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Chapter 709 Are you a groundhog?

The next day is Monday.

It also happens to be the first day of March.

There are still five days left before the Waking of Insects, but the weather has turned unexpectedly cold, which is in sharp contrast to the warmth before the Ghost Festival. It seems as if a large group of Yin spirits really return to the Yang to visit their descendants at night, bringing with them the cold air belonging to the Yins.

Zheng Qing, who 'accidentally' passed by the door of Sanyou Bookstore last night, neither heard the conversation between the yellow tiger and his husband in the window, nor saw that he was visiting Dr. Duzem's Fringe Academy after leaving the Institute of Abnormal Life.

The deputy principal, after telling Hank to remember to strike the tuning fork every day, returned to school in a daze.

It was only after receiving the paper crane from Qingqiu Mansion that he remembered the little white cat that had been forgotten in the fox's den.

There are too many things to worry about, and Su Shijun has always given people a very reliable impression, so this should not be considered a bad mistake - the boy comforted himself in his heart, and at the same time, he felt guilty and bought the product he bought a few days ago.

A bottle of energy potion was rummaged out from the gray cloth bag in advance and stuffed into his pocket.

Compared with the above two accidents, there was another small accident that happened today.

When he got up to do morning classes in the morning, Zheng Qing was surprised to see Dylan's big black coffin appear on his bed again at some point. The lid of the coffin was tightly closed, and Zheng Qing couldn't see it through the thick wooden board.

Determine whether there is Mr. Vampire Werewolf with unstable blood temperature lying inside.

"He went back to school so early?"

The moment he left the dormitory, a gust of cold air rushed towards him, making Zheng Qing shiver involuntarily. He subconsciously wrapped his robe tightly around his body and muttered: "This damn weather...it's almost the beginning of spring, but it's still so cold!"

"Invisibility charm." Xiao Xiao reminded him from behind.

Zheng Qing suddenly remembered that he was still being 'chased' by a group of demons, so he angrily activated a yellow talisman and hung it on his belt. I don't know if it was the effect of the talisman, but the chill suddenly subsided a bit.

"After the Waking of Insects and before the Spring Equinox, there should be one or two cold currents." Xiao Xiao folded his hands and walked slowly in front of Zheng Qing, as if talking to himself: "...I heard from friends in the meteorological station that last winter

They have used too many solar balls and have saved a lot of cold balls that have not been used up. Considering the timeliness issue, they will probably use them up before the spring equinox by relying on the old tradition of 'three colds and four warms'."

Three cold days and four warm days means that if it is cold for three consecutive days in late winter and early spring, there will be four days of warm weather. After this phenomenon continues for a period of time, spring will really come - if it is cold for three days before the start of school,

Calculated by four days of warm weather in the first week, today is indeed almost the beginning of a new round of "three cold days".

However, compared to this kind of climate adjustment matter that is full of bureaucracy and red tape, Zheng Qing is more concerned about his roommates - or in other words, he is more concerned about the gossip about his roommates.

"Dylan is willing to marry a zombie bride?" He leaned close to Dr. Xiao and asked in a whisper: "I remember, weren't O'Brien and the Talbots trying to capture him for a blind date?"

"Then we can't catch the school."

The doctor adjusted his glasses and looked at the air next to him with disdain: "He just needed to get away from his family during the winter vacation, so he ran a little further... For a week, even if he was hiding on the moon, he would still be there.

It’s time to come down.”

The air gave him no response.

On the other side of him, Zheng Qing's laughter came from - when the doctor turned his head, Zheng Qing had quietly slipped to the other side of the doctor, so Xiao Xiao's disdain just now was for

Seen from the air.

Xiao Xiao turned his head expressionlessly and continued to taunt: "But as I said before, his birth may have originated from an unexpected encounter between a werewolf and a vampire, but his ability to grow up must represent someone from the upper echelons of the two families.

They have some will, and with their background, they naturally don’t have much right to make free choices..."

Zheng Qing's voice came from the other side of the doctor again: "That's not what you said before. I remember you said that his being able to be born means..."

Xiao Xiao took a deep breath, stopped turning his head, and growled fiercely in front of him: "Are you a groundhog?!"

The implication is, let him stop wandering around him.

Zheng Qing may not necessarily care about his roar. Instead, two first-year witches passing by were startled by the sudden roar of the short wizard. They held hands with each other and ran away in a hurry. The look in their eyes before leaving,

It was like seeing a madman who went crazy after being backlashed by magic.

Several more sounds of Koko's laughter filled the air.

The doctor sneered, reached out and took out an invisibility charm, slapped it on himself, and then disappeared without a trace while Zheng Qing was stunned.

This time, it's Zheng Qing's turn.

Because at the same time that Xiao Xiao disappeared, he remembered another very important matter that required the help of a doctor. After chatting with Dr. Duzem about his graduation thesis yesterday, he now urgently needs a knowledgeable, honest and reliable professional.

Help him decide on the topic for his graduation thesis first.

But as the saying goes, "Every peck and a drink is a predetermined decision." The consequence of irritating the doctor was that from the morning class until he was about to enter the teaching building, Zheng Qing could no longer find the doctor.

Monday morning is a Charms class.

And a section on ‘Modern Alchemy’ after time conversion.

The previous class is in classroom 601 in the east of the teaching building, and the next class is in room 202 in the west.

When Zheng Qing climbed to the second floor, he suddenly became a little curious about himself at this time. He couldn't help but take a detour to West 202, lay down on the window and looked in - the four kinds of robes in the classroom

Their colors are distinct, and each of them has built their own small circle. If we must distinguish between relatives and friends, maybe the Nine people in red robes sit closer to the Starry people in blue robes, and the Alpha in white robes and Atlas in yellow robes sit closer together.


Zheng Qing noticed that next to his seat, Jiang Huai, who was wearing a blue robe, was tilting his head and saying something to the air. He had a black ribbon tied on his arm.

The other people in blue robes next to them also had black ribbons tied on their arms.

Zheng Qing frowned, wondering what the specialties of those black satins were. Suddenly, he felt two eyes falling on him, and subconsciously squatted down, hiding under the window.

Then he realized that he was now invisible, and theoretically no one could see him.

Standing up again, those two glances had long since disappeared without a trace, and the classroom was still as dull as before. Zheng Qing took a look at the time, did not continue to waste time here, and hurried to the sixth floor.

It wasn't until he stopped running to the corridor on the sixth floor that he suddenly remembered something, stopped suddenly, and shouted in a low voice: "Oh! It's a dead person!"

Wearing a black ribbon on the arm is an ancient tradition for wizards to commemorate the deceased.

"Who do you think is the dead person? Try another one!"

In the photo frame on the wall next to him, a bearded dwarf was waving an ax, looking around, jumping around angrily, as if he wanted to hack someone to death.

Zheng Qing was shocked.

This chapter has been completed!
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