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Chapter 627 Basic Credits and Bonus Credits

For students at First University, credits are a very important concept.

But it's not difficult to obtain.

If you pass the elective course assessment, you will get basic credits. If you perform well in class, you will get bonus credits. You can also get bonus credits if you serve as a volunteer in the school hunting competition. There are also hunting teams for hunting, students can trade privately, gamble, etc., etc.

It is said that First University provides every student with very sufficient ways to obtain credits.

For example, Zheng Qing, within two months of entering his freshman year, had already accumulated thirty-three credits. Among them were classroom rewards—especially the Talisman class, which earned the most—but also the credits Zheng Qing received when recruiting new students in the freshman club.

The invitation letter was exchanged for credits from Lao Yao. Then at the school hunting competition in October, Zheng Qing took another small gamble, and in less than half a semester, he had accumulated forty-eight credits.

These forty-eight credits are all bonus credits.

Under normal circumstances, a student only needs to obtain about 110 credits in one academic year to safely enter the next academic year (including more than 50 basic credits and a considerable number of bonus credits), but Zheng Qing’s speed in obtaining credits

It is almost twice that of ordinary students. In theory, it is not difficult to meet the conditions for early graduation.

But in everything, I am afraid of comparing theory with practice.

Because young wizards need to constantly use credits to exchange for various materials required for magic experiments or pay credits to obtain magic skills other than books during the learning process, plus the expenses on the school's many laboratories, hunting grounds, libraries and other facilities,

There are also additional 'point deductions', so the actual consumption of credits is extremely large. As a result, people often find out that their credits have already exceeded the end of the semester and are not enough to cope with the final assessment.

Once upon a time, Zheng Qing felt that exchanging one credit for one jade coin was a great deal. Many times, he looked at the bright red numbers on his student card and wished he could exchange them for handfuls of green jade coins.

But now, when he can earn 750 jade coins every month, he suddenly feels that the credits are more valuable. Even if he exchanges three jade coins for one (reward) credit according to the market conditions, or even a higher exchange rate,

He also felt that he was not at a disadvantage.

It's just that the exchange of jade coins for credits has always been a seller's market, with prices but no market.

"I still need to take electives..." The quill in Zheng Qing's hand was scratching randomly on the parchment paper that he had been writing on for a long time, and his voice was drawn out. He spent a long time in one sentence with no result.

Su Shijun raised his fingers impatiently.

The parchment in Zheng Qing's hand floated up as if it had wings and fell straight into her hand.

On the paper, there are 'basic credits' and 'bonus credits' listed by the wizard in different categories.

The so-called basic credits are the course credits obtained after passing the elective courses and passing the exam; for example, you can get three credits by passing the exam in the Charms class each semester, two credits in the History of Magic, and more obscure subjects like Blood Clan Heraldry.

, only one credit.

How many elective courses you take and how many basic credits you can get after passing the exam. Zheng Qing calculated this very clearly. In the first semester of his freshman year, he took ten courses and twenty-seven credits. The same goes for the next semester. If nothing goes wrong, he can get it in the first semester of his sophomore year.

Take twenty-six credits. The three semesters add up to a total of eighty credits.

Bonus credits are credits obtained through other means in addition to basic credits.

There are three main ways.

The first way is the rewards from professors. For example, when the club recruited new members at the beginning of the freshman year, Lao Yao once promised to get 0.1 credit for every invitation letter he got. Zheng Qing got ten credits that time; for example, in class

For outstanding performance in class, Zheng Qing often received rewards in the talisman class. He suspected that Teacher Zhang had given most of the credits she could allocate to him; another example was the reward he received in an accident - Zheng Qing went wandering for the first time.

After Ba rescued Li Meng, Lao Yao rewarded everyone with five credits, two of which were given to him.

The second way is the reward from the school. For example, when I was a freshman, the school issued a task to search for sandworms, awarding two credits; for example, during the night patrol of Linzhong Lake, Old Man Verne once gave a reward to the patrolman who caught the fishman who landed ashore.

Credit awards; for example, during the school hunting party, you can actively sign up as a volunteer and take on the hunting chores, and you can also get rewarded credits from the school.

The third way can be summarized as others. Among them are private transactions between students, such as Zheng Qing's gambling in the school hunting club, and the reward he posted on the bulletin board for assisting the owner of the Gini Hut to complete the magic ritual, etc.

; There are also rewards from organizations or institutions outside the school. For example, when the Black Tide broke out in the Silent Forest, the Beta Town Management Committee issued a request for assistance in the prevention of the credit award, etc.

The number shown on the student card is the total credits.

There is no difference between the two types of credits when used in daily life - whether they are redeemed for materials needed for magic experiments, renting a school hunting ground to practice spells, or deducting school penalties.

But like jade coins and credits.

Basic credits can be used as bonus credits and can be exchanged and deducted in various ways; bonus credits cannot replace basic credits to make up for the student's shortcomings after failing a certain subject.

So Zheng Qing needs to recalculate.

Because the two hundred credits required for early graduation are the result of the total credits after "penalty deductions", excluding various bonus credits, and the remaining basic credits, after "additional points" and "reductions".

When deducting points as punishment, the school will give priority to deducting bonus credits. If the bonus credits are insufficient, basic credits will continue to be deducted until the credits are deducted to a negative number.

For Zheng Qing, his bonus credits can completely cover the deductions - from the off-campus fight at the beginning of his freshman year, to the deduction of points by Professor Tesla in the alchemy class, to the deduction of points due to conflicts in the school hunting game, and

Points deducted for hurting Soprano, points deducted for leaving the team without permission during the Forbidden Demon Day, points deducted for causing chaos in the practical class, etc. - although it sounds like a lot, the actual total is less than fifty, and it is far from touching the basic credits.

Safety line.

"...In other words, you now have 80 basic credits, but you need 200 credits to graduate early, and you also need 120 basic credits, right?"

With a stroke of his pen, Su Shijun deleted the details of the 'useless' bonus credits on the parchment, leaving only the last few numbers. Then he looked up at Zheng Qing and reminded: "These bonus credits can't be used up.

Don't waste it, you can exchange it with the school for various magic materials needed to register the wizard's advanced ceremony, or rent the school laboratory... Only after you leave the school will you realize that there are things that cannot be bought with jade coins."

Zheng Qing nodded repeatedly, but his attention was focused on the demand for one hundred and twenty credits that the witch just mentioned.

"I haven't calculated the 'additional points' and 'reductions' yet," the young public-sponsored student added eagerly.

This chapter has been completed!
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