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Chapter 580 Its not me

"are you sure?"

In my mind, the green snake clinging to the Forbidden Curse tree finally opened its childlike eyes, hissed out the message, and warned lazily: "You don't have the ability to control the power of the Forbidden Curse yet.


"you can teach me."

"Learning is a long and arduous process, and there are no shortcuts. With your willpower, you may be able to interfere with the gurgling stream, but there is absolutely no way to control the raging river. If I let go of the gate, your best result will be

The dam was washed away by the roaring flood... That means you still have a chance to come back... If worse, you drowned in the river, even if the old man wants to fish you back, it may be difficult."

Little Green Snake used many metaphors in his words, which may sound a little obscure, but it is not difficult to understand.


In the distance, a dark-colored fire snake hit the ground heavily, splashing up a cloud of charred smoke. It was Professor Simon of Starry Sky Academy. Zheng Qing still clearly remembered the huge and heroic snake he showed when he first came to the battlefield.

Fire dragon.

But now, with the continuous passage of magic power, Professor Simon can no longer maintain his complete true form. Even so, he and the other two great wizards are still trying their best to stand in front of these young wizards.

"There's no time."

Zheng Qing closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and gave the final order to the little green snake in his mind: "If you can't take action, then leave my sea of ​​consciousness... I need strength now."

While he was talking, he had already opened the empty magazine, randomly took out an ordinary talisman bomb from the gray cloth bag, stuffed it in, then aimed at the huge shadow covering most of the battlefield, and shot decisively - this talisman bomb.

After all, he didn't think about being able to blow up a blood star in the night, he just wanted to do something.

After shooting, he suddenly remembered that he also had a talisman awarded by Professor Yao. Although the talisman only had a hint of the legendary wizard's breath, at this time, it was still much stronger than the talisman he drew himself.

While searching for the talisman scroll, the young wizard did not forget to look up at the talisman bullet he had just shot.

Unlike blood rune bombs, this ordinary rune bomb flies much slower.

For a moment, Zheng Qing even doubted whether this slowly climbing rune bullet could fly to the dark wizard's face. Perhaps the goddess of luck heard his prayer, and this ordinary rune bullet actually passed through many tentacles and

The obstruction of the spell hit the dark wizard's forehead directly.

The forehead that had been broken many times by Zheng Qing had returned to its original state.


Like a pebble dropped on a huge rocky mountain.

This ordinary talisman bullet didn't even leave a single white mark on the dark wizard's forehead. It turned somersault and fell from the sky, as if it was a misfire.

"I need strength...meaning?!


Zheng Qing roared filial piety to the little green snake in his mind again, but he stopped abruptly before he finished speaking. He was shocked to see the huge face hanging in mid-air, with a spider web starting from his forehead.

shaped cracks.

If it were a head the size of an ordinary person, Zheng Qing would definitely not be able to see it so clearly from such a distance. But Whateley's head was really too big, like a hill, and those network cracks seemed to be slowly sliding down the mountain.

The avalanche is so overwhelming that it’s hard to see clearly.


Crack, crackle.

The weak and intermittent cracking sounds were particularly clear in this noisy battlefield. Zheng Qing seemed to be able to see a beautifully crafted porcelain being rapidly cracked in the fire. The bloody color that enveloped the entire battlefield together with the half-covered

The darkness of the battlefield quickly retreated at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the melancholy daylight fell again, making the dark wizard's slowly disintegrating face look increasingly pale.

“No…no…what happened…no!


Whateley's dozens of hands raised in the air forcibly stopped pinching the spell and rushed towards its face from all directions, trying to stop the slowly falling fragments and put his face back together again, but when

When it raised its hand in front of it, it was horrified to find that its hand was also covered with spider web-like cracks, starting from the fingertips and crumbling bit by bit.

It's hard to describe what dozens of red eyes look like with panic and confusion. Zheng Qing is not even sure whether this scene is scary or beautiful in his dream.

Almost at the same time.

Those experimental subjects who were fighting with the wizards on the battlefield - from human wolves, to blue devils, to berserkers, to strange beasts with wide bat wings - they suddenly froze in place and howled.

, turned into piles of white powder.

"You! It's all you! Give it back to me! Give it back to me!"

The dark wizard roared like crazy, raised his head, and screamed hysterically. His voice was full of fear and despair, completely lacking the ferocity of just a moment ago. Dozens or hundreds of arms poked out from under the black robe that looked like the curtain of night.

, grabbing upwards, as if trying to grab some life-saving straw.

But there is nothing in the sky.

All hands grasp only air.

The thin sunlight fell from the clouds, covering those crotched arms, and orange-red flames burned from the inside out. Zheng Qing felt as if he had seen a scene of a low-quality blood servant being sentenced to classical execution.

"Is this Professor Yao's talisman?"

An old man picked up a certain talisman that Zheng Qing accidentally dropped on the ground, patted the dust on it, put it into the hands of the young wizard, and praised: "Young man, you did a good job!"

"Very good." Another big hand pressed on his shoulder and patted it gently.

"Shan." The third voice was also very close.

Zheng Qing turned his head in confusion, watching the three great wizards smile and nod at him, and then disappeared in front of him, before he could realize what had just happened.


He slowly exhaled a breath of white air.

"this is not me,"

In my mind, the little green snake coiled around the tree of forbidden spells opened its eyes wide, showing a bit of innocence and surprise: "Really, it has nothing to do with me... I haven't decided whether to make it easier for you."

Zheng Qing lowered his head with a blank expression, looking at the talisman spear and talisman paper in his hand. After a long while, he replied calmly:

"This isn't me either."

The first time he said it, he was still very sure.

But when he raised his head and looked around, looking at the cheering figures all around and the huge wreckage in the distance that was still smoking, he suddenly became a little unsure: "This... is definitely not me... it has nothing to do with me...


"you did it!"

A rumbling sound interrupted the young wizard's soliloquy. The blue giant stretched out his big hand to grab his waist and lifted him high, ignoring the crisscross wounds on his body, like a happy rhinoceros in the scorched body.

The ground was running around, shouting: "You did it! You did it! You did it!"

This chapter has been completed!
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