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Chapter 2562 Sweet pastry

The young wizards by the Crescent Lake, limited by their realm and experience, can't see much.

Most people only think that Zheng Qing is very powerful. He can actually defeat a registered wizard head-on across borders. Even though he used a lot of talismans in the performance stage, it is an indisputable fact that he entered First University less than two years ago.

In particular, Tushan Chujiu is not an ordinary registered wizard, but a child of an aristocratic family with ancient magic inheritance and innate bloodline abilities.

The old wizards on Lishan Mountain have been immersed in magic for many years and have rich experience in hunting and dealing with the world. They are condescending and can see more from this battle on the magic stage.

He has not gone through magic rituals to become a registered wizard, but he can easily understand and use interdisciplinary fusion magic. This is such an amazing talent. The word "genius" cannot be overstated.

Moreover, his physical body is also extremely powerful. He can withstand violent spells and approach a fox wizard who is on high alert at an extremely fast speed without suffering any external injuries.

And that huge net worth.

As well as the Merlin Gold Medal and the formal teaching position at First University that he had received at a young age - even if it is only the lowest teaching assistant position, which professor did not start as a teaching assistant?

The above four conditions are very clear to the old people on Mount Li.

A wizard who possesses only one of these conditions is considered a leader in the Shanglin Garden Spring Hunt, and is worthy of everyone's favor. But that young man possesses all of them at the same time, which is no longer the kind of excellence that can be described as 'raw jade'.

For a time, even the pickiest old man felt happy and excited to see Hunter.

The elder of the O'Brien family glanced at the location of the Su family in Qingqiu with a subtle expression. He was secretly wondering which witch of the right age in the family could rival Su Shijun in appearance.

The elders of the Black family squinted at the location of the Jiang family in Zhongshan, muttering in their hearts that the Jiang family could dig out such an outstanding young man, but I couldn't?

And the Tushan elders who had just finished comforting Tushan Chujiu took a sip of tea and thought in their hearts how to make the words "if you touch my girl's tail, you will be responsible for her" more justified and justified.


All eyes have weight.

The elders of the Jiang family and the Su family suddenly felt an inexplicable pressure and subconsciously glanced at each other's location.

It’s different from the mountains.

The young wizards by Crescent Lake did not stay quiet for long.

As time went by, they were like a group of frightened chickens, going from quiet, to whispering, to noisy. It only took a short time for the crowd to gradually become louder, and the green lake next to them became more and more intense.

Make peace.

Zheng Qing stood on the performance stage with a look of astonishment.

He was not surprised by the noisy sounds by the lake, nor was he shocked by the reaction of the younger generation. To be precise, he didn't even notice the hustle and bustle by the lake because his ears were 'filled' with more sounds in advance.

"...Becoming a creative consultant to the Knott family, you don't need to worry about affecting your teaching position at First University, and you don't even need to come to the family once a year... We will provide very relaxed working conditions... and generous salary


"...Classmate Zheng Qing, are you willing to marry the O'Brien family? Don't worry about Qingqiu's reaction. All consequences will be borne by our family... If necessary, we will also fight for the custody of your child."

"...I heard that you have a good relationship with Ji Xin? Okay, okay, you should interact more with your classmates. Our Zhang family in Tianmen also has a few lovely witches. I like young people like you who are physically strong the most. You can have more time when you have time.

Exchange fist and kick skills..."

"...Classmate Zheng Qing, the Black family has inherited ancient wizarding customs. Each great wizard can have four wives. In the "Code", their status is equal and they are recognized and protected by the alliance..."

"...The Jiang family has Youhuang, and my Zhou family in Shaoxing also has Qingluan. Whatever the Jiang family has, my Zhou family has it, and whatever the Jiang family doesn't have, my Zhou family also has it. They have been powerful witches for generations, and their families have a long history. This is my Zhou family.

...Whatever you want, you might as well say it..."

"...The vixens in Qingqiu are the best at absorbing people's essence. It will not be good for your future. You are a pure wizard, not on the same path as those wizards under the moon. I, the Hongnong Yang family, can officially promise..."

Accompanied by one voice after another that was either old, clear, or sonorous and powerful, Zheng Qing felt that his head was dizzy and his sleeves suddenly became heavy.

He retracted his hands into his sleeves and touched them. Thick letters and invitations appeared out of thin air. Just by the complicated and soft magic waves on the hard paper, he could guess how gorgeous they would look.

He looked at Lishan in shock.

Only then did I know that outstanding performance in Spring Hunting would lead to such rewards.

"Elder, after all, he is just a student who has not graduated and has not passed the registered wizard examination. Do we need to pay such a high price?"

On Mount Li, where the O'Brien family is located, a young man from the family listened to the discussion of the elders and finally couldn't help but asked in a low voice: "I remember that "History of Magic" talked about many people who performed well in school but were penniless after leaving school.


The old wizard sitting in the middle glanced at his junior and tugged at his white beard under his chin.

"On the way to Shanglinyuan, I passed by Sicily."

He did not directly answer the choice of 'worth it or not', but first told the younger generation a story: "...In the ancient Greek temple in Syracuse, I saw a very interesting statue of a god. He looked ugly.

, intimidating. He bent over and ran forward, looking sneaky but in a hurry. He had wings on his back and ankles, and he held a pair of scales in his hand. Of course, the most interesting thing was his hair.

.The hair on the front part of His head is very long and swaying forward, while the back part is bald. He is the God of opportunity.

It took me a long time to understand this statue.

The hair in front of Him is very long so that people can catch Him easily when He passes by. The lack of hair on the back of His head tells people that everything in the past cannot be grasped. The wings on His back and feet are

In order to disappear as quickly as possible. The scale in his hand tells everyone that he is very fair when he passes in front of everyone.

Opportunity is like that.

Most of the time, when it comes towards us, we only think it is very inconspicuous, and even the hair style displayed by the lock of hair on its forehead is so ugly; then it passes us by and disappears in a hurry; it returns.

Surprisingly, when we tried desperately to catch it, we couldn't catch its bare back head.

I tell you this story to tell you that whether something is worth it or not is not something you can see, but something you can grasp. If you can’t even grasp it, how do you know if it is a real opportunity?”

This chapter has been completed!
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