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Chapter 621 Gradual dyeing

What was unexpected, but not surprising to Zheng Qing, was that Professor Monteria did not directly draw blood to analyze whether Zheng Qing was really suffering from some kind of blood curse, but started to examine his eyes.

Because just last year, around this time - Zheng Qing can't remember clearly, it was around the first or second week of school after the winter vacation last year - he went to the 'Bloodline Research and High-Level Demon's Hospital' for the first time because of congestion in his eyes.

I went to the Wen Analysis Laboratory and asked Professor Monteria to help me check my eyes.

The results of the examination at that time were not clear. The professor just concluded that Zheng Qing had a power that did not belong to him. Because of "improper borrowing", that power overflowed and caused a certain degree of backlash in his body.

There were bloodstains under his eyes.

This time of checking again, and Professor Monteria has just advanced to become a great wizard, he will naturally start from the direction he has checked before.

"Have your eyes been bruised recently?"


"What about swelling or other irritating sensations?"


"Have you received bloodline transformation or similar bloodline treatment in the past year? Well, if it involves privacy, you can give a simple answer."


Regarding the last question, Zheng Qing answered very simply.

It is true that a few months after Professor Monteria examined his eyes, he accidentally exploded due to some accidents, but in the end, the teacher gave him another pair that was almost exactly the same - at least he felt that it was nothing like before.

There is no difference - the body, so when the boy answers 'no', he feels quite confident.

The professor took off his gold-framed monocle, took out a roll of leather from his handbag, and spread it out. There were silver needles of different lengths and thickness inserted in it.

Instead of letting Zheng Qing close his eyes, he directly took out silver needles and pricked them into various acupuncture points on the wizard's body, especially on his face.

Zheng Qing didn't even need to use the corner of his eye to see several slender silver needles trembling on his face. He guessed that the professor wanted to cut off the blood in his body for further examination.

"...Do you know anything about the power in your body?" The professor continued to ask while inserting the needle.

Zheng Qing hesitated for a moment, but finally shook his head.

It was impossible for him to tell others about the forbidden curse.

"Not sure."

The boy answered vaguely, a little worried that the professor would continue to ask how he could hide it, but the professor seemed to believe his answer and did not ask more. Instead, he mentioned the copper bean.

"...Regarding what you experienced at the banquet, Councilor Su has briefly described the relevant situation. I have also read the records of the school hospital and the Three-pronged Sword. According to your words, the copper bean 'transformed' directly into your body

, and then disappeared, right?”

When he said these words, Professor Monteria's face was very close to Zheng Qing, and he was still making subtle adjustments to the positions of the silver needles to more accurately capture the changes in the blood flow in Zheng Qing's body.

Zheng Qing noticed that compared with before, the professor seemed to be much younger. Although his skin was still dark yellow, the brown spots on his cheekbones had almost disappeared, and the thick bags under his eyes had also disappeared. They were no longer what they were before.

That feeling of exhaustion.

The only two things that remained unchanged were his messy gray hair and his blue-grey eyes.

His eyes were as sharp and deep as ever.

"Yes...right." Facing these eyes, Zheng Qing unconsciously averted his eyes, worried about what the great wizard who was so close to Chi Chi would see in his eyes.

"Do you still remember what I said to you after the examination last year?" The professor seemed not to notice the wandering eyes of the boy, and his tone and expression did not change at all. He answered to himself: "One of the most fascinating parts of magic is

First, things without brains often have thoughts of their own; things that seem to think can often have no brains; and there are often many things hidden in your own brain that do not belong to you... That bean is

There is no such thing as a brain."

This conclusion immediately aroused the boy's interest.

"You mean, it has a mind of its own?"

"Or it might be more appropriate to call it 'behavioral logic'."

The professor corrected the boy's wording, and at the same time changed from his previous taciturnity, and analyzed it in great detail: "According to your words, the copper bean is the crow's method, and according to the news about the three-pronged sword, what the crow did was

Illegal human body modification experiment... In other words, the crow wants to transform you... Although I don't know much about the 'crow' you mentioned, with my understanding of bloodline, I want to complete the human body modification and realize the evolution of bloodline.

It does not require very sophisticated surgery or magical rituals. In many cases, it only requires a piece of bone and a drop of blood.

Far away, there were some alchemy schools a long time ago that would remove a certain bone from the wizard's body and replace it with a certain bone from a dragon, a blue luan, or even a unicorn, and then obtain an extraordinary magical physique through alien magic erosion. Later, because of

With the decrease of magical creatures, these wizards have set their sights on their fellow wizards, those with higher talents, digging out their spines, replacing their hearts, and even their whole body bones... Because these methods are too bad, this

This sect has almost disappeared in the alliance, and only some ancient wizard families may remain.

Recently, for example, the vampires and werewolves of the Moon Council can transform ordinary wizards and even white men into real vampires and werewolves through bites. Of course, I know that many people will say that this method is similar to the way demons transform wizards.

They have the same purpose, but unlike the violent erosion of demons, the vampire's transformation is more gentle and secretive. The difference lies in the blood. The vampire mixes its own blood with the blood of the person being transformed, and performs "gradual dyeing" and artificial elongation.

transformation cycle to reduce the risk of loss of control.

In this process, that bone or drop of blood contains the original person's "certain will" or "certain concepts". You can simply understand it as genetic information at the soul level... And that information,

This is the source of the 'behavioral logic' I mentioned."

After hearing this, Zheng Qing finally had a deeper understanding of the working principle of the copper bean, and subconsciously pinched the nearest glass.


The crisp popping sound of the cup interrupted the professor's words and echoed clearly in the living room.

The smile on Su Shijun's face, who had been listening with great interest, faded, and he gestured a V to Zheng Qing with an expressionless expression, and even pinched it, as if a pair of scissors were trying to cut off the wizard's messy hand.

Only Zheng Qing understood that what Miss Senator meant was that the glass was worth two jade coins and there would be no counter-offer.

This chapter has been completed!
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