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Chapter 2586 Progressive Imagination

Zheng Qing couldn't remember how he got back to the classroom.

As if sleepwalking, he walked through the empty school, passed by the peaceful Linzhong Lake, and walked along the quiet tree-lined road. The fish-man emerging from the water greeted him, but Zheng Qing didn't hear it at all; the naughty squirrel on the branch

Hitting him on the head with an acorn didn't provoke the wizard to scold him; even when a passing calico puppy pooped on the ground where he passed, Zheng Qing didn't even notice and stepped on it.


His mind went blank.

He didn't dare to recall what Su Shijun said in his ear.

Because just thinking about it, his thoughts can't help but diverge, his mind is uncontrollable, his mind is racing, and countless fiery and beautiful pictures come one after another, easily overwhelming his remaining sanity.

——Do you want to know what the real, undisclosed reward is?

That small, hot, fragrant voice echoed in his ears again. Zheng Qing couldn't help shaking his head hard, trying to forget this sentence, and at the same time unconsciously murmured:

"If this is punishment...I will definitely keep making mistakes in the future."

A sleeping tree sperm was awakened by the indescribable stench. He poked his head out of the bushes, pinched his nose, and looked suspiciously at the guy who was stepping on dog excrement and talking to himself as he passed by in front of him angrily.

Spit at him twice.

——Real, undisclosed...

Even the meditation spell couldn't stop certain words from being repeated in his ears. For a moment, Zheng Qing felt that he could finally understand why cultists were always so manic. Those whispers, like the whispers of evil gods, could drive anyone to their knees.


No wonder people have always been so wary of vixens.

The ancients never deceived me.

This trance was only broken by Lao Yao's chalk tip when he stood at the door of the classroom.

"Clean your shoes before entering my classroom."

The professor of the Charms class was writing spells on the blackboard. When he saw the boy appearing at the door, he threw the piece of chalk in his hand and hit the boy on the head to prevent him from entering immediately.

Zheng Qing lowered his head in confusion, looked at the 'black mud' on his feet, and smelled the faint smell. The heat on his face suddenly dissipated completely, and he became a little pale.

"...In the ancient barbaric times, priests of many tribes tried to harm or eliminate their opponents by destroying or destroying their idols. They believed that their opponents would suffer similar injuries when their idols were traumatized.

The idol was destroyed and died at the same time... This is the earliest conceptual prototype of the 'law of contact', and it is also the basic principle of many modern magic operations. This principle can be summarized in one sentence: 'Once objects come into contact with each other, after the physical contact is interrupted,

will continue to interact over long distances...'"

In the classroom, Lao Yao's voice sounded ups and downs on the podium, and there was a rustling sound of taking notes in the audience.

On a normal day, Zheng Qing would have been copying books until his eyes were dizzy.

But now, he can only concentrate on dealing with the dog shit stuck to the soles of the shoes at the door - magic cannot clean the dog shit that the wizard cannot see, so he must observe carefully to ensure that every corner of the shoes is cleaned.



When he thought of this word, Zheng Qing immediately thought of luck, the night he picked up Su Shijun, the birth of Bo Saidong, the 'undisclosed reward' just now, and then he couldn't help but start thinking about his second child.

When you are born, whose surname should be followed and what name should be given - since the eldest child is called Poseidong, it should be very appropriate for the second child to be called Hades.

The sickle raised by the god of death was like a bright light, passing through the wizard's mind, making him sober in an instant.

He raised his hand and slapped himself gently.

Stand up.

The shoes have been cleaned, and this time Lao Yao did not stop him from entering the classroom.

Jiang Yu, who was sitting in the first row, glanced at the boy with concern. The clear look in her eyes made Zheng Qing feel very ashamed. She subconsciously touched the cheek that had just been kissed and slapped.

The warmth on his fingertips told him that he still had some sense of shame.

"Is it hot outside?" Xiao Xiao looked at the young public-funded student who hurriedly ran back to his seat, and adjusted his glasses curiously.


Zheng Qing had not recovered from the many mixed emotions such as fear, shame, confusion, etc. Hearing this, he turned to look at his deskmate blankly, not knowing why.

"Why is your face so red?" Xiao Xiao turned the brush in his hand.

Zheng Qing was silent for a few seconds.

"...refreshed?" he replied in a low voice, vaguely remembering that he had used such words before.

"Why are you white again?"

"Wax to protect against cold." This time, Zheng Qing answered smoothly.

"Haha," Xiao Xiao sneered twice and frowned: "If you don't want to answer, don't answer... Why do I feel like I've heard you say such nonsense before?"

"Haha, haha." Zheng Qing smiled dryly and looked away with a guilty conscience, only to see the red robes belonging to the students of Jiuyou College in the classroom.

Then his thoughts lost control again.

As soon as he saw the red robe, he immediately thought of red-rimmed glasses and red lips. Naturally, he thought of the red phoenix crown and the red robe, the warmth of the red candle tent, and the idea of ​​being turned red - the only thing in the young wizard's mind was

This thing is full of imagination.

Tick ​​tock.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

"That one with the nosebleed, do you want to go outside and calm down?" A piece of chalk flew from the podium and hit Zheng Qing's forehead accurately, waking up the dazed wizard.

Lao Yao chewed his pipe and held the handout in one hand, looking at him with a half-smile but not a smile: "Just attend class honestly and don't think too much or cause trouble for yourself."

Everyone else in the classroom turned their heads and looked in the direction where the chalk head flew. Their furtive eyes flickered along with the whispers and whispers, which reminded people of those odor-seeking flies.

Zheng Qing raised his hand in a daze and touched his nose. His fingers were a little hot. Only then did he realize that he had a nosebleed. He quickly pinched his nose and raised his head. Fatty Xin in the front row turned around enthusiastically.

He handed the wizard an ice pack, with an expression full of desire for gossip on his face.

Zheng Qing decisively turned his head and looked out the window.

Two thrushes were standing on the windowsill, combing each other's feathers, stroking each other's feathers, and their gentle sounds could be heard through the glass.

The sun is shining brightly and spring is bright. It’s such a vibrant season.

Old Yao's voice was heard lecturing others: "...and you, how about using the spirit of caring for others in class? There are so many homeworks that you don't have to worry about? Monitor? Downton, please note it down and give it to me after class.

The Student Affairs Office submitted an application and said that the weather was dry and it was time for a few spring rains to calm down those with nosebleeds."

This chapter has been completed!
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