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Chapter 2610 Mask of Face Elimination

For a moment, Zheng Qing couldn't figure out what that subtle emotion meant.

But the emergency gathering order for the teaching assistants is no joke.

He didn't care to think about it, put on his hood, hung up the four armor and horse charms, took the hot cocoa from the fat man, sighed and turned into a line of green smoke, disappearing in dormitory 403.

The large conference room of the Teaching Assistants is located at the end of the third floor of the office building.

The last time Zheng Qing came to this office was on Sunday two weeks ago, that is, on the morning of March 14th, when he attended a meeting related to the 'Little Hand Mission' - referring to the slightly embarrassing experience last time, this time

, Zheng Qing did not wear the red robe of Jiuyou Academy, but changed into a black robe.

But reality seemed to be playing tricks on him.

After pushing the door and entering this time, he did not look different because of the color of his robe. The conference room was full of teaching assistants who were all wearing black robes like him, but compared with last time, today

These teaching assistants all wore masks on their faces, so the young teaching assistants once again became the center of attention.

The moment he saw these masks, Zheng Qing almost took out the mask of the Seven Deadly Sins from the gray cloth bag and put it on his face. Because the masks used by the teaching assistants were very similar to those used by the culprits. They were all exactly the same and did not reveal anything.

The smooth mask with eyes looked like a boiled and peeled egg, except that the corner of the mask of the sinner was branded with a small seven-pointed star symbol, while the masks of the assistant teachers had different words marked with red cinnabar in the center.

For example, Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, A, B, C, Tian, ​​Lei, Earth, Fire, etc., to name a few.

Zheng Qing has stayed at First University for a long time, and has worn or seen many masks, including Halloween ghost masks, black wizard's crow masks, and the seven-pointed star mask of the Seven Deadly Sins. When performing the three-pronged sword mission,

Cat face masks, etc. The functions of all these masks are similar, nothing more than 'hiding identity', 'blocking breath', 'partitioning divination', 'supplementing protective spells', 'preventing retaliation afterward' and so on.

Because for wizards, after knowing the appearance or breath of a wizard, whether it is to track his movements through divination or use curses to influence his behavior, it will become very easy. Especially when facing the risk of dark wizards or unknown magic, any careful

Never be too cautious.

High-level wizards or wizards who are proficient in transformation are naturally not included in this list. Using masks is just the greatest common denominator of all suitable solutions.

"This is your mask, put it away."

On the podium, a wizard wearing an 'A' mask waved to the young wizard who had just entered the door, motioning for him to take the mask in his hand, and reminded: "For your safety, the teaching assistants must wear these when performing special tasks.

Zhang Mask. You have participated in the three-pronged sword hunting operation, so you should know this truth."

Zheng Qing nodded quickly and went to pick up the mask.

In the center of the smooth surface of the mask, there is a bright red cinnabar with the word "Yu" written on it. The four directions above and below are called "Yu". From this point of view, this word is similar to his title of "World" in the Major Arcana sequence.


Because his attention was all on the word ‘yu’, he


Even through the mask, Zheng Qing seemed to see the frown under the word 'A'.

Only then did he realize that he was holding the unfinished cup of hot cocoa in his outstretched hand.

"Feel sorry!"

The young teaching assistant immediately raised his cup and drank the last half of the drink - there were a few faint chuckles from the audience, which made his face feel a trace of heat after a long absence - then he put away the empty cup and took the one with both hands.

The mask slapped on my face immediately.


Although it looked airtight, it was as light and thin as it was covered on his face. Even through the mask, he could clearly see everything around him. The mask was a bit soft, and he didn't know what kind of leather it was. It felt warm and moist, and there was a faint feeling when breathing.

You can detect the subtle and complex magic circuits woven beneath the surface of the skin.

The 'A' wizard nodded slightly at him.

After Zheng Qing gave a slight salute, he slipped silently to the back of the conference room along the corner - to his surprise, the seat he sat in last time happened to be empty.

"Good evening, Assistant Coach Zheng Qing!"

A familiar voice sounded in his ears. Zheng Qing turned around and noticed that the wizard sitting next to him who was greeting him had the word "B" on his mask.

In written language, the positions of ‘A’ and ‘B’ are very close. According to Zheng Qing’s simple logical inference, the person next to him should have the same identity as the big boss on the podium.

"Good evening," the young teaching assistant said in a low voice. He quickly checked the teaching assistants he knew in his mind and quickly identified the biggest suspect: "...Teacher Hilda?"

He was a little surprised by his conclusion.

"Don't call me teacher, call me 'colleague'!"

The teacher of the practical class shook his finger at the boy and corrected him seriously: "In this conference room, everyone is a colleague... Do you feel a little strange that you and I are still at the same table this time?"

As he spoke, he shook his head, and Zheng Qing vaguely heard the sound of a slight metal collision.

He nodded hesitantly.

In fact, compared to the seat, he was more curious about how Hilda got the "B" title. In his impression, many people in the teaching assistant group were more capable than his practical class teacher.

"Because you came very late last time." Hilda seemed happy to finally find someone to talk to, and she immediately started talking non-stop: "In fact, in several independent repeated experiments, everyone's choice was almost the same

Exactly the same, in occult theory, this phenomenon is called 'Herod's Theorem'..."

Zheng Qing's fatalistic analysis of Hilda went in one ear and out the other - compared with Lao Shizi's 'Herod's Theorem', he believed that his choice was more affected by the 'seed of order'.


On the podium, the 'A' wizard coughed softly and looked around. The conference room suddenly became quiet. He did not waste time and explained the reason for the emergency gathering tonight in a concise and concise manner:

"A hunting team of North District wizards was killed in the Silent Forest, and five hunters died. Because they were a private organization, they did not report to the Gini Lodge. Therefore, it was not until after their deaths that the Gini Lodge received relevant information and applied to the school.


When Zheng Qing heard the words "North District Wizard" and "Gini Cabin", Zheng Qing's mind immediately thought of the faint aroma of cherry blossoms he smelled in the dormitory, as well as the first instinct in his mind at that time.

Sure enough, what happened tonight was related to the Wizard of the North District.

Just like when he saw the blue jacaranda tree, two completely opposite contradictory feelings of "fog" and "fire" emerged in his heart, and then he met the hermaphrodite from the Rainbow Wizard Group.

He was keenly aware that his vague intuition seemed to have a hint of divination or 'whim', but he didn't know how far this feeling could reach.

This chapter has been completed!
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