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Chapter 657 Li Mengs Report

7:53 in the morning.

In other words, the current time point is still thirty-seven minutes before the start of the first class.

Zheng Qing closed his pocket watch, leaned against the corridor, and sat quietly. After calculating the time quickly in his heart, he breathed a small sigh of relief - okay, okay, although the process was not comfortable, the time was not wrong after all.

Time conversion only changes the time, not the location.

So his current location is still in the corridor outside the door of East 601 of the teaching building, not far from the corner. It is just in the corridor three and a half hours ago. Now, he only needs to walk along this long corridor to the end

, and then go down four floors to see the classroom of ancient alchemy.

Two witches from Astronomy Class 08-1 appeared at the corner, one holding the "Beta Town Post" and the other holding the "School Newspaper", whispering to each other in a low voice from time to time, and walked briskly past the wizard.

"Someone came to the classroom so early!"

Zheng Qing was muttering in his heart. He touched the invisibility charm hanging on his waist that was feeling slightly hot. He carefully retracted his legs to make a spacious passage for the passing witch - his legs were in the same position just now.

During this crazy period of time travel, he became weak and sore that he could hardly move. It was estimated that he would need to rest for at least three or two minutes before he could stand up.

This is the difference between a weak wizard and a powerful wizard.

He sighed inwardly.

At first, when his husband fiddled with the hour hand on his pocket watch, he could still clearly feel the process of rewinding the picture; when Master Baoyangzi twisted his pocket watch, Zheng Qing only felt dizzy. Although the pictures he experienced were vague, he could distinguish them vaguely.

One or two; then when he turned the hourglass upside down, he felt as if he had rolled down the stairs. He could not see anything clearly except large and small spots of light.

People should still be more self-aware.

The young wizard rubbed his calf, which was gradually regaining feeling, and tried to stand up while holding on to the wall. He stumbled for two steps. The clear footsteps seemed a bit abrupt in the empty corridor.

Zheng Qing was frightened and quickly stopped. He raised his head and glanced at the portraits hanging on the walls on both sides, only to find that most of the portraits were not in the frame. The few portraits were sleeping soundly with their eyes covered and their ears blocked.

Creak, creak.

A strange sound drew the wizard's attention away from the portraits.

On the empty white wall opposite, a piece of red chalk floating in the air suddenly appeared. The strokes were flying, and a sentence was left hastily - the portraits don't go to work until eight o'clock. Let's go!

Immediately, the handwriting was quickly erased.

Zheng Qing blinked and couldn't help laughing. He reached into his pocket and remembered that he didn't bring any chalk. Seeing that there was no one around, he boldly agreed:

"Let's go!"

The cheerful voice sounded particularly loud in the empty corridor.


The classroom door of Astronomy Class 08-1 was opened, and Li Meng's little head was poked out. She was looking around, with a look of confusion on her face: "It's strange, why is there no one... Li Neng, did you also hear that scumbag?"

A male voice?"

Under her body, the stuffed bear leaned out half of his body and shook his head very hard.

"Well, maybe I heard it wrong." The little witch muttered, and withdrew her body, leaving the stuffed bear behind, and gestured a thumbs up to the empty corridor.

The culprit had already tiptoed away under the cover of the invisibility charm.

Original world line.


A thick cloud of green smoke gushes out.

Lao Yao stood there, biting his pipe, looking through the heavy smoke in front of him, and seemed to see a scene in the distance. He couldn't help but shook his head: "This is the first time... It's really, really..."

He 'really' thought for a long time, and finally couldn't think of any suitable words, so he just shook his head and returned to the classroom.

In the classroom, most of the students have finished practicing the spell and have returned to their seats in twos and threes. The few couples who have not completed the task generally have no way to cast the 'Love Spell' on their partners.

This is an irresistible factor and can be tolerated.

The professor thought about it, glanced at the time, and walked slowly to the podium, preparing to end today's spells class.

Then he noticed a stuffed bear sitting on Jiang Yu's seat, and it was rattling the textbooks in front of him. Thinking of the scene he just saw, the professor smiled and said hello to it, but the stuffed bear was frightened.

Xiong Chi slid off his seat, took the initiative to stuff himself back into Li Meng's schoolbag, and tightened the zipper from the inside.

The professor blinked and touched his chin, feeling that he shouldn't be that scary.

"Old Yao!"

The owner of the stuffed bear stood up with his arms raised, and leaned over the desk toward the podium. When her cousin was not there, she became a little unscrupulous: "Where is my sister?"

"Go to class." Lao Yao replied with a smile while stuffing tobacco into his pipe.

"Oh!" The little witch showed an expression of 'as expected', blinked, and lowered her voice slightly: "Can I tell you something? It's secret!"

She looked solemn.

Lao Yao put the pipe into his mouth again, raised his eyebrows slightly, raised his hand to hold up a small soundproof barrier, and showed a hint of interest: "What's the matter?"

"Zheng Zha...cough!"

At this point, Li Meng cleared her throat and quietly changed her title: "I mean, if a certain classmate in our college has low moral character, is despicable, and is shameless... how will the school deal with him?"

Lao Yao lit his pipe and took a long puff.


He looked at the little witch with a smile through the smoke, and his tone was a bit angry: "These words are terrible. Are there any students like this in Jiuyou Academy? Well, first tell me how he is shameless and has low moral character.


"He is messing around with men and women, and he has two, no, several boats!" Li Meng looked annoyed: "Originally, I thought it was all rumors, but a few days ago I heard from Su Ya... I mean, I have an informant

I can testify that after he made someone pregnant, he went to hook up with other girls in our college! Should this kind of person be dealt with seriously by the school?"

"It should, it should." The old wizard nodded repeatedly, as if he shared the same hatred with the enemy: "Not only should he be disqualified from being a public student, and he should be removed from the "Wand" list, but we should also propose to the alliance to confiscate his Merlin


Li Meng immediately showed a satisfied smile.

But before she smiled for a few seconds, she had some regrets: "I didn't say..."

"Have you asked those witches for their opinions?" Old Yao changed the topic and calmly interrupted the little witch's thoughts, reminding: "Although your report is very useful, without the sufferer, the academy will not be good.

Just deal with a certain student casually, right... So, can you convince the witches you know to testify?"

The smile on Li Meng's face froze immediately.

"You can consult their opinions first, and then write a formal complaint report. I will deal with it first." After the professor patiently gave the specific operation plan, he broke up the sound insulation barrier and smiled at the class. Others said: "That's it for this class...get out of class is over!"

This chapter has been completed!
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