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Chapter 633 A plan never imagined

"You also plan to graduate early?"

After knowing Jiang Yu's purpose, the dean of Jiuyou College raised his eyebrows, looked at another class schedule in his hand, glanced at Zheng Qing dissatisfied, and muttered: "It's really troublesome... Old Yi didn't follow either.

I said there will be a new monitor next semester."

Professor Yi, who teaches divination, often 'selects' the monitors of their classes for some of the lazy counselors in the school, and the results are often surprisingly good.

But this time Zheng Qing felt that Lao Yao had complained too early.

After all, Jiang Yu will still be in Astronomy Class 08-1 next semester, and the probability of continuing to serve as class president is very high.

Perhaps realizing that he had made a slip of the tongue, Professor Yao coughed, took the pipe out of his mouth, then looked at the witch again, and asked kindly: "Does Mrs. Jiang know about this matter?"

"Ancestor has no objection." Jiang Yu's words were very cautious.

Zheng Qing belatedly realized the difference in identity between Jiang Yu and himself.

Just like Xiao Xiao once said to him, for many young wizards from aristocratic families, First University is more like a social place with rich resources, an experimental platform for contact with cutting-edge magical knowledge, and an escape from the family cage.

A place of freedom, where they accumulate experience, make friends, indulge freely, and observe the world, not just learn.

But that's not the biggest difference.

The real difference between wizards from aristocratic families and ordinary wizards is that their lives have been carefully planned by their family elders - from divining life risks, to avoiding unknown traps, to career advice - to ensure that these young wizards

Make the right choices at key points in life, instead of relying on temporary luck and intuition to decide your future like ordinary wizards.

This planning continues until they become a registered wizard.

Mr. Ji Weng once described this phenomenon in "The Last Noble". In the eyes of most wizards in the world, wizards with registered level and above are the real wizards. Those below registered level are nothing more than magicians and wizard apprentices.

It is not recognized by 'real wizards'.

In other words, Jiang Yu's rash decision to graduate early will definitely not easily gain support from the clan. Her recklessness may even bring her other troubles.

Just like a young man running on a plastic track in the morning and rashly leaving the safe area and following a black cat into the woods. He may be very lucky and enter a wizarding university, or he may accidentally step on a trap set by a hunter.

, you may also become completely lost in a deserted area.

All in all, the probability of a bad outcome is far greater than the probability of a good outcome.

The dean of Jiuyou College obviously understood the subtlety of this, and gave a very tactful advice: "You are in a different situation from Zheng Qing. There is no need to graduate so early... That brat is because of trouble in school.

There were too many people around, and if you stayed in school you would be beaten up, so you had to run away early... Why did you leave school so early, did you go home and get married?"

"It's not impossible." The witch pursed her lips and replied in a low voice.

Zheng Qing lowered his eyelids and pretended not to hear.

"Does Congressman Su know that you are making such nonsense?" The professor obviously did not intend to let go of the initiator. He glared at Zheng Qing again, with a vague threat: "Don't let me go to Qingqiu Mansion..."

The young public-funded student laughed dryly and replied in a low voice with a tone similar to that of a witch: "Jiang Yu has been living in Qingqiu Mansion during this period... This class schedule was drafted with the help of Councilor Su..."

The dean of Jiuyou Academy looked at the two young wizards at the desk with a speechless expression. He didn't know what to say for a while, so he had to lower his head and stuff tobacco into his pipe.

Then light it.


The blue smoke formed a very regular ball, lingering around the professor's head, avoiding the risk of second-hand smoke for the young wizards.

"Tell me about your class schedule."

The professor finally clicked on the two pieces of parchment on the table and said in a muffled voice: "I see your plan. Are you going to have four classes a day, seven days a week?... It's really life-threatening... You plan to use the energy potion as an energy potion.

Do you want to drink water? And this course... Jiang Yu, tell me, what kind of water courses did you choose? Music, dance, and noble etiquette? Do you need to learn these things in school? Obviously you can take it easy

, I have learned some advanced magic knowledge in a down-to-earth manner, and now I am being swayed by some people and forced to go back with water... I don’t know, I thought how far First University has fallen! Others will not say that you are not good, they only know

It is said that the teaching level of Jiuyou College is poor and the good students are being cultivated in a wrong way!"

Old Yao was smoking his pipe, and there was still a bit of irritation in his words. Zheng Qing looked at his head that was shrouded in green smoke, and inexplicably thought of the word "smoke from the seven orifices". It felt particularly appropriate, and he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.


This is a challenge to the legendary boss in person.

"And you!"

Old Yao flexed his fingers, tapped Zheng Qing's class schedule twice, and said in an unquestionable tone: "The content of your course also needs to be changed. Taking all elective courses related to talismans is too partial..."

"But..." Zheng Qing wanted to say that it was you who asked me to choose courses related to talismans, so that I could graduate easily.

It's just that the professor doesn't seem to be trying to reason with him right now.

"'Sanshan Talisman (Symbols and Seal)' overlaps with 'Rule Science', so you can just take Talisman Science; 'Ritual Studies' and 'Classical Ritual Science' mostly overlap, so you can take Classical Ritual Science

; Since you have chosen 'Nine Chapters of Laws and Orders', you don't need to learn 'Invoking Gods and Impeaching Ghosts'. There is also 'Spirit Talisman and Treasure Talisman'. The teaching content is too simple and complicated. You can change it to 'Making and Maintaining Talisman Soldiers' for more information.

It’s useful, at least you can repair your rune gun by yourself in the future.”

After a few words, the professor cut off the three courses that Zheng Qing had selected. Finally, he looked at the wizard with deep meaning and said: "Letting you graduate early does not mean that you will pass the exam. To borrow a word from a wizard who has been dead for a long time.

——We let you take this road not because it is easy, but precisely because it is difficult!"

"Where can I find other courses... It really hurts my back to stand and talk." The wizard wailed silently in his heart.

"Leave your class schedule with me for the time being. I'll think about it and give it to you tomorrow night after the class meeting." Lao Yao turned a blind eye to the sad expression on the young wizard's face. He changed the subject and jumped to another question: "It's yours.

The class schedule is seven days a week, from morning to night every day... It's too extreme... Have you considered other more 'healthy' options? Such as time switching."

The dean proposed an idea that Zheng Qing had never imagined.

This chapter has been completed!
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