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Chapter 735 Shadow Cats Road to Transcendence (Part 2)

"Detachment is a very counterintuitive concept. If you want to understand these issues, you must first give up the concept of 'I can understand what detachment is' in your mind."

The shadow cat folded its tail, squatted on the spot, spread its two front legs, and its two furry little paws were far apart, as if they were at both ends of a long river:

"Just like the ancient wizards in our world, they are truly high-dimensional existences. In addition to existing in the present world, their true bodies will also grow and spread along the time dimension, existing in the present, in the past, and in the

The future. Just like their names, going all the way back along the long river of time, the closer to the birth of the world, the older the concept of time, the more powerful... I need to emphasize here that it is not that the older is more powerful, but the more powerful.

The older it is.”

The last sentence is a bit awkward and a bit subtle.

While Black Cat was thinking about it, Shadow Cat changed the subject and returned to the questions he had just raised: "You just asked, what does collecting the origins of different worlds have to do with detachment? Then I need you to stand in the shoes of a truly detached person.

Thinking from the position, one day in the future, you will have become the oldest person occupying the source of time. Look downstream, what are you now?"

The black cat lowered its head, popped out a paw, and drew one line after another on the ground:

If you are detached in the future, then after tracing back, your current self will become your future self; what you do now, because of your detached self, seems to be certain, but also seems to be uncertain.

He inexplicably thought of what Master Baoyangzi had mentioned in the class he and Jiang Yu gave to him and Jiang Yu in Lao Yao's office before school started - "the dimension of time is asymmetrical" - it used to be restrained and certain.

Low dimension; the future belongs to divergent and uncertain high dimensions - according to this logic, there is no reason for the ancients to give up the high dimensions on the timeline and occupy the low-dimensional zone?

Different concepts conflicted with each other in his mind, and the more he thought about it, the more confused he became, so that his cat face wrinkled up unconsciously.

For a long time, Shadow Cat didn't wait for Black Cat's answer, and couldn't help but shook his head in disappointment.

"What I want to tell you is that if you are truly transcendent in the future, then you must be on the road to transcendence now. In other words - once high-dimensional life is born, it will inevitably be born. Because his existence will be naturally locked

This result."

Perhaps in order to take care of the black cat's thinking, the shadow cat slowed down his speech at this point, with a serious expression: "This is not a negative fatalism, but an inversion of cause and effect, just like Odin's sacred gun 'Gangnir', because

It must hit, so it will be shot... In fact, it is very difficult to use low-dimensional thinking to speculate on the existence and common sense of high-dimensional things. In other words, what you think of as 'fate' is just a part of his body.

Going back to the original question, what does collecting the origins of different worlds have to do with transcendence? The answer is ‘combination’.

Each two-dimensional world has a distinct and unique origin, such as love, justice, passion, adventure, degradation, despair, blood, hope, etc. They are all of the two-dimensional world, but they are only a small part of the three-dimensional individual.

——They can be a certain emotion of a three-dimensional individual, a certain idea, or a drop of blood, or a cell. Only when countless two-dimensional origins are intertwined and constructed in an appropriate way can they truly be combined into a higher dimension and a more complete form.


It was like a bolt of lightning flashing through the fog.

The black cat suddenly woke up.

"So, for high-dimensional life, the 'self' of a low-dimensional individual is an incomplete self." He murmured, forcing himself to forget the theories of time that Baoyangzi had talked about, and focus on the comic books.

The villain and the real person in reality.

"Bingo! As expected of me!" Shadow Cat gestured at him with a furry paw.

"Since the low-dimensional self is incomplete, why did you mention the concept of maintaining 'self' before?" Black Cat asked in confusion.

"Because neither Dr. Chen Ang nor I are true two-dimensional beings."

When talking about this concept, Shadow Cat did not shy away from anything, and admitted his identity very readily: "I was once your shadow, equivalent to a part of you; Dr. Chen Ang cut his soul into hundreds of thousands of parts...

...Experimental subjects like us naturally have a 'self' before they enter the two-dimensional world. However, other reincarnators, including Chen Ang, after dimensionality reduction, their consciousness will immediately transform into the thinking of a two-dimensional life form, resulting in '

The self's disappearance - well, to use an inappropriate analogy, is like the little ice sculpture that turned into a puddle of water, and no longer looked like a human being - Chen Ang later wanted to reshape the water into the little ice sculpture.

, but you should have seen that what he did was not very successful."

"You succeeded." Black Cat said thoughtfully.

"Yes, it's because of the Forbidden Curse Seed. As I said before, the Forbidden Curse Seed is a very 'strong' concept, which is enough to withstand dimensional changes and maintain an independent existence."

Having said this, Shadow Cat raised his paw and pointed at the moon in the sky: "If the two-dimensional world is the earth under our feet, then the forbidden curse seeds are like the moon. I live on the moon, overlooking the whole world, and the earth under my feet.

Changed one after another. Like a strong anchor, anchoring my 'self', allowing me to still remember who I am after wandering from world to world... This is very difficult... very, very difficult. Can you imagine

Experiencing Harry Potter, One Piece, Big Sword, Zhu Yan’s Blood, Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf, etc., which are fundamentally different worlds, how terrible is it to tear apart a normal consciousness?”

The black cat subconsciously licked its paws, then immediately reacted and purred a few times.

The shadow cat didn't seem to notice the black cat's embarrassment at the moment. He raised his head and looked at the moon gradually setting in the sky, with a somewhat lost feeling on his face.

"Since you don't have to worry about losing yourself, you can also plunder enough of the origin... Why didn't you follow the laboratory's plan and use the traditional way to transcend, but chose to 'prove the Tao with force'?" Black Cat thought of another way to let go.

Questions he didn't understand.

"That road is too boring, too far, and too slow."

The shadow cat retracted his gaze and raised his chin proudly: "Huxley said that every great progress in natural knowledge includes the absolute denial of authority. I am the cat who denies authority!"

The black cat persisted and asked: "So, how did you 'prove the Tao with force'?"

Shadow Cat blinked, turned away, suddenly raised his paw, held down the quill that was writing hard on the parchment, and said with some hesitation, "Do you want to hear the truth or a lie?"

"Are there any lies?" Black Cat was shocked.

"Well, the water is too deep here."

Shadow Cat's furry paws pressed the quill hard and said seriously: "If you want to hear the truth, I can continue to tell you about various concepts and methods of detachment. It doesn't matter if I talk for three days and three nights..."

"What about lies?" Black Cat suddenly felt like he had been deceived.

This chapter has been completed!
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