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Chapter 2741 963 Registered Talisman Painter

"——The assessment of registered Talisman Master is divided into two parts, the theoretical examination in the morning and the practical examination in the afternoon."

"The theoretical part includes the three main subjects of basic talismans, rune structure, and cryptic text on talisman feet, as well as cloud seal scripts, yin and yang talismans, ink urns, talismans, complex texts, alchemy books, an introduction to talisman schools, and an outline of the development history of talismans

Eight sub-subjects. Each person needs to choose two main subjects and three sub-subjects to participate in the theoretical assessment. The test time for each subject is forty minutes, including the ten minutes of reading before the exam, a total of three and a half hours. All answers need to be written

On the separate answer sheets, the answer sheets have anti-cheating magic. I hope everyone will not try to use their limited skills to challenge the long-term accumulation of the school..."

On the podium, Professor Dorag Barton read out the notes for the exam, and occasionally added a few words to add comments. The candidates in the audience checked the theoretical papers they wanted to assess on the parchment paper that had just been handed out.

Zheng Qing chose basic talismans and rune structure as his main subjects, and he was very confident in these two subjects.

For the secondary subjects, he chose Yunzhuan, Molu, and Yin and Yang Talismans. These three subjects mainly involve the Yin and Yang transformations of ancient talismans and basic talismans. They are also Zheng Qing's elective courses this semester, and they are not too difficult for him.

However, this method of temporarily checking test papers is quite refreshing.

Zheng Qing speculates that part of the reason is that doing so can avoid cheating by candidates to the greatest extent.

After all, the test papers of other people sitting around you are likely to be different from your own. Even if you have the skills to spy on other people's answer sheets, it will be difficult to copy the correct answers.

"——Practical assessment, candidates need to complete the standard talismans required by the question within the specified time according to the requirements of the test paper. The completion time for each talisman is two minutes, and a total of ninety standard talismans will be randomly generated..."

Hearing this, Zheng Qing couldn't help but rub his fingers.

The requirement for registered wizard (CPW) talismans is to be proficient in 81 standard talismans, and these 81 talismans are commonly used and fixed.

Registered talisman masters obviously have higher requirements for standard talismans. Not only the number has been increased to ninety, but the assessment content is also randomly generated. Each talisman is only given two minutes - considering that it takes two minutes to complete the process from drawing to infusing spirit.

A series of links, it can be said that the requirements are quite high.

Even with Zheng Qing's mastery of talismans, he still found it a bit tricky, and suddenly he was a little worried about whether he could successfully draw all ninety standard talismans.

"--at last!"

Professor Barton raised his eyelids and glanced around: "During the practical assessment, each talisman has only one production material, including yellow talisman paper, writing brush, cinnabar, etc., all materials are provided by the school. If you...

If you fail to draw a talisman and you want to make up for it, you can apply for a second set of materials. Don't feel pressured. Many candidates apply for a second or even third set of materials every year, and we have sufficient redundant preparations."

He patted the suitcase next to him, paused for a few seconds, and added: "...Here I will slightly change the subject and give you a small suggestion. During the exam, if you encounter a talisman that you know how to do, don't do it.

Let it go. You know, random generation is a test of character. I remember one year, a candidate completed the first twenty talismans very well, but the twenty-first one was useless. As a result, he didn't care and skipped it.

Drawing the twenty-second number, and then from twenty-two to more than forty, he couldn't understand the questions given in the test paper, and his mentality immediately collapsed... This kind of thing is like eating roasted chestnuts.

For example, if there are a bunch of fried chestnuts on a plate, some people will eat them immediately after picking the ones that are easy to peel, while others would rather pick at the skin of the ones that are not easy to peel than refuse to put them down. It stands to reason that the latter type of people are determined and perseverant, and they deserve praise.

But in the examination room, this strategy will only be counterproductive. Because perseverance requires time, and the most scarce thing in the examination room is time..."


The third-party monitor sent by the Wizards Council coughed twice very hard and glanced at Dorag reproachfully, as if to remind the invigilator not to say anything irrelevant to the pre-exam reading in the examination room.

Professor Barton lowered his head and glanced at the material in his hand, then changed the topic and continued reading from the previous content: "...So, if you feel that the brush is not suitable for you and want to change to a quill pen, charcoal pen, or other pen, please be sure to contact us

Contact the invigilator, that is, tell me. We can provide you with corresponding preparations.

In addition, both the theoretical and practical exams last three and a half hours. If anyone wants to go to the bathroom midway, please raise your hand and leave the exam room together with the supervisor. Only one person is allowed to go at a time. There is also a time limit for this."

At this point, he paused again, looked around, and warned emphatically: "No matter how embarrassed you are about raising your hands, you are not embarrassed about peeing in your pants! Believe me, behind every reminder I give in the exam room, there is a terrible tragedy that happened.


Zheng Qing twitched the corner of his mouth.

Want to laugh.

And they are afraid of losing their merits - at this critical moment, the illusory concepts of merit and luck have a similar deterrent effect on the candidates, and the influence of occultism on the wizards is fully exposed.

There must be many people in the examination room who had similar thoughts to Zheng Qing, and the low laughter disappeared in a flash. Zheng Qing followed the crowd and saw everyone sitting upright, as if the laughter just now was his illusion.

"That's probably it, right?"

Professor Dorag Barton put away the reading materials, tilted his head, and looked politely at his two temporary colleagues.

The high commissioner of the Three-Chased Sword named Jiang Jizhou continued to have a sullen face and nodded imperceptibly, perfectly explaining the meaning of the word "zombified" for zombies.

On the other hand, the round-faced wizard who had just coughed twice—Zheng Qing remembered that his name was Gregory—smiled and took a step forward, and said to everyone kindly:

"In short, the assessment is held every year. If you fail the test this year, you can try again next year. We don't want everyone to receive a summons from Danhager because of confusion and waste more time.

Remember, if you are caught cheating, the minimum ban is three years!”

He stretched out three fingers and shook them in the air: "——As for everything else, if you have any other questions besides reporting cheating, applying for supplementary materials, and going to the bathroom, please raise your hands... Thank you for your cooperation. Finally,

I wish everyone good luck in taking the exam and getting the registered Talisman Master certificate."

"Receive blessings from heaven and protect your destiny!"

Professor Dorag Barton stroked the test paper and said a low prayer.

"Receive blessings from heaven and protect your destiny!"

Two of his colleagues repeated it in a low voice.

"Receive blessings from heaven and protect your destiny!"

All the candidates in the audience also recited this indiscriminate prayer. However, some people pinched the blessing secrets, some folded their hands on their chests, some made the sign of the cross, and some closed their eyes and silently prayed to the teacher in their hearts.

This chapter has been completed!
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