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Chapter 671: Coordinate Time

If the ring hadn't danced a few times in the gray bag this morning, Zheng Qing would have almost forgotten that he also joined a secret underground student organization.

On the one hand, it is of course because he has experienced a lot in recent times, whether it is chasing crows for thousands of miles, fighting against dark wizards in the Silent Forest, or staying in Qingqiu Mansion and the establishment of Fringe Academy, everything is different.

It made him scratch his head so much that these days he would often think of Du Shaoling's saying, "The white head scratches the shorter one, and the hairpin is full of lust".

On the other hand, it is also because the Seven Deadly Sins are too 'Buddhist'.

Due to the original intention of its establishment, the organizational structure of this society is extremely loose, and each member has a great degree of freedom. Just like what the previous criminal once described to him - it is not so much a society as a society.

It is a coffee break club where everyone is a casual guest sitting in a strange cafe, possessing a kind of absolute freedom under strict constraints.

All in all, as the current "culprit", Zheng Qing, although he assumes the role of "referee" in this secret society, does not have much coercive power. Instead, his most important work is to act as a "mediator" between the Seven Deadly Sins and other organizations.

Broker's identity.

Just like today.

When an organization outside the school with the contact information of the Seven Deadly Sins tried to entrust a task, the only one they could find was him, the 'culprit', and the first thing he had to do was communicate with the other seven members and coordinate the party.


"Can you refuse this assignment?"

This was Xiao Xiao's first reaction after hearing Zheng Qing's brief description of the mission: "Didn't you just say two days ago that your monthly salary is seven to eight hundred jade coins? You shouldn't need the bounty of a mere hundred jade coins.


Zheng Qing coughed dryly, and out of the corner of his eye he saw Tuantuan with his ears pricked up and Fatty Xin who seemed to be about to wake up. He quickly grabbed Xiao Xiao and walked out of the dormitory.

"Talking while walking, talking while walking." When he went out, the young assistant teacher skillfully took two invisibility charms on his body and lowered his voice habitually: "...Don't delay your morning class."

Xiao Xiao snorted, shook his sleeves, and walked forward.

The clouds last night have not completely dissipated, and the sky is gray, as if it will rain or snow at any time. The breeze in the morning is rustling, changing from the gentleness of the previous few days to regaining the coldness of winter, which makes people feel

This seems not to be the beginning of spring but the beginning of winter.

Zheng Qing walked invisibly and couldn't help but tighten his tight robe.

On the third day of school, he wasn't sure what was going on in other colleges, but Jiuyou College had quickly returned to its normal learning rhythm. Students hurriedly walking around early in the morning could be seen everywhere. Some of them were going to morning classes, but more

People are rushing to get a good seat when Shushan Hall opens.

"Rejection is naturally acceptable."

After walking less than half of the way to Feiyuan, Zheng Qing thought about it and expressed his thoughts: "But I think, even if I refuse this kind of commission, he will find other organizations to do it... Instead of doing it all the time...

If you are scared to avoid the sap that comes from nowhere, it is better to hold that stick in your own hand. Even if you accidentally bump into it in the future, at least you will be mentally prepared."

Xiao Xiao nodded slightly, obviously accepting Zheng Qing's point of view.

"Then can you confirm the identity of the contact person?" He turned to another angle: "Can you identify which organization or wizard entrusted you?"


Zheng Qing's tone immediately became a little more frustrated: "The Seven Deadly Sins have been established for more than 400 years. I estimate that there are not 300 but 200 rings given out... I don't dare to say that I have any connections with wizard organizations of all sizes in the alliance, but

It shouldn’t be a big problem to establish a connection with most organizations. This is why, after I took over this position last year, I initially wanted to learn about the intelligence of other organizations but then gradually gave up. If I can’t figure it out, I can’t figure it out at all.


"Then just follow the procedure and take your time."

After entering Feiyuan, Xiao Xiao began to slowly stretch his muscles and bones, and his voice became a bit more gritty: "... In short, the initiative in this matter is in your hands... As long as you don't jump on your own, you'll be fine."

The probability is that there is no danger... I read the old almanac this morning. It is taboo today to travel, pray, and hold meetings; it is advisable to clean and pave roads. So, if you don't set the time for your meeting to be today, it won't be a big problem."

The last comments and suggestions from a somewhat professional perspective gave the young teaching assistant great psychological comfort.

Because each other does not know their true identities, the members of the Seven Deadly Sins cannot communicate with each other through paper cranes or blue birds, but through their respective identity rings.

At the end of the morning class, Zheng Qing had consulted all seven members about their free time.

Then, while Sima Yangyun, the teacher of the first section of History of Magic, had not yet arrived in the classroom, he listed the responses given by the other seven people on a blank piece of parchment - Lucifer, Leviathan, and Belphegor were quite satisfactory.

, indicating that any time can be used on Saturday and Sunday; Samael and Mammon deducted the time on Sunday night from these two days; Beelzebub and Asmod said there is no time limit.

A bunch of cunning guys.

This is the only evaluation given by Zheng Qing.

He did have some thoughts, and wanted to take advantage of this contact opportunity to guess the real identities of several devils based on the time they took to reply - at least narrow down the scope of suspicion - but the time they gave was all wrong.

The two who are slightly less Mohu, such as Samael and Mamen, seem to have left time on Sunday night. It seems that they need to attend the class meeting (this is a unique arrangement of Jiuyou Academy), but

Zheng Qing clearly remembers that Samael's violent natural aggression made him the most suspicious of all the members of the Starry Sky Academy.

Thinking of this, he shook his head, crumpled the parchment into a ball, and stuffed it into the gray cloth bag.

"...Brother Zha is finally no longer on the front page today."

The sound of Fatty Xin folding newspapers came to his ears, which cheered up Zheng Qing: "As long as you behave yourself these two days and stop causing trouble, I think you can take off the invisibility charm next week."

A stack of folded newspapers was quietly pushed towards Zheng Qing along the gap between the tables and chairs, and then disappeared silently into the air.

"I've always been very disciplined..." The young teaching assistant muttered without confidence, quickly flipping through several pages of the newspaper on his knees, with a satisfied smile on his face.

There is indeed a lot less news about him.

In contrast, the editors of the Beta Town Post seemed more interested in the weekend celebrations organized by the "Give Me a Frog" parade on the shores of Linzhong Lake, and even included a picture of a giant frog.

However, under the water in the corner of the picture, a pair of dark yellow eyes of a fishman are vaguely revealed, which adds a touch of nervousness to the whole picture.

This chapter has been completed!
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