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Chapter 2613 The fifth regular meeting

"As the saying goes, what you think about every day is what you dream about at night. If you have been thinking about those crows, they must have echoes in your dreams... Don't let the wind and cranes chirp, and the grass and trees are all soldiers."

"Is it possible that you have been hallucinating because you have been under too much pressure recently?"

Zheng Qing lay on the table, listening to the analysis of Xiao Xiao and Fatty Xin, and yawned feebly, with a trace of regret rising in his heart. He knew clearly that he shouldn't tell the two of them that speculation, but he still couldn't help but want to ask everyone

Opinion - This is probably what people often call indecision.

Of course, due to the contract of silence, he was unable to describe the specific mission last night in detail. He only vaguely talked about his "sense of déjà vu" several times, and how he "intuited" the image of a crow again yesterday.

Perhaps this is why several companions behaved so casually.

Thinking of this, he blinked his sore eyelids, opened the silver case of his pocket watch, and took a look at the time.

It's now 5:43 on Sunday afternoon.

In less than twenty minutes, it’s time for the weekly class meeting.

The investigation work last night lasted until about six o'clock in the morning. The teaching assistant team found a total of 1,131 traces of suspected dark wizard activities within a five-kilometer radius around the North District Wizard Hunting Team.

——These include not only secretions of black magic similar to those found by Hilda, but also the abnormal death of some plants, as well as some birds and insects that are affected by black magic and go crazy out of control. ——Don’t think this number is large, considering the Silent Forest

Huge and rich natural resources, these discovered traces have most likely been screened through this forest.

"...Crows are originally a very common bird. Do you still remember the freshman trial meeting before the start of the sophomore year last year? How many crows we encountered in the trial ground!"

Zhang Jixin's voice came from his ears.

Zheng Qing closed his pocket watch, sniffed, and changed to a more comfortable position, lying on his stomach, feeling that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier.

Fatty Xin continued to talk about his previous views, seeming to be speaking to him, but his voice became more and more distant: "...Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Of course, I said before that you are hallucinating because of the pressure.

It's a little loose, but we have all heard Professor Yi talk about the relationship between dreams and divination... There have been a lot of rumors about Linda's arrangements recently... This kind of pressure is temporary, and it will be fine as long as you get over it..."

Xiao Xiao seemed to have said something, but Zheng Qing didn't hear it clearly.

Then Zhang Jixin's voice immediately became louder——

"That's not possible!"

The red-faced wizard's tone was somewhat decisive: "...the word 'whim' is too high-end and has little to do with little wizards like us... Even those highly talented diviners, such as doctors... doctors

, do you think you have moments of whim?”


Xiao Xiao did not deny this possibility, and his attitude was somewhat tactful. Although his eyes were closed, Zheng Qing seemed to see the way the doctor pushed up his glasses when he said these words: "...Magic is good at creating miracles.

In fact, every wizard, regardless of strength or weakness, may have a 'whim' at some point... The most common thing is that when facing death, many people will burst out with extraordinary spiritual awareness..."

"Do you think the scene Brother Zha saw in his dream could bring him death?" Zhang Jixin retorted.

Who knows.

Zheng Qing answered in his heart, yawned again, and closed his eyelids completely.

Because the teaching assistant team's mission last night was on the weekend and did not take up Zheng Qing's study time, so after the mission in the morning, Zhang Yu said very apologetically that "according to regulations, the new conversion time cannot be approved" - this means that Zheng Qing

Qing could only squeeze out precious homework time from his limited vacation to make up for the sleep time he lost last night.

Simply funny.

And the feasibility is extremely poor.

For students of Jiuyou Academy, they can sleep without sleeping, but they have to hand in their homework. Especially for students like him who have the reputation of being a "publicly funded student", if he fails to hand in his homework several times, he is afraid that a new scandal will immediately arise.

Public opinions and rumors - for example, his qualification as a publicly funded student was obtained by cheating; or his head was severely damaged during the winter vacation and became stupid, so he could not keep up with the pace of study; or he had too much fun with a few witches on the weekend.

I am suffering from yang loss, so I have always looked listless these days, etc.

He had no doubt that Linda Barnes would take advantage of this opportunity.

And he had every reason to believe that if the last rumor came out, many people would come forward and swear that they were working part-time in a small hotel and saw Zheng Qing taking someone into the hotel at a certain moment, and they didn't see him until the next day.

Go out.

Zheng Qing couldn't help but shudder when he thought of those possibilities.

After returning to the dormitory after completing his mission in the morning, he barely slept for a few hours, then forced himself to get up and drank several bottles of sobriety potion to catch up on his homework.

The homework of twenty-eight courses is like a small mountain.

The heavy pressure made him breathless. Until the beginning of the class meeting, there was still a part that he had not finished writing. And he had no energy to continue writing.

Just like now.

Even just sitting in the classroom and listening to a few classmates chatting, his head felt dizzy and he couldn't keep up with everyone's rhythm. He was in urgent need of a nap to restore his energy.

But as soon as he closed his eyes, he felt someone shaking his arm hard.

"Don't move, I'll squint for a while."

The wizard muttered, and his head turned in a different direction, but his ears caught a slightly urgent voice: "...Old Yao has looked at you several times, I suggest you go back to sleep after a while."

Zheng Qing lay on the table and seemed not to hear.

But only a few seconds passed.

He sat up straight with a snap, wiped the remaining saliva from the corner of his mouth, rubbed the marks on his face, and looked at the podium with clear eyes.

Sure enough, it was not a dream just now. At this moment, Lao Yao was standing on the podium saying something. He seemed to have noticed that the boy had woken up. He glanced at this corner with a smile.

"I stress it again! Those students who didn't hear clearly just now, please listen more clearly!"

Lao Yao grabbed his pipe and emphasized his tone slightly. Although he did not say it directly, Zheng Qing knew clearly that this 'reemphasis' was meant for himself: "...due to some objective reasons, tomorrow's spring outing for the Forbidden Demon Festival has been temporarily cancelled.

But the holiday will not be cancelled. You should eat, drink, and have fun just like you spend the weekend. Just don’t go to the Silent Forest privately for outings, spring outings, and other activities. If found, you will be given a demerit directly. The initiator

Record a major demerit...did you hear everything clearly?"


There was a sparse response under the podium.

"Huh?" Lao Yao snorted with his nose.

"Listen clearly!" This time, everyone answered neatly and clearly.

"Why are there suddenly no spring outings? During the class meeting last week, Downton collected spring outing project plans from everyone." Although the fat man used a questioning tone, his eyes kept looking at Zheng Qing, with a smile on his face: "You said

Isn’t that right, Brother Zheng!”

Zheng Qing yawned feebly.

"Silence contract," he muttered, repeating this answer for unknown number of times: "...I told you at noon. It's not that I won't tell you, but I can't tell you."

This chapter has been completed!
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