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Chapter 2639 Hot

The fat wizard mentioned the Moon Council.

Zheng Qing couldn't help but think of a certain senator in the Yuexia Parliament. She couldn't help but think of how she almost broke her four tails to save herself during the last winter hunt. She couldn't help but imagine what would happen if she knew she was stuck in the sandbox again this time.

What kind of reaction? I unconsciously imagined her beauty, her ridicule, and her anger.

Because he thought so much unconsciously, it was inevitable that he would become distracted.

When he came back to his senses, he found that Xiao Xiao was looking him up and down with subtle eyes.


The young teaching assistant subconsciously wiped the corners of his eyes, and then touched the corners of his mouth: "Did I not wash off the eye poop in the morning, or is there something dirty around my mouth?"

"You just touched your nose first, and then your lips."

The fortune teller of the Forgiveness Hunting Team did not mince his words, and reminded him very kindly: "Do you still remember the expanded knowledge point in the previous divination class on the face-touching divination method?"

Divination by touching the face.

This word immediately came to Zheng Qing's mind.

At the same time, out of the corner of his eye, he also caught a glimpse of the "Basic Yi Xue·Second Year College" on the table. He quickly opened the chapter on face divination, and soon found the "face divination method" in the extended content.


Touching your nose unconsciously means that you will see the person you are thinking of soon.

Touching your lips unconsciously means that the other person is talking about you.

Zheng Qing knew very well that he had just touched his nose and lips unconsciously, and what was even worse was that so many things he had just been thinking about were all related to one person.

Wizards respect divination very much.

Therefore, Zheng Qing's little face suddenly lost color and turned pale.

He is quite reasonable.

The divination class had just ended, and before the boy could turn his hourglass upside down, he was sneaked into the office of the two-dimensional evolution laboratory by the head maid of Qingqiu Mansion.

Because it was not Su Ya who brought him here today, Zheng Qing felt a little uneasy, and his mind was filled with wondering if he had done anything illegal these days.

But as soon as he entered the office, his unease immediately disappeared.

At noon, the sunshine is particularly bright. After being filtered by the tall glass windows and sparse leaves, it looks a bit hazy. The owner of the office is taking a nap in this haze.

She raised her head and leaned on the high-backed chair. The hazy light fell on her closed eyes, making her eyelashes extra long. When it fell on her cheeks, Zheng Qing was reminded of marmalade. When it fell on her lips

On the lips, Zheng Qing was reminded of strawberry jam.

Sunshine, orange, strawberry jam, it tastes really delicious.

"it's beautiful."

The young teaching assistant held his breath, watching this scene, and couldn't help but admire in his heart: "I wonder if the school cafeteria sells sunshine orange strawberry jam. I don't know what it tastes like. I really want to try it... How can someone be so beautiful?

Where is the cultivation situation?"

Don't blame him for being a bit incoherent in his praise.

After all, the thoughts that run through everyone's mind are often jumpy and illogical.

But he forgot that he was facing a great wizard who was proficient in spiritual magic.

"Kiss me if you want, praise me if you want... What are you doing at the door talking about me all the time?"

Su Shijun still closed her eyes, but her voice sounded clearly in the wizard's ears, with her unique pride and clarity: "I just closed my eyes to rest, not dead, so next time I whisper in my heart, remember to be careful

Guardian spell... Also, I am not a human, you should say, how can a fox be so beautiful?"

A moment.

Strawberry jam turned into chili jam, and orange jam turned into hot lava.

Zheng Qing's spirit and body could only feel the hot invasion at this moment.

"I, I don't know what you are talking about." He held on and did not run away, but his whole body felt like smoke.

The witch didn't seem to hear his dry explanation, and added to herself: "...Also, next time you praise me, you can say it in person instead of muttering in your heart. I like it very much when others praise me...

...I praise everyone secretly, how shameless I am?"

As she spoke, she yawned widely and stretched. The loose robe covering her body seemed to have turned into a tights at this moment, outlining those breathtaking beautiful lines.

Then she opened her eyes and looked at Zheng Qing.

The hazy eyes shone with dreamlike and charming colors in the hazy light.

But Zheng Qing couldn't feel the slightest charm.

The witch's words made him overloaded. At this moment, he felt that a large flat floor with more than a dozen bedrooms had been dug out under his feet.

For the first time, he realized that he didn't hate nightmares so much, and he deeply wished that he was in a dream now.

However, the witch cruelly broke his illusion again. She knocked on the table with her finger, and it was extremely loud: "Hey, stop thinking about it, this is not a dreamland, it is my office... Of course, if you feel embarrassed,

We can just pretend that conversation never happened."

She's quite nice~

"No, no," Zheng Qing felt that every muscle on his face was very stiff. It took a lot of effort to open his mouth to the maximum and make a sound. Even so, he still felt that every word he said was like

Squeezed out from between the teeth: "It's not like it didn't happen... but it really didn't happen."

The witch raised her eyebrows, calmly picked up the materials and quills on the table, and began to correct the experimental report.

Zheng Qing took the tea from the elf and poured it into his stomach regardless of the heat. His face turned red and his eyes filled with tears.

"It really didn't happen." He murmured, unconsciously replaying everything that happened after entering the door. He lowered his head and felt that there was another layer of flatness under his feet.

Time passed little by little with the faint rustling of quills.

It also healed the wizard's psychological trauma little by little.

It wasn't until his mood stabilized again that Su Shijun raised his head again and looked at him with satisfaction: "Very good, this concentration is very good, quite like a great wizard... I thought you would be restless because you are in a hurry."

"There is a little room for manipulation in time conversion, but not too much. If you don't speak again, I will leave." The wizard explained honestly, changed the subject, and tried to take the initiative in the conversation: "This

What's the matter with you looking for me?"

The witch didn't care about his attempt.

"It's okay, I just missed you and wanted to chat with you." She put down her quill, looked at the awkward boy with a smile, her eyes slid over his wrist, and she squinted slightly: "...Well, your string of haha

Are the beads broken?"

As she spoke, she wiped off the string of crystal clear jade beads on her wrist and threw them into Zheng Qing's arms: "As a gift for wasting your time... the usage is the same as ordinary haha ​​beads, but a little more powerful."

An answer, a gift.

Zheng Qing was in a hurry.

This chapter has been completed!
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