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Chapter 551: Speculation

The crossing point chosen by the black-robed wizard is located in an 'edge zone' on the edge of the Northern District - this aspect of human society is particularly interesting. No matter how miserable the current situation is, finer class differences can always be distinguished in a stable social structure.

Through mutual discrimination, criticism and compromise, they can forget most of the suffering before them.

Being on the edge of the Northern District, you can imagine how harsh the environment in this area is.

In the tidal flats next to the river, you can see corpses crawling at the junction of the river and the land every now and then. There are goblins with their fingers cut off, trolls with their scalps stripped off, and kappas with the moon disk on their heads removed - the most stripped of their heads.

After obtaining valuable magic materials, their corpses could not be used even by the lowest level wizards in the North District. In addition, there were also some white rats and rabbits on the river beach that had been infected with the disease or died after conducting magic experiments.

Because of the weird curses and magic potion residues attached to the corpses, even the corpse-eating beetles refused to come, leaving these corpses to slowly rot in the mud. The entire Phuket Island may only be populated by magic-sucking mosquitoes and unrestricted rivers.

The flies are willing to contribute a little to the natural cycle here.

However, in the cold winter, flies greatly reduce their activity frequency, resulting in more and more corpses stacked in this edge area, gradually creating a layer of miasma full of evil smells.

This layer of miasma greatly interfered with the tracking of the Sin Hunting Team.

"Can't you determine the direction in which he disappeared?"

The black cat jumped onto the branch of a low pine tree to gain a higher view than its companions. It squinted its eyes and slowly turned its ears, trying to see through the thick night.

But apart from the dark silent forest and the quiet sound of the gurgling river, he could not capture any more useful information.

"It's hard."

Dylan threw a ball of light the size of a ping pong in his hand and waved to the black cat on the tree: "You can come down and try. I've extracted that guy's aura."

The black cat jumped down from the tree, sniffed the light ball, and then couldn't help sneezing.

I don’t know whether it was because of concealing his identity or because he had done too many experiments in daily life. The light group was mixed with the smell of various herbs and magical creatures. The first time he smelled the smell, the black cat thought he had broken into the school.

Herb garden or pet garden.

After careful analysis, he captured a large number of scents belonging to the teachers and students of the school, many of which were his familiar friends, and even his own.

Too many goals means no goals.

Zheng Qing suspected that even without the obstruction of the river beach and miasma, after the three of them chased into the Silent Forest, the target traces would be completely submerged in the more complex and turbid atmosphere of the Silent Forest.

Even so, he did not give up immediately. Instead, he lowered his body, took a deep breath, and tried to find traces of his target in the smell of corruption and fishy smell.

But the complex environment at the intersection of Silent Forest and Silent River made everything chaotic. It seemed that every direction was filled with that guy's scent, but every direction was not completely similar.

This contradictory feeling drove the black cat a little crazy, until it felt like its eyes were blurred by inhaling and almost suffocating, but it still couldn't find the right direction.

"You are a cat now!" Dylan couldn't hide his surprise.

"You are still a dog!" The black cat shook its tail in displeasure.

"First of all, the werewolf bloodline is related to the devil wolf, not the dog." Mr. Vampire Werewolf raised one finger, waved it in front of the black cat's nose, and then raised a second finger: "Secondly, generally speaking, I am only half

Werewolf blood, and werewolves only have half of the magic wolf blood... Calculating this, I only have a quarter of the magic wolf blood at most... Compared to a pure-blood cat like you, the natural ability is naturally far insufficient... Speaking of dogs

, maybe you can let Edamame try it? I remember it is very good at catching people."

Even if Dylan didn't remind him, Zheng Qing was planning to call the dog out.

Soon, the gray figure emerged from the night, curiously circling the black cat a few times, its tail wagging happily, as if it would pounce on it and lick it in the next second.

Such a stupid look.

The black cat raised its paw, balled it up, opened it, balled it up again, opened it again, repeated several times, and finally put down its paw, without hitting Maodou's dog's head with the cat's fist.

"find him!"

The black cat used its paws to push the refined aura in front of the dog, and ordered with a serious face: "Bring it back if you can. If you can't, remember where he will stay!"

Maodou came up and sniffed it, and also sneezed loudly.

This made the black cat feel better suddenly.

The difference between hounds and hunters is that hunters often hesitate because they think too much, while hounds possess an almost blind bravery and are not afraid to bravely pounce before clearly distinguishing the target.

After sniffing the breath extracted by Dylan, Maodou flicked his tail and disappeared into the night like a gust of wind. This made the two people and one cat left behind suddenly became energetic.

Considering that a battle or other situation might occur later, while waiting, Dylan and Blue Sparrow began to pack their equipment and prepare for possible accidents.

"The first rule of hunting is to never chase areas beyond your understanding, especially those that look dangerous."

Dylan took out the cat-face mask, fastened it on his face, and then added: "The Silent Forest is such a place... In fact, I don't recommend that you continue to take risks before you are well prepared."

"This doesn't sound like what a Starry Sky Academy student would say." The black cat tugged at its ears - it was just a cat now and no longer needed to wear a mask.

"Before entering the starry sky, my more important identity was that of a member of the Yuexia Clan." Mr. Vampire Werewolf showed no signs of being irritated and replied with a smile: "Compared with risky failure, I prefer safe victory."

The mechanical indifferent voice was mixed with a weird smile, which looked particularly weird against the night background.

The black cat felt the short hair on the back of his neck stand up.

"Speaking of which, do you think that guy is from the Baicao Garden or the Petting Garden?" In order to cover up the embarrassment at this moment, Black Cat changed the subject very bluntly.

"You mean those auras are left on him?"

Maybe he felt that the sound of the mask was too unpleasant, so Dylan took off the mask again, touched his chin, and thought: "It's all possible, Baicao Garden school staff, pet garden guards, laboratory assistants, or teachers who have been exposed to magical creatures for a long time, or even students

, we cannot rule out any possibility just by relying on those chaotic breaths."

This conclusion was originally expected by Black Cat.

It let out a breath of turbid breath and looked up at the sky.

The moon is too bright tonight to see the stars. The cold atmosphere from the Silent Forest surrounds the cats, dogs and people, mixed with the water vapor from the Silent River, making the night seem even more humid and cold.

This chapter has been completed!
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