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Chapter 2669 He is right to be afraid

"very good!"

"Very good! Five points for Zheng Suyi, and one point for the other two who raised their hands, Zheng Sushuang and Zheng Susan! Next time I ask a question, everyone must actively raise their hands to speak... Those who have the courage to express themselves are those who learn magic well.

first step!"

Zheng Qing made no secret of his partiality.

At the same time, he turned a blind eye to those teasing looks.

Luna Houyhnhnm, the 'secondary student' standing in the last row of the classroom, raised a hoof, and Zheng Qing nodded to signal her to speak.


The little brown mare puffed up her chest and expressed her confusion politely: "As far as I know, the fire sand 'Super Arrow', the gold sand 'Zhubiao', the wood sand 'Muli', and the earth sand 'Huangbiao'

' belongs to red cinnabar; water sand 'black label' belongs to black cinnabar... I feel that their classification is very unbalanced and lacks the symmetrical beauty of magic. What is the reason for this?"

"Just call me teacher, I'm not a professor yet."

The young teaching assistant cheerfully corrected the wrong wording of the brown mare, and at the same time patted the handout on the table: "This question is very good, and it is also the part we want to emphasize in this lesson... Now, open your

On the third page of the handout, 'The compatibility of red sand and black sand', we start from the attributes of yin and yang to understand the irregular characteristics of 'red and black'..."

The two consecutive questions and answers harmonized the classroom atmosphere very well.

This made Zheng Qing's class go particularly smoothly.

Until the bell rings.

The soundproof barrier attached to the tent was lifted, and the sounds of waves and gulls in the distance could be heard one after another. Zheng Qingcai closed the handout in his hands with unfinished content.

"That's it for this class," he skillfully arranged the homework, and then emphasized: "A solid foundation is the real shortcut to mastering talismans. This is especially important for you. Remember, your homework

It’s not written to me, but to you in the future.”

The old chicken soup passed down from generation to generation was instilled in others, which made Zheng Qing feel particularly satisfied.

The tent curtain is rolled up.

Most of the volunteers from Astronomy Class 08-1 were the first to leave. After greeting Zheng Qing, they ended their volunteer mission in small groups; Iseni led several half-giant classmates and walked out of the classroom in a swaggering manner;

Ding Dong Er and Ding Dong Er sat awkwardly in their seats, as if they wanted to go out to play, but seeing that their teacher and boss was still on the podium, they did not dare to leave first; Nicholas and Liu Feifei chewed their ears as usual, but they did not know that they were discussing

Homework, still talking about love.

Zheng Qing sorted out the lecture notes and raised his head, only to find that Fatty Xin and Xiao Xiao had squeezed in front of the lecture table at some point and were crowding around the three great elves, greeting them.

"...Do you know me?"

The fat wizard had a shy belly, a familiar look on his face, and his tone was a bit emotional: "When you came to 403, you were just a little bit, but now you have grown up... it's great!"

After he made the sign "very small" with his finger, he blew his nose loudly.

Li Meng on the other side rolled his eyes.

"Do you need a hot towel?" A big elf enthusiastically handed the fat wizard a hot towel, but he didn't know where she conjured it.

"Of course I know you!" Another big elf answered the fat wizard's question and glanced at his belly with nostalgia - apart from the ball, they liked to use the fat wizard's belly as a trampoline the most.

"Everyone misses you so much," the third big elf said, with a hint of regret in his tone: "It's a pity that Mommy doesn't let us go out casually, especially we are not allowed to enter the boys' dormitory again..."


The appearance of this word immediately caused the voices around the big elves to lower a lot. More than one person's ears perked up, and they kept peeking at the three beautiful little girls with their peripheral vision, wondering who the 'mommy' they were talking about was.

Including the students in Astronomy Class 08-1, most people only know that these three beautiful little girls came from Qingqiu Mansion, and very few people know that they were transformed from elves.

“Who is your ‘mommy’?”

Fatty Xin asked in confusion - of course he knew their identities, but because of this, after hearing that they had a mother, he felt more confused than others.

"Mommy is mommy..."

One of the big elves bit his finger and looked around at a loss. He happened to see Zheng Qing behind the desk and immediately waved his hand happily: "Daddy, he asked mommy who she is..."

The fat wizard looked at the big elf in front of him, and then at Zheng Qing, feeling a little dumbfounded.

Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses and twitched the corners of his mouth.

Zheng Qing felt as if he had been hit head-on by a blood talisman bullet, and he had to hold on to the desk to stand steady. Miraculously, the thought in his mind at this moment was, 'Wizards really don't feel fear for no reason.'

, and 'I knew it'!

As if a ladle of cold water had been poured on the boiling water, the atmosphere in the tent that had been noisy due to the end of class suddenly froze. After a few seconds of silence, the boiling water started rolling again, and the young volunteers of Astronomy 08-1 Edition who had not yet left

The clamor of the students from Fringe College instantly surged to the highest point, intertwined with each other, and almost overturned the huge tent.

Most people don't know the inside story.

So when I heard three pretty little girls calling Zheng Qing "Daddy" and knew that they were from Qingqiu Mansion and that there was a "Mommy" in Qingqiu Mansion - anyone with a little bit of logical thinking ability could almost guess that.

The identity of a 'mommy'.

A few people know the inside story.

Because of this, their expressions became a little stiff.

Zheng Qing had a dull expression on his face, not daring to meet anyone's gaze. He just lowered his head and sorted out the thin stack of handouts on the lecture table that he had neatly arranged.

He knew that the fear he felt outside the tent today was not groundless.

He is right to be afraid.

"What did you call him?" Li Meng's surprised voice reached Zheng Qing's ears.


Zheng Su didn't know which big elf from the 123th place, so he replied in a very serious voice: "Mommy said, during class, you have to call daddy 'sir', and after class, you can call daddy!"


Zheng Qing couldn't help but look up.

Just seeing three pairs of innocent, shining eyes made him completely unable to get angry - Pessoa said that love is eternal innocence, and the only innocence is not thinking.

"It's time to do the Transfiguration!"

Jiang Yu rushed to the podium, grabbed Zheng Qing's wrist, dragged him, and squeezed out of the crowd very forcefully: "Sorry, your teacher still has classes to attend. If you have any questions, you can consult Zhihe..."

Zheng Qing reacted in a daze.

Yes, today is Thursday.

Later came the time-changing course 'Clone Transformation', a course that Lao Yao had set up for him and Jiang Yu alone. Just thinking about it, he had the urge to run away.

But the witch held him tightly.

Don't let him have the courage to escape.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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