out his leather-gloved hand, grabbed the fat wizard's hand, and shook it: "Your reputation is indeed very good. In this case...then we will give you a chance."

After saying that, he took out his hand, turned around and left, disappearing into the shadows at the corner of the street in an instant.

The fat wizard standing there was shaking and spreading his palms.

In his palm lay a bean the size of a peanut.

Through the bright moonlight, Zheng Qing could clearly see the dull yellow metallic luster shining on the surface of the beans, as well as the clear letter 'M' carved on the surface of the beans.

As if the hot sunshine melted the snow, the copper bean in the fat wizard's palm slowly melted in the cold moonlight, turning into a pool of liquid covered with tentacles, following the lines of his skin, and slowly seeping into his palm.


A flash of pale blood flashed in the fat wizard's eyes.

The breeze blew, fluttering his loose robe, and he seemed to feel something. He raised his hands high, opened his eyes wide, carefully looked at every hair on his hands, and grinned, with silent ecstasy on his face.

Zheng Qing did not see what happened next.

Because he found that he was involuntarily leaving the intersection of Gucai Street and quickly leaving the North District of Beta Town, as if he was 'riding' an invisible escape technique. In front of him was a rapidly retreating field of vision, and the surrounding scenery crazily poured into his eyes, forcing him to

I had to close my eyes, and from time to time I could feel a burning sensation passing over my body.

After a while, the feeling of frantic movement gradually dissipated.

The young public-funded student carefully opened his eyes and was surprised to find that he was standing at the door of the Wandering Bar. He raised his head and happened to see a window in the second floor box. A wizard wearing a crow mask was carefully pulling the curtains.

The boy suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment in his heart.

The reason why I was able to 'witness' the scene just now tonight is most likely because I desperately want to catch the crow in my heart. Therefore, all the scenes I witnessed tonight will only be related to crows.

With this sudden realization, Zheng Qing seemed like a real ghost, entering the room through the wall, and not long after, he came to the box where the crow was.

As expected, there was another familiar figure in the room.

The wandering wizard was bandaging the wound of an injured elf. The small tweezers were flipping flexibly in his broad palm. He quickly treated the injury of the elf and tied a beautiful bow on the wound.

This chapter has been completed!
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