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Chapter 2617 New attempt

Dark basement.

Only the light near the test bench is particularly strong.

Professor Monteria was wearing a gray-white robe and silk gloves, and he was concentrating on dissecting a finger on the table. The finger was extremely thick, almost as tall as an adult, and the skin on the finger was extremely delicate, like a baby's skin.

, the sharp nails have been pulled out by the roots and thrown on the shelf nearby, but there is no trace of blood flowing out of the nail bed. Instead, there is a crescent-shaped milky white that is slowly squirming, as if new nails will grow in the next second.

The silver knife followed the texture of the fingertips and cut open the top layer of skin. First, a layer of tough plate armor was exposed. Beige meridians were crisscrossed on the plate armor like a big net. The professor pressed the upper part of the fingertips.

You can clearly see that the force exerted on the fingertips is dispersed to every corner of the plate armor with the throbbing of the beige network.


Professor Monteria did not raise his head. He used a knife to cut off the meridians on several plate armors. He carefully observed the cut surface and said indifferently: "...a very traditional defense mechanism, borrowing parts from the ancient giants and ogres."

The subcutaneous structure has strong physical defense capabilities... At the same time, it refers to the physical structure of high-level demons. After the subcutaneous meridians absorb the power of external invasion, it will be fed back to the top of the plate armor to form a layer of semi-energy defense film to strengthen its combat.

The defensive ability in the state... It can be observed that after the body dies, its magic power does not dissipate, but is bound in the flesh and blood by the subcutaneous plate armor and meridian network... The physical body maintains strong vitality under the nourishment of magic power, without any reason.

The subject dies and becomes inactive..."

The assistant wearing a crow mask hugged the notepad in his hand and quickly recorded every word the professor said. The slender feathers crossed his shoulders, leaving a violently trembling shadow next to the test table.

Da da da da!

There was a rush of footsteps outside the laboratory.

The footsteps quickly slowed down as they approached the laboratory, until they stopped. Not long after, another figure wearing a crow mask and a black cloak hurried into the laboratory.

The assistant standing next to the professor took a quick glance and noticed that the number on the newcomer's mask was 'nine'. He was quite surprised. In his mind, the top-ranked crows were all performing their respective tasks, and they would not be able to do so easily.

Came to see the professor.

"What's up?"

Professor Monteria concentrated on peeling off the meridian network on the subcutaneous plate armor, but still did not raise his head and asked directly.

Crow No. 9 glanced at the other 'crows' surrounding the test bed, hesitated for a few seconds, lowered his voice slightly, and reported very quickly: "The team of No. 3 summoned, the target has just left school again, the purpose

The ground is the same as last week...but it's daytime now...so No. 3 wants to confirm whether the planned plan is still implemented."

A complete piece of meridian network was clamped by slender tweezers, and was torn off bit by bit from the subcutaneous plate. The professor put it into the gasoline-like solution next to it, then put down the tweezers, took off the silkworm skin gloves on his hands, turned around, and returned from just now.

The messenger who entered the door took a slender parchment roll in his hand.

He opened it, frowned and read the letter quickly, pondering in silence.

The crows around the experimental table did not stop the experiment because the professor stopped. They whispered to each other, quietly analyzing the reaction of the meridian network in the suet, and at the same time supplementing each other's deficiencies in their experimental records.

"Today is...the Forbidden Day?" the professor suddenly asked.


More than one voice answered him at once.

The professor nodded slightly, picked up the quill, and plunged it straight into the tip of the thick finger on the test table. Then he pulled out a trace of blood from the fingertip, and used the magic power in it to quickly outline a talisman, attach it to the parchment paper, and roll it.

Okay, handed it to the messenger and warned: "Tell No. 3 to make a preparation plan. You can try it briefly... pay attention to safety."

Crow No. 9 nodded solemnly, put away the parchment roll, and quietly exited the laboratory.

Crow No. 3 - who was Zheng Qing's former magic biology teacher Gan Ning - was sitting by the window of a small attic, lazily looking at the scenery on the street outside the window, his arms resting on the window sill, his fingertips moving.

He tapped lightly on the edge of the window.

Below the window, wizards in gray robes were coming and going, bustling with people, and the festive atmosphere was much stronger than in other areas of the town.

Although Gan Ning's eyes fell outside the window, most of his attention was focused on the entrance to Gu Diao Street at the end of the street. Their target had just walked into that street not long ago.

Gan Ning's deepest impression of Zheng Qing was not the publicly funded student in the class, not the valuable target in the information provided by Professor Monteria, nor the young man who ate the copper beans at the celebration dinner. It was the shy man in the corridor.

The wizard asked uneasily about the consequences of his transformation.

Every time he recalled that scene, it always reminded him of the first time he met Professor Monteria.

As for later, Zheng Qing ate the copper beans, but it did not produce any negative effects. After it became more valuable in the professor's information book, his impression of the young wizard gradually faded a lot.

Before and after the start of school, the professor tried more than once to obtain the biological information of the 'most valuable experimental subject', but always failed. The most recent time, Gan Ning entrusted this task to the Seven Deadly Sins. As the former sinner, he

There was a fairly clear understanding of the execution capabilities of this secret society, but it still came to nothing.

The new culprit of the Seven Deadly Sins—the weird black cat—announced that the mission had failed, completely lacking the sense of honor he had for the society when he was in office. This made him quite annoyed, and he often wondered whether there was something wrong with the society's roster.

What's wrong.

A breeze blew by.

Sorting through the chaotic thoughts of the visitors upstairs.

The flag hanging outside the window was raised lightly, and the rolled-up corner revealed the font 'Yang-Peniel'.

Dong Dong.

There was a rhythmic knocking on the door outside.

"Please come in."

Gan Ning agreed in a brisk voice.

A figure wearing a wide hood pushed open the door and saw the wizard sitting by the window. He frowned: "You are now a wanted criminal by the alliance and the school. Be careful."

He took off his hood, revealing an ordinary face.

"Do you know why the Anti-Magic Festival in the North District is more lively than the Anti-Magic Festival in other areas of Beta Town?" Gan Ning ignored his companion's reminder and asked.

"Really? I don't feel it, I don't know."

The companion who had just entered the door simply ignored Gan Ning's nonsense, took out the roll of parchment from his sleeve, and handed it over: "Professor agrees to act as planned, but requires you to be prepared for retreat, with special emphasis on safety... A simple try

Just one click."

He slightly changed the order of Professor Monteria's answers.

This chapter has been completed!
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