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Chapter 2530 Disappeared for half the class

Wood fleas are also called bed bugs.

Arthropoda, Insecta, Hemiptera, an oval flatworm of the genus Bedbug. It feeds on blood. The odor glands in its body can secrete a foul odor. When in danger, it will emit it in the form of smoke. The adult is about five millimeters in length.

More than enough, but the one Zheng Qing crushed to death was nearly one centimeter long, far larger than the size of a normal wood flea.

"It's definitely a bit weird."

Fatty Xin pinched his nose, moved closer to Zheng Qing's open palm, and said in a loud voice: "It's not just the size... Generally speaking, this kind of bug will not crawl onto people in the daytime, especially here at the First University.

In addition to guarding the magic circle, the elves will clean the classroom carefully every day...and Brother Qing is not like the kind of dirty guy who can attract bedbugs."

"Besides, it doesn't seem that smelly." Zhang Jixin sniffed and added.

"Where is your dust-repelling talisman? Isn't it hanging on your body?" Xiao Xiao unfolded the bamboo slips and quickly copied out a cleaning spell and an insect-repelling spell, and threw them on Zheng Qing.

The gossipy analysis of his companions drew the young assistant's attention away from the discord of several colleges, and finally noticed the strangeness of the little bug in his hand.

"I'm wearing the dust-repelling talisman."

He reached into his belt with his left hand, touched it, pulled out a piece of talisman paper that was folded into a square shape, threw it on the table, and pointed at the faint green light revealed between the folds: "And it's still taking effect, in theory.

No Gu insect can get close to me..."

"If the theory was useful, there wouldn't be so many accidents in the world." Xiao Xiao shook his head, picked up the talisman, and helped Zheng Qing stuff it back into his belt: "...and this bug is so

It's so big that it probably exceeds the range that the 'dust-repelling talisman' can expel."

"I've never heard of anyone turning bed bugs into Gu bugs... The price-performance ratio is too low." Fatty Xin also let go of the hand holding his nose, sniffed, and raised his eyebrows: "Hey, it really doesn't stink.


As he spoke, he took out a porcelain plate, a monocle, and a series of examination supplies such as small forceps, scalpels, glass slides, and fixatives from his watch.

"There are still three minutes until class. It's enough to dismember a small insect!" The fat wizard held tweezers in his left hand and a knife in his right hand. The knives and tweezers intersected, making a crisp collision sound, and he seemed confident: "...This is my first time to dissect a corpse-eating beetle.

It only took thirty seconds to peel off its skin completely!"

"That's awesome." Zheng Qing threw the bugs into the plate in front of the fat wizard and nodded perfunctorily, but the slightly dim conference room of the Seven Deadly Sins came to mind.

He was not the only one to think of those devils.

"Those devils didn't have a meeting with you last Friday, right?" Xiao Xiao counted the time, asked Zheng Qing, and helped Xin put the monocle on his left eye.

Zheng Qing shook his head.

"Three people said they were unable to attend the meeting because of something else... and the remaining four also said they had not collected biological samples from the target person." At this point, he couldn't help but twitching his lips: "Every time I hear this from them.

, I always find it a bit funny.”

"If your blood or hair was really collected, you wouldn't find it so funny after having nightmares at night or lying down in the school hospital." Xiao Xiao gave him a warning look before looking back.

, and focused again on the slightly shining crystal ball in front of him.

Zhang Jixin coughed lightly.

"is it possible,"

The red-faced wizard had a serious expression on his face, stroking the buttons on his gloves and thinking thoughtfully: "I mean, is this bug really just an accident? Because the Jingzhe has just passed, and every year the thunder of the Jingzhe disturbs many people.

The bug that just woke up from the ground has mutated to some extent... This bed bug is only slightly larger, and the degree of mutation is still within the theoretical allowable range..."

Jingzhe is on March 6th.

Today is already March 15th.

Xiao Xiao shook his head, and before he could speak, the fat wizard's voice came to his ears: "Mutation is mutation, there is no mutation within the scope of theory... Just like this bed bug, although it seems to us that it is only slightly larger

It took a circle, but its mutated mouthparts are sharp enough to bite through most dragon skins!"

As he spoke, he raised the tweezers with the smallest number in his hand and showed everyone the mouthparts of the bed bug clamped on it. However, for a bug that is only one centimeter long after mutation, no matter how sharp its mouthparts are,

Zheng Qing and others couldn't tell the difference without using any tools.

"But it still couldn't bite Brother Qing's skin, right." Zhang Jixin sighed enviously.

Because he needed to go home during the winter vacation, he did not participate in the designated hunting mission of the Exoneration Hunting Team, and naturally missed the celebration party after the mission was completed. However, during this time, Zheng Qing accidentally 'ate' a

All the hunters in the Forgiveness Hunting Team knew that eating a copper bean caused a sharp increase in physical fitness.

Unlike other people who are cautious and uneasy, the red-faced wizard does not think this is a bad thing. In his view, any acquisition of power needs to be accompanied by certain risks - magic experiments will encounter accidents, and casting spells will have backlash.

, tempering the body may lead to disability, etc. - If the time cost is also calculated, the copper bean that Zheng Qing ate is simply a miracle medicine.

Just like at this moment, when others were speculating on the origin of the bed bug, he instead looked regretful: "Two months ago, a small knife could scratch Brother Qing's skin, but now even the bugs that bite the dragon's skin can bite

Don’t break his oily skin... Sigh... I wonder if those crows have any leftover labs, I really want to eat a copper bean!!"

"You have really trained your muscles in your head." Zheng Qing complained, and at the same time asked smoothly: "How many minutes are left in class? Should we show this bug to Lao Yao?"

He felt that Lao Yao could definitely see through the evil spirit behind this insect at a glance.

There was a exclamation in my ears.

"Has the class started already?" Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses and showed a rare hint of surprise: "Where's the professor? Isn't the first class about Lao Yao's Charms Study? Today is Monday!"

He even began to doubt today's date.

Just like the adage circulating in the wizarding world - if a legendary wizard conflicts with time, don't doubt that the fault must be time.

"It's Monday." Zheng Qing gave a positive reply and looked around.

Only then did he realize that Downton had disappeared from the classroom at some point. Liu Feifei was maintaining discipline in the class with the help of Jiang Yu. More and more students began to look outside the door uneasily. Although the professor did not come,

Surprisingly, there were not many people making noises and playing, and even the little stick figure behind the door sat on the white paper with his arms folded and a serious look on his face, saying nothing.

There was an unsettlingly depressing atmosphere in the classroom.

This wait is half the class time.

This chapter has been completed!
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