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Chapter 945 Forgiveness requires three nails

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Chapter 2723 Forgiveness requires three nails

In this world, you can only feel pain when you are alive. After death, there is only emptiness, and there is no such thing as discouragement. People often say that "life is worse than death", which generally means this.

And that feeling of emptiness can often be found in deep sleep.

Just like now.

Zheng Qing's consciousness stayed in the deep seabed for an unknown length of time, unconsciously, until at a certain moment, he suddenly woke up and felt a ray of sunlight falling above his head, leading him to slowly float to the surface, but the next second he seemed to be sitting down

In front of the desk, I started to read a book called "Life".

The first page is birth, pink and tender, with a loud cry.

Then came kindergarten, elementary school, original intention, and high school. Each page was filled with fragments from his corresponding life, and many memories he had long forgotten were presented to him freshly and vividly one by one.

Until after high school.

After turning the last page of high school, the style of this book suddenly changed. If it was a documentary before, recording every bit of his life in detail like a diary, then after high school, this book suddenly became


An incredible world, bizarre scenes, and realistic yet exaggerated dialogue.

As the book was flipped through by him, it was blank.

The world in front of us becomes brighter and brighter.

A voice that does not belong to this book gradually came to my ears——

"...I thought the school would send people from the school working committee to guard him."

"...It is precisely because we made a big mistake that we need to make up for it."

"...Oh, you can also deceive yourself by saying this. I finally figured it out. If we guard him, it is equivalent to being under house arrest here with him... People from the school working committee can leave the school and even leave the island.

, but we can only be earthbinders... because they are worried that we will help him escape from the island!"

"……Do not think too much……"

"...Is this just random thinking? When Tom kept that pair of gloves, I warned you that Nia would eventually become everyone's trouble! At that time, you also said that I was thinking wildly, but what happened? Don't look at him all day long

Serious and meticulous...just like people who laugh and laugh every day are most likely to suffer from depression!"

"...Life is like an onion. It wraps itself up layer by layer day after day. It looks bright and gorgeous on the surface, but has an indifferent temperament. Unless you cut it open deliberately, the smell that can make you cry will always stay in your memory.

In the mezzanine...or in the growth rings.”

Ah sneeze!

Zheng Qing seemed to smell the strong smell of onions and couldn't help but sneeze loudly.

Then he felt that he finally broke free from the oppressive and swaying sea, rushed out of the water, and his eyes suddenly opened up, but what he saw was not the blue sky, but the snow-white ward roof.

Zheng Qing is very familiar with the ceiling of the school hospital - although he has not visited many times in this short period of time, like those fuzzy and broken images deep in his memory, things he thought he had forgotten long ago only need a little introduction.

You can recall it clearly.

When the boy sneezed, the conversation in the room suddenly stopped.

The next second, two familiar faces appeared in front of him almost at the same time, one on the left and one on the right, completely blocking his sight.

The one on the left is Zhang Yu, the leader of the teaching assistant team, and the one on the right is Hilda, the practical teacher.

"Are you awake?" Hilda looked anxious.

"Wake up." Zhang Yu obviously breathed a sigh of relief.

In just a moment, a large group of therapists in white robes swarmed in, filling the originally spacious room, while the two wizards from the teaching assistant group huddled in the corner of the room until the end.

The nurse who gave the medicine left, and they reappeared in front of Zheng Qing.

"How do you feel?" Hilda touched the copper ring on her nose.

This made Zheng Qing inexplicably think of the Minotaurs he had contracted with in the Order of Merlin.

"Very good. It's never been so good."

The young public-funded student muttered and touched his belly: "... I feel refreshed and feel like I can eat a cow now, but Mrs. Bella won't let me eat, saying that the pharmacology laboratory hasn't finished testing my body yet.

The remaining potion ingredients..."

"This is to avoid uncontrollable risks, you have to understand."

The acting head of the teaching assistant group comforted her warmly: "If you feel too hungry, you can continue to sleep for a while... The Beta Town Post reported a news article before, saying that a witch in Great Britain took a nap and suddenly woke up.

You speak nymph, I hope you have such good luck."

"Thank you, leader... It's a pity that I didn't take Nymph language as an elective this semester, otherwise I would have lost one class." Zheng Qing's flowing thoughts felt as if he could already speak the language of Nymphs, and he couldn't help but think of that.

A full course schedule.

The gravity of the class schedule tugs at the boys' thoughts.

Let him slowly return to reality.

Then he remembered the conversations he heard when he was hazy, and his whole body became more and more awake.

"Where's Thomas?" he asked subconsciously.

Then the faces of the two assistant coaches suddenly became ugly.

"Feel sorry…"

Zheng Qing realized that he had mentioned an inappropriate name and carefully shrank into the bed.

"It's us who should be sorry. You have nothing to apologize for."

Zhang Yu shook his head and simply replied: "When we found the illegal laboratory, he had already disappeared without a trace... He is a core member of the teaching assistant team and knows the school's search methods very well, so...

We will bring him to justice as soon as possible. Finally... I'm sorry."

He bowed deeply to Zheng Qing.

"Ah, eh? It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, this matter has nothing to do with you!" Zheng Qing sat up in a hurry and waved his hands randomly: "It's him and Nikita——"

Zhang Yu quickly made a gesture, blocking Zheng Qing's next words in his throat.

"Those things are not appropriate to talk about here."

He forced a smile, glanced outside the door, and lowered his voice slightly: "——It's not suitable to talk to us either. The divination team has roughly figured out what happened to you, and someone from the school working committee should come to talk to you later.

Verify. It’s still the prime period for hunting. They are all in the Silent Forest and have not come back. As for Thomas——"

He glanced at Hilda hesitantly.

The practical class teacher who usually laughs and laughs now has a gloomy face.

The head of the teaching assistant team sighed deeply: "——After all, he was one of us. I must emphasize this. This fact has nothing to do with your safety and health, nor violence or kidnapping, but

The honor, dignity, and even the value of existence of the assistant coaching staff. How much everyone loved him before, but now they are so disappointed in him."

"This is not something that can be settled by simply repenting." Hilda said with a gloomy expression: "Repentance only requires a cross, while forgiveness requires three nails plus a cross."

This chapter has been completed!
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