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Chapter 705: The entrance to the bookstore

After being rejected by Dr. Du Zem for his expected graduation thesis topic, Zheng Qing felt a little depressed and left the Institute of Abnormal Life with the glass jar containing the three sleeping elves.

When he went out, the big tiger with golden eyes and white fur on the talisman board did not trouble him again.

Of course, this may also be related to Dr. Duzem sending him out of the door.

On the way back to school.

Zheng Qing kept thinking about the topic of his graduation thesis in his mind and listed other possible candidates for his advisor.

He and Jiang Yu had already discussed this topic last night, and the witch gave him two suggestions at that time. One was to confirm the thesis topic first, and then find a suitable instructor based on the topic; the other suggestion was to find a low-ranking,

But more serious and responsible instructors are very helpful to Zheng Qing, a pure novice graduate who knows nothing about anything.

According to Jiang Yu's suggestion, there is no doubt that Zhang Huaigu from the talisman class should be the best candidate - given how much she appreciates her, she will definitely be happy to serve as her thesis advisor, and it involves talismans and related papers.

The topic selection is not too difficult.

The only question is whether Lao Yao will allow himself to write a simple thesis to graduate.

You must know that the biggest reason why he suggested that he graduate early was that he was required to stay in school after graduation and act as his husband's 'agent'. However, a water-filled thesis directed by a registered wizard would hardly reassure the school's seniors.

Several other subjects - such as Professor Li in the Pharmacy class, Professor Yi in the Divination class, Sima Yang Yun in the History class, and Professor Monteria in the Magic Literature class - these candidates would probably not refuse to be their instructors, but

Zheng Qing is very self-aware. Several professors are busy with their daily work, and his grades in pharmacy and divination classes are not excellent, so it is difficult to find a suitable topic direction. Sima Yangyun's situation is similar to Zhang Huaigu, and the instructor is not important.

Insufficient, it will not be of any help to me as an 'agent' in the future.

Only Professor Monteria is a very suitable candidate no matter from any angle.

This is also the best candidate Zheng Qing had thought of yesterday.

Of course, given that Professor Monteria has now served as the deputy dean of Fringe College, and Dr. Duzem just mentioned that Fringe College has a major project being implemented, Zheng Qing doubts whether the professor has time to guide him to complete the thesis.

When I had no choice, I went to Su Shijun and asked her for help.

A living person will never die of peeing!

He was thinking rather self-defeatingly, and suddenly felt a lot of noise in his ears. He raised his head, but his expression was startled. It turned out that he had walked to the door of Sanyou Bookstore without knowing it.

Diagonally opposite Sanyou Bookstore is Wandering Bar.

Today is the Lantern Festival, there may be some promotions at Wandering Bar, so the front door is busy. The big frog that is usually responsible for distributing house cards seems to have turned into a frog-shaped lantern. Every time a hand card is spit out, the whole body will bloom.

The light green light caused the young wizards to shout and scream.

Zheng Qing just glanced at it and turned his attention back to Sanyou Bookstore.

He didn't know why he didn't go back to school immediately, but took a long circuit and came to the door of the bookstore. In other words, his subconscious didn't want to know why he did this.

Similar to the situation when he visited the bookstore several times later in the year, through the window, he could clearly see that today's Sanyou Bookstore still looks desolate and dilapidated, as if it has not been popular for a long time.

Dusty tables and chairs were placed haphazardly in the open space. The hearth of the small red clay stove was open, revealing some ashes remaining inside. There was not a single book or anything else on the empty bookshelf - but Zheng Qing knew that,

Mr. or the tabby cat must be in the house at this moment. Maybe the tabby cat's round face is pressed against the glass window, laughing at himself who can't see anything.

With this determination.

Zheng Qing relied on the distant memories in his mind to slide his eyes across a certain bookshelf. Then his eyes seemed to be stung, and he subconsciously retracted, turning to look at the two nearby stores.

Next to Sanyou Bookstore is a talisman shop run by Mu Mingzi Laodao, and next to it is D&K.

At this time, D&K has closed, but through the windows, you can still vaguely see a few orange lights.

Zheng Qing hesitated for a moment and did not knock on D&K's door immediately.

Instead, he first placed the glass jar in his hand on the ground, then took out the tuning fork box that Dr. Duzem gave him from the gray cloth bag, opened the lid of the box, and took out the tuning fork that could emit a sound of 528 Hz. Carefully



The low and sweet voice spread instantly. Zheng Qing stared at the bookstore without blinking, but did not see any reaction. This situation was not unexpected, but it made him a little disappointed.

The boy kicked the corner of the bookstore viciously.

Apart from causing severe pain in my toes, it had no other effect.

Maybe it's because through the glass window, nothing can be heard inside. Moreover, Mr. Lai probably doesn't know that the sound of this frequency is good for those sleeping consciousness - he comforted himself in this way in his heart, and picked up the baby on the ground.

The glass jar turned around and knocked on D&K's door.


A tinkling sound came from behind the door.

"it's me."

Zheng Qing replied in a calm voice.

The room was quiet for a few seconds, and I could vaguely hear two small voices communicating at a very fast speed.

"It's the boss!"

"Should we call him Mr. Assistant now?"

"That's the boss too!"

"Then let's call him the assistant boss? Or the boss's assistant?"


Before Zheng Qing could hear the results of Brother Er's analysis, the door of D&K was forcefully opened from the inside, revealing a long and narrow fox face that looked slightly older.

It's Hank, the shopkeeper, who was the treasurer sent by Qingqiu.

It looked at Zheng Qing in surprise.

"Good evening, young master." Hu Wu quickly opened the door and saluted the wizard respectfully: "I wonder what brings you to the store so late? It just so happens that tonight's accounts have just been collected..."

"I'm not here to check the accounts." Zheng Qing waved his hand: "For that kind of thing, just ask Xiao Xiao."

While talking, Brother Erdu slowly came to the boy, bowed one after another, and muttered something about 'assistant teacher boss' and 'boss assistant teacher', which made people laugh.

"You call me boss in the store, and you call me teacher in school." He corrected the wording of the two old acquaintances, and then turned to look at Fox Five: "I need to trouble you with something... You two don't need to follow me, go to preview

Do your homework."

After a while.

Zheng Qing and Hu Wu stood in front of the window of Sanyou Bookstore.

"Did you see that shelf?"

The boy pointed to an empty bookshelf in the bookstore, then showed the tuning fork in his hand, and looked at his shopkeeper with a serious expression: "Remember to buy a 528 Hz tuning fork tomorrow, and then open the door every morning and close it every night.

When you go to the store, come to the bookstore and knock in the direction of the bookshelf...it doesn't need to be more, just knock once. In addition, the money to buy the tuning fork does not go to the public account, it can be deducted from my dividends."

This chapter has been completed!
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