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Chapter 2600 Born in a Dream

Zheng Qing held the talisman spear and walked carefully deep in the deserted forest.

The night was deep, and the moonlight and starlight mixed together and fell, forming mottled light and shadow in the forest. There was silence all around. There was no roar of wild beasts in the distance, no birds chirping in the trees, no insects humming in the bushes, and even

The leaves seemed to be frozen in the wind, making no rustling sound.

This depressing atmosphere made Zheng Qing unable to hold his breath, as if inhaling or exhaling slightly faster would alert some unknown existence deep in the forest.

This silence also made his senses extra sensitive.

Soon, his ears caught a deep and unfamiliar voice in the distance. Its accent was weird, as if it was not a human voice, but it also had a rhythm that was as ups and downs as a chant.

Just hearing this voice made Zheng Qing feel vague and nervous, and gave him a conflicting emotion in his heart, like standing in front of the giant beast and wanting to escape, but he couldn't wait to take a look.

The evil-proofing talisman on his body showed no reaction at all, and the haha ​​beads on his wrist turned into thumb-sized little people, quickly shuttled among the surrounding bushes and at his feet, and inquired about what was going on around him.

Soon, news came from a haha ​​bead.

Zheng Qing followed it to the edge of the forest. There were more than a dozen scaffoldings erected in the open space in the distance. However, there were no falcons on the scaffoldings, but dead crows hanging there. They were surrounded by a pile of blue bonfires.

Evenly surrounding it in a large circle. There was a huge black goat's head in the bonfire - it was as big as a small elephant's head - its fur was completely preserved in the flames, and the wound on its neck was covered in

It was cut very neatly, and the two eyes were shining brightly, exuding a hot and red aura like charcoal fire.

In many magical rituals, goats symbolize sacrifice and magic.

In the open space between the bonfire and the scaffolding, a large group of wizards in tattered robes were twisting their bodies, dancing silently around the goat's head, and the blue firelight shone on their naked skin.

, exuding a strange and twisted aura like the starry sky.

Zheng Qing immediately concluded that this was the legendary cultist and cult prayer ceremony.

The head wizard's face was hidden under a wide hood. He was also the most neatly dressed among the cultists. The low and unfamiliar voice Zheng Qing heard before was from him. Every time he moved, his chest

The city let out a long neigh between donkeys and bulls, and the bonfire also jumped once.

When he danced around the bonfire, a blue tongue of flame would suddenly pop up from the bonfire, drawing a wizard wearing tattered robes in the crowd into the fire.

Then the fire became brighter and brighter.

And its admirers seemed to be frightened, twisting and jumping more and more fiercely. The blue firelight reflected on their faces, and it was difficult for Zheng Qing to describe whether the expression was joy, fear, or numbness.

There is a saying circulating in the First University - the beauty of knowledge lies in making people confused - which is basically a comment on the difficulty of magic knowledge in college.

But at this moment, Zheng Qing felt really confused.

Not only because he could not understand the specific meaning of the dancing and roaring sounds of the cultists, but also because the scene in front of him was completely different from many black magic rituals he knew.

It is true that he has heard that the minds of cultists are not very normal, but no matter how chaotic and twisted they are, it is difficult for him to accept this act of sacrificing his life to an inexplicable existence. In his impression, even those who worship flesh and blood sacrifices

Black magic rituals rarely directly sacrifice the most devout believers. For any existence, devout believers are very precious resources.

The sacrifice in the forest glade did not stop for a moment because of the confusion of the onlookers.

Round after round.

Until there was no one behind the leading wizard, and all the cultists were engulfed by the bonfire. Then he stopped, rubbed his sore shoulders, raised his hand and waved to the sky, as if to say hello to someone.

The next second.

A huge claw with dripping mucus penetrated the clouds, fell into the bonfire, grabbed the huge goat head, and quickly returned to the dark night.

The sound of sticky chewing came from the sky, occasionally accompanied by one or two angry growls.

"It tastes terrible."

An indescribable harsh voice came from behind the clouds. Although he could not understand its words, Zheng Qing was surprised to find that he understood its meaning. To his surprise, he could hear a bit of gloominess in its tone.



A large ball of pitch black fell from the sky and hit the forest heavily. Dots of blue flames were burning on the darkness. At the same time, an angry voice fell with it: "...the flesh and blood of the cultists is too polluted, and it is not good for me."

No good at all!…Where are those ogre tribes?”

"There are very few small tribes nearby that meet the hunting requirements." The forest wizard raised his head and replied.

The clouds rolled for a moment, and finally condensed into a big blurry and distorted face.

"Then choose something else..." It overlooked the land with an indifferent expression, in sharp contrast to the harsh voice: "We won't stay here for too long."

"Can anyone?" Its servant seemed a little surprised.

The big blurry face was silent for a moment, and finally answered: "No real wizard... who is there!"

It looked in the direction of Zheng Qing in shock and anger. Zheng Qing picked up a haha ​​bead that had just caught a corpse-eating beetle for him, and ran away into the distance. Behind him, in the open space, was the evil mage.

At the same time, he turned his head and looked over, revealing a twitching face mixed with fear and joy under his hood.

Zheng Qing realized that he recognized this face.

It belonged to his former magical biology teacher, Gan Ning.

"Who is there?!"


Zheng Qing suddenly sat up from the bed, his heart beating wildly, and he was sweating.

Turning to look out the window.

It's still dark, and the night is getting dark.

Reality spreads around like a tide.

The thoughts that popped up in his mind were like dark rocks in the tide, appearing clear and abrupt - was the lucid dream just now another witness to a crime scene, or was it just a nightmare?

He wiped the cold sweat from his head, and the fatigue from the depths of his soul surged up again, quickly overwhelming the young wizard who had just woken up. In his daze, he touched the nightmare doll under the pillow in the dark, and no one's head was related to it.

The body is separated.

"Not a nightmare."

He muttered - the four words 'false alarm' are the best idioms in the world, a hundred times better than words such as feeling relaxed and happy, unparalleled in the world, pleasing to the eye, perfect and so on - the tension in his heart suddenly disappeared, and his head

As soon as he fell, Zheng Qing quickly fell into a deep sleep again.

This chapter has been completed!
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